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Friedlander S.J. (Ed), Serre D. (Ed) — Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 3 |
Предметный указатель |
Federbush, P. 165 171 185 187 222 235 235
Fefferman, CL. 164 235
Fickett, W. 315 316 328 526
Fields, empirical 7
Fields, hydrodynamic 47 60
Fields, hydrodynamical 13 15 45 51—53 61
Finite differences (in time) 559
Fjortoft, R. 250 305
Fleet, T.M. 755 [51]
Flow, Blasius 285
Flow, Couette 285
Flow, Poiseuille 285
Foias, C. 221 235 657
force 165 166 168 174 189 200 228—230
Forward self-similar solutions 221—226
Fourier, J. 172 235
Fowles, G.R. 332 507 526
Francheteau, J. 499 526
Frazier, M. 176 178 180 181 191 203 238
Freeman, N.C. 329 507 526
Frehse, J. 166 238
Freistiihler, H. 313 316 326 327 333 335 338 368 499 500 526
Friedlander, S. 163 172 231 236 308
Friedman, A. 339 341 527
Friedrichs, K.O. 315 317 318 387 526
Friedrichs-type energy estimate 387 448
Fritz, J. 7 50
Fujita, H. 167 171 205 208 209 215 232 235
Function, Boltzmann H 42
Function, Evans 345
Function, Evans, reduced 443
Function, Hardy — Littlewood maximal 198
Function, Lyapunov 205 208 230 232 233
Furioli, G. 171 202 209 211 214 217 218 235
Gaerding inequality 448
Galerkin method 556 610
Galilean invariance 513 516
Gallagher, I. 233 234 239 307
Gallavotti, G. 74 81
Galloping instabilities 316
Gamblin, P. 104 107 110 113 143 755
Gap lemma 494
Gardner, C.S. 507 527
Gardner, R.A. 313 316 322 335 343—347 355 357 367 417 425 443 494 524
Gas and magnetohydrodynamics 500
Gas dynamics 317 488 489 508
Gasser, I. 315 370 371 527
Gel'fand, I.M. 527 [Ge]
Gelfand — Lions inclusions 555
Generalized spectral decomposition 361
Genuine, coupling 318 352 490
Genuine, hyperbolic coupling 500
Genuine, nonlinearity 326 500
Geostrophic 537
Gerard, P. 757 [4]; 755 [54]; 239 [98]
GFD 614
GFD-Stokes problem 614 640 645
Ghidaglia, J.-M. 645 648 657
Gibbs measure 71
Gibbs states 41
Giga, M.-H. 227 239
Giga, Y. 192 193 195 201 202 216 222 227 239
Gilbarg, D. 326 527
Gill, A.E. 297 305
Gill, A.F. 570 571 657
Glancing 320 332 455
Global circulation models 537
Global equilibrium 9
Global Maxwellian 41 58
Godillon, P. 313 527
Godunov, S.K. 317 486 527
Goldstein, S. 74 50
Golse, F. 59 60 74 79
Goodman, J. 313 334 384 387 393 447 527
Goodman-type weighted norm 387
Gottwald, G. 335 525
Goulaouic, C. 757 [10]
Grad angular cutoff 38
Grad, A. 4 50 57
Grad, H. 4 38 50 57
Gramchev, T. 171 235
Grand-canonical ensemble 10 11
Grand-canonical state 11
Grassin, M. 525 [BGS]
Gravity 542
Green — Kubo formula 54 62—64
Green, M.S. 54 57
Greenspan, H.P. 297 305
Grenier, E. 254 268—272 293 300 303 306 307 334 525
Grisvard, P. 540 614 615 619—621 630 657
Gronwall lemma 212 580 595 607 609 613
Gruneisen coefficient 524
Guenther, R.B. 188 235
Guerra,I. 229 236
Gues, O. 313 315 319 334 354 449 452 466 486—488 525
Guillen-Gonzalez, F. 540 657
Hadamard stability 328
Haltiner, G. 541 564 657
Haney, R. 570 571 657
Hanges, N. 755 [55]
Haraux, A. 227 239
Hard potentials 38
Hard sphere model 18
Hard spheres 4 36 38
Hardy 179
Hardy spaces 179 198 234
Hardy — Littlewood maximal function 198
Hardy — Littlewood — Sobolev inequalities 202
Hausdorff — Young inequality 484
Heat conducting ideal gas 54
Heat equation 77 226 234 625
Heisenberg principle 185
Henningson, D.S. 290 309
Henry, D. 277 305 357 455 525
Heywood, J.G 213 228 234 239
Hilbert expansion 4 37 42 46—48 51 52 54 75 77
Hilbert procedure 46
Hilbert series 46 52
Hilbert, D. 3 4 50 57
Hille — Yosida theorem 339
Hoelder inequality 187 195 203 582 602 606
Hoelder spaces 93 126 176 178
Hoelder — Zygmund spaces 176 177
Hoermander, L. 104 755
Hoff, D. 313 325 338 380 381 385 406 438 447 448 453 455 525
Holm, D.D. 267 305
Homogeneous Boltzmann equation 44 47 48 50
Homogeneous boundary conditions 574
Homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition 623
Homogeneous Neumann condition 623
Homogeneous space 179 180 188 198 203 210 211 232
Horn, R.A. 513 525
Howard, P. 313 316 318 322 331 334 336 342 345—347 352 355 357—359 361 362 370 393 395 410 417 420—425 428 434 438 441 443 455 474 477 494 525
Hu, C. 540 579 614 640 645 657
Huang, C. 144 755
Hughes, M. 88 7<50
Hugoniot curve 326 335
Humidity 537
Humpherys, J. 313 335 336 525
Hunt, R. 188 218 239
Huot,R 313 525
Hydrodynamic equations 64 74
Hydrodynamic fields 47 60
Hydrodynamic limit 37 38 74
Hydrodynamic pressure 14
Hydrodynamical equations 18 37 41 50
Hydrodynamical fields 13 15 45 51—53 61
Hydrodynamical limit 15—17 44 50 64 70
Hydrodynamical limit of the Boltzmann equation 49
Hydrodynamical moments 48
| Hydrodynamical parameters 58
Hydrodynamical regime 50
Hydrostatic approximation 545 564
Hydrostatic equation 538 597
Hyperbolic scaling 55 74
Hyperbolic-parabolic smoothing 352 380
Ianiro,N. 15 50
Ideal fluid 46
Ideal gas 38 41 50 54 56 524
Iftimie, D. 107 110 113 114 159 234 239
Ill posedness 227 234
Illner, R. 19 34 35 37 39 80
Incompressible Euler equations 4
Incompressible Euler regime 56
Incompressible fluid 614
Incompressible limit of the Navier — Stokes equations 56
Incompressible Navier — Stokes equations 4 58 59 60 64
Incompressible Navier — Stokes-Fourier equations 58 62
Inequality Cattabriga — Solonnikov 640
Inequality Cattabriga — Solonnikov-type 649
Inequality Cauchy — Schwarz 203
Inequality Hardy — Littlewood — Sobolev 202
Inequality Hausdorff — Young 484
Inequality Holder 187 195 203 602 606
Inequality interpolation 602 606
Inequality Poincare 604 654
Inequality Sobolev 213 232 234 602 606
Inequality Young 188 192 195 202 206 218 219 612 613
Inhomogeneous space 178 180 210 211
Inner problem 324 441
Instantaneous projection 381 394
Interaction potential 15
Interior regularity 619
Interpolation 581
Interpolation inequalities 602 606
Interpolation theory 220
Inui, K. 192 193 239
Inviscid Burgers equation 17
Inviscid stability transition 332 334
Iooss, G. 307 308
Isobar 565
Jawerth, B. 176 178 180 181 191 203 238
Jeffrey, A. 320 489 528
Jenssen, K. 313 529
Johnson, C.R. 513 528
Jones, B.R 192 202 238
Jones, C.K.RT. 316 344 345 355 357 367 417 425 524
Joseph, D.D. 233 239
Kac, M. 4 81
Kanel, Y. 385 529
Kapitula, T. 322 343 355 393 488 494 529
Karch, G 163 166 171 174 227 229 231 234 236
Kato, J. 239 [103]
Kato, T. 757 [12]; 759 [61]; 167 171 195 201 202 204 208 209 214—216 227 232 233 238 305 344 346 425 460 494 498 529
Katz, N.H. 163 239
Kawanago, T. 231 239
Kawashima class 317
Kawashima, S. 313 317 318 352—354 372 377 383—385 447—450 452 485 529
Kawashima-type energy estimate 389 449
Kazhikov, A. 540 657
KdV equations 227
Khesin, B.A. 254 265 266 307
Kim, H. 229 237
Kinematic energy 539
kinetic energy 541
Klainerman, S. 56 81 759 228 240
Koch, H. 179 209 210 240
Kohn, R. 164 236
Kontorovich, V.M. 329 507 529
Kozlov, V.A. 540 614 657
Kozono, H. 166 213 214 224 226 240
Kreiss, G 313 335 529
Kreiss, H.-O. 313 316 320 329 364 365 457 529
Kubo, R. 15 54 81
Kuroda, S.T. 205 238
Lachowicz, M. 37 47 49 50 81
Lamb, H. 305 [41]
Landau, L.D. 228 230 240
Lanford, O.E. 4 7 24 36 57
Lang, S. 519 529
Laplace — Beltrami operators 544
Laplace — Fourier transform 334 339
Laprise, R. 537 657
Lateral boundary of the ocean 547
Law of large number 36
Laws, conservation 108 110
Laws, Newton 4
Lax, characteristic conditions 327
Lax, P.D. 324 325 327 527
Lax, shock 322 367 454 475 477 479 500
Lax, structure theorem 325 501
Le Jan, Y. 165 188 194 224 226 240
Lebowitz, J.L. 51 58 74 50
Lee, H.I. 316 530
Lemarie-Rieusset, P.-G. 88 759 187 194 202 209 211 214 216—218 222 227 233 235
Lemma, Bernstein's 175
Lemma, Gronwall's 212 580 595 607 609 613
Lemma, uniform 605
Lemma,-"div-curl" 193
Lemoine, J. 540 657
Leray theorem 145
Leray — Hopf operator 195
Leray — Hopf projection 167 192 207
Leray, J. 759 [66]; 163 171 211 221 247
Lerner, N. 755 [33]
Levermore, CD. 59 60 79
Levinson, N. 526 [CL]
Lichtenstein, L. 103 759
LiefVendahl, M. 313 335 529
Lifshitz, E.M. 228 230 240
Lifting operator 630
Lilly, H. 303 305
Lin, C.C. 305 [46]; 314 530
Lin, F.-H. 164 247
Linear Boltzmann equation 5 64 74 77
Linear Boltzmann operator 42 45 49 52
Linearized Boltzmann operator 47 62
Linearized stability 374 381 446
Lions, J.-L. 305 [47]; 305 [48]; 538—540 548 549 551 557 559 565 570—572 602 614 643 644 647 657
Lions, P.-L. 4 59 60 50 193 213 234 237 309
Liouville equation 12 13 16 25—27 29 61
Liouville measure 9 10
Liouville operator 25 27 29 62
Liouville theorem 39
Littlewood — Paley 186
Littlewood — Paley decomposition 165 174 175 178 184—186 188 234
Littlewood — Paley theory 126
Liu — Oleinik condition 326
Liu, H. 313 530
Liu, T.-P. 51 52 326 327 335 338 377 379 393 410 441 490 491 527
Lizorkin space 210
Local equilibrium 9 15 16 38 41 46 51 52 58 62 63 75 77
Local equilibrium, assumption 12 13 15 38 40 50 61
Local equilibrium, average 13
Local equilibrium, distribution 12 13
Local equilibrium, state 12 77
Local Gibbs state 61
Local Leray solution 169
Local Maxwellian 41 52 58
Localized instabilities 259
Loefstrom, J. 188 219 220 235
Lombardo, M.C. 294 307
Lopatinski determinant 508
Lopes Filho, M.C. 114 159
Lord Kelvin 314 529
LordRayleigh 249 309 537
Lorentz 165 191
Lorentz model 64 74 78
Lorentz spaces 187 193 198 217 218 220 224 226 229 231
Low density limit 70
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