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Marcus M., Rosen J. — Markov Processes, Gaussian Processes and Local Times |
Предметный указатель |
Potential density 17 77 105 530
Potential of a continuous additive functional 90
Potential operator 16 65 125
Potential operator of a continuous additive functional 90
Preston, C. 280
Probability space 7
Projection theorem 583
Pseudo-metric 8
Pure jump process 139
Quadratic variation 59 457
Quasi left continuity 149
Random Fourier series 238
Random variable 7
Random walk 60
Rapidly decreasing 513
Rapidly decreasing function 545
Ray process 172
Ray semigroup 164 165
Ray — Knight compactification 188
Ray — Knight Theorem, applications of 58
Ray — Knight Theorem, first 48 366
Ray — Knight Theorem, second 53 372 378 386
Ray's Theorem for Brownian motion 56 543
Ray's Theorem, Eisenbaum's version 534
Ray's Theorem, for difiusions 532
Ray's Theorem, original version 538
Ray, D. 5 49 58 59 61 120 188 537
Recurrence of elements 93
Recurrence of processes 95
Recurrent process 17
Reducible matrix 600
Reference measure 73
Reflection principle 27 158
Regular symmetric transition densities 77
Regular transition densities 76
Regularly varying function 304
Reproducing kernel Hilbert space 204
Reproducing kernel Hilbert space of fractional Brownian motion 511
Resolvent equation 66 73 77
Reuter, G.E.H. 455
Revuz, D. 56 61 123 125 173
Rodemich, E. 280 361
Rogers, L.C.G. 61 86 101 124 144 150 175 366
Rosen, J. 1 2 5 61 120 152 361 394 454 455 457 496 527 550 579
Royden, H.L. 590
Rumsey Jr., H. 280 361
Sato, K 212
Scaling property of fractional Brownian motion 498
Semigroup property 16
Separability 9
Shao, Q. 242
Sharpe, M. 119
Shepp, L.A. 242 361
Sheppard, P. 61 550
Shi, Z. 2 5 60 61 395 527
Shift operator 21
Signature matrix 561
Sirao, T. 361
Slepian's Lemma 227 295
Slepian, D. 242
Slowly varying function 304 594
Smits, R.G. 527
Smoothly varying function 438
Souslin scheme 583
Spectral density 237 238
| Spectral distribution 237 238
Speed measure 144
Spencer, T. 1
Squared Bessel process 581
Stable mixture 427 437
Stable process 141
Stable process, canonical 42 141
Standard metric 233
Standard augmentation 28 69
Standard normal sequence 192
State space 63
Stationary increments, process with 235
Stationary process 235
Stochastic continuity 9
Stochastic process 7
Stone — Weierstrass Theorems 590
Stone, C.J. 61
Stopping time 23 93
Stopping time, measurability of 151
Strictly negative 6
Strictly positive 6
Strictly positive definite matrix 190 598
Strong continuity 176
Strongly symmetric process 75
Stroock, D. 188
Sub-Markov kernel 62
Sub-Markov semigroup 63
Sudakov, V.N. 214 233 241
Supermedian function 164 182
Surface measure 214
Symmetric operator 130
Symmetric process 75
Symmetric stable process, inverse local time 502
Takeda, M. 119
Talagrand's Theorem 263 267
Talagrand, M. 4 234 241 242 263 280 580 591
Taylor, S.J. 5 456 495
Terminal time 42 105
Teugels, J. 304 438 594
Tight family of measures 591
Tran, L. 120
Transience of elements 93
Transience of processes 95
Transition operator 16
Transition probability density function 16
Transition semigroup 63 64
Trotter, H. 61 120
Tsirelson, B.S. 214 241
Type A 307
U-distinguishable 233
Unbounded discontinuity 208
Uniform norm 121
Usual augmentation see standard augmentation
van der Hofstad, R. 60
Varadhan, S.R.S. 527
Vector lattice 590
Version 98
Walsh, J. 455 496 550
Watanabe, H. 361
Weakly diagonally dominant 556
Williams, D. 61 86 101 119 144 150 175 366 550
Wittman, R. 78
Wojtaszczyk, P. 591
Yor, M. 56 61 123 125 173 581
Zero row sums 556
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