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Williams B.W. — Power Electronics |
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of fuses, pre-arcing 243 258
Ac regulators 321
Ac regulators with diodes 331
Ac regulators, integral-cycle 333
Ac regulators, integral-half-cycle 337
Ac regulators, open-delta 332
Ac regulators, open-star 328
Ac regulators, single-phase 321
Ac regulators, tap-changing 337
Ac regulators, three-phase 328
Ac regulators, thyristor-diode 331
Ac-dc converters 264
Acceptor 2
Air flow, laminar 100
Air flow, turbulent 100
Air-gap in inductors 635
Air-gap, energy 635
Ambient 101
Ampere’s Law 95
Amplifying gate 56
annealing 6
Anode 51 92
Arc voltage 245 247
Asymmetrical thyristor 57
Avalanche breakdown 7 11 36 70
Avalanche multiplication 11 28 36 70
Back-emf 288
Back-to-back connected converters 481
Barrier potential 9 30
Base current 35 81
Base terminal 35
Base transport factor 34
Bevelling 27 52
Bi-directional thyristor 60
Bipolar diode 2
Bipolar transistor 33 82
Blocking voltage 54 92 139 214
Body diode 44
Boost converter 504 514
Braking 481
Break-over voltage 55 92
Breakdown, avalanche 7 11
Breakdown, first 36 76
Breakdown, punch through 11
Breakdown, second 36
Bridge converters 264
Bridge inverters 413 424 450 455
Bridge rectifiers 265 271 292 296
Bridge with freewheeling diode 268 274 283 300 303
Buck converter 490
Buck-boost converter 516
Buffer, n-type 62
Built-in potential 19
Bus-bar, laminated 675
Capacitance 573
Capacitance, input 40 84 153
Capacitance, junction 19
Capacitance, output 84
Capacitance, reverse transfer 84
Capacitance, scl 18
capacitors 572
Capacitors, ceramic 609
Capacitors, construction 581 593
Capacitors, dissipation factor 575
Capacitors, dv/dt 603
capacitors, electrolytic 581 593
Capacitors, equivalent circuit 744
Capacitors, feed-through 608
Capacitors, leakage 584
Capacitors, lifetime 577 589
Capacitors, metallised 589
Capacitors, mica 613
Capacitors, ripple current 586
Capacitors, self-healing 580
Capacitors, snubber 165 211
Capacitors, snubber, stray 614
Capacitors, snubber, voltage rating 583
Capacitors, snubber, X class 260 606
Capacitors, snubber, Y class 260 608
Carrier injection efficiency 34
Carrier multiplication 12
Catch winding 211
Cathode 51
Cathode shorts 55 57
Centre-tapped transformer 272
Ceramic capacitors 609
Channel resistance 42 83
Characteristic of diodes 25 71
Characteristic of fuses 242
Characteristic of thyristors 52 92
Characteristic of transistors 32 75
Charge 153
Chopper 348
Cmos characteristics 148
Coercive force 627
Collector current 35 123
Collector terminal 34
Collector-emitter voltage 36
Common mode noise 258
Commutation circuits 332
Commutation failure 307
Commutation in current-fed inverters 450 451
Commutation interval 137
Commutation, forced 95
Commutation, group 338
Commutation, inductance 306
Commutation, interval 137
Commutation, line 264 321
Commutation, load 957
Commutation, natural 95 264
Commutation, overlap 306
Commutation, resonant link 95
Commutation, self 485
Commutation, source 139
Commutation, time 137
Components, capacitor 572
Components, fuse 242
Components, inductors 617
Components, power resistors 680
Components, transformer 612
Conducted noise 258
Conduction loss 110
Conduction, heat 100
Conduction, simultaneous 425
Conductivity, electrical 1 17
Conductivity, thermal 7
Constant current 39
Constant current inverter 450
Constant resistance 39
Contact potential 4 30
Controlled converter 264
Convection, forced 100 105
Convection, natural 100
converter 489
Converter, balanced 547
Converter, boost 504 514
Converter, buck 490
Converter, buck-boost 516
Converter, flyback 504 516
Converter, forward 490
Converter, isolated 538
Converter, overlap 504
Converter, push-pull 547
Converter, resonant dc-dc 550 557
Converter, reversible 526
Converter, ringing choke 503
Converter, step up 504
Converters, bidirectional 264
Converters, controlled 264
Converters, fully controlled 264
| Converters, half-controlled 264
Converters, matrix 341
Converters, overlap 306
Converters, reversible 481 526
Converters, single-phase bridge 271
Converters, summary 312
Converters, three phase 292 296
Converters, uncontrolled 264
Converters, unidirectional 264
Cooling air 102
Cooling by convection 102
Cooling convection 100
Cooling forced air 103 105
Cooling heat pipe 104
Cooling liquid 103
Cooling of semiconductor devices 102
Core losses 627
Core losses, eddy 631
Core losses, hysteresis 631
Core, magnetic, ferrite 621
Core, magnetic, iron 618
Coupling, magnetic 212
Coupling, magnetic, critical inductance 536
Coupling, magnetic, crowbar 257
Coupling, magnetic, current, base 35
Coupling, magnetic, current, continuous 276 353 372 377 490
Coupling, magnetic, current, discontinuous 276 357 365 375 490
Coupling, magnetic, current, gate 93
Coupling, magnetic, current, holding 94
Coupling, magnetic, current, latching 94
Coupling, magnetic, current, peak let-through 2440
Coupling, magnetic, current, prospective fault 244
Current amplification factor 35
Current de-focussing 62
Current focussing 61
Current ratings 71 92
Current sharing 236
Current source inverter 450
Current source inverter, single phase 450
Current source inverter, three phase 451
Current tailing 91 96
Current transfer ratio 35
Current transformer 659
Cycloconverter 338
Cycloconverter, negative group 338
Cycloconverter, positive group 338
Cycloconverter, single phase 339
Cycloconverter, three phase 340
Damping factor 170 175 204
Darlington transistor pair 32
Dc blocking capacitor 548
Dc chopper 348
Dc converter, analysis discontinuous 565
Dc converter, asymmetrical 397
Dc converter, back emf 353
Dc converter, bipolar 393
Dc converter, boost 504
Dc converter, comparison 533 535
Dc converter, control 495 509 519
Dc converter, critical inductance 536
Dc converter, Cuk 533
Dc converter, design 522
Dc converter, flyback 504 516
Dc converter, forward 490
Dc converter, four quadrant 351 400
Dc converter, full bridge 400 549
Dc converter, half bridge 549
Dc converter, isolation 538
Dc converter, multi level 392 395
Dc converter, multiphase 361
Dc converter, one-quadrant (first) 349 351
Dc converter, push-pull 547
Dc converter, quasi-resonant 165
Dc converter, resonant 550
Dc converter, reversible 526
Dc converter, step-down 490
Dc converter, step-down/up 516
Dc converter, step-up 504 514
Dc converter, two quadrant 349 371
Dc converter, zero switching 138
Dc link 432
Dc mean value 23
Dc switching regulators 489
Dc to ac inverters 413 450
Dc to dc switch mode converters 489
Dead banding 442
Delay angle 274 277 282 296
Delay time 72 80 95 321
Delay, angle of 274 304 321
Demagnetising core 540
Demagnetising winding 540 545
Density, acceptor 2
Density, donor 2
Density, free electron 1
Depletion mode 37
Depletion, layer 9 18
Depletion, width 20
Derating, percentage 227 413
Design, base drive 153
Design, current transformer 659
Design, gate drive 155 156 158
Design, heat sink 110
Design, inductor 637 668
Design, saturable inductor 196 645
Design, smps 215 227 489
Design, snubber LRD 188 192
Design, snubber RC 166
Design, snubber RCD 178 185 205
Design, soft clamp 172
Design, unified 200
Design, voltage transformer 650
di/dt, initial 51 92 172 188 233
dielectric constant 5 8
Differential mode noise 261
Diffusion 3
Diode 9
Diode, bridge 271 413
Diode, epitaxial 26
Diode, fast recovery 25 71
Diode, form factor 314
Diode, hot electron 31
Diode, model 14 15 18
Diode, one sided 21
Diode, p-i-n 27
Diode, parasitic 44
Diode, Schottky 29
Diode, SiC 13 32
Diodes, avalanche of 11
Diodes, characteristics of 25 71
Diodes, construction of 25
Diodes, forward loss in 113
Diodes, parallel operation of 236
Diodes, series operation of 227
Diodes, single phase rectifier 271
Diodes, switching behaviour of 72
Diodes, three-phase rectifier 295
Discrimination 242
Displacement factor 312 344
Distortion factor 344 412 421
Dmos 38
Donor 2
Dopant 1
Drain 37 83
Drive circuits 146 157
Drive circuits, high side 151
Drive circuits, isolated 147
Drive circuits, low side 151
dv/dt 55
dv/dt, applied 55 95
dv/dt, reapplied 95
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