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Ruelle D. — Thermodynamic Formalism: The Mathematical Structure of Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics |
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Algebra at infinity 19
Anosov diffeomorphism 143
Anosov’s closing lemma 124
Axiom see “Condition”
Axiom A diffeomorphism 143
Basic set 124
Bernoulli flow 163
Bernoulli shift 79 128 155
Borel set 154
Boundary term 16
Cluster property 19 21 40
Cluster property, exponential 96
Cohomological interpretation 161
Commuting continuous maps 112
Condition, (+T), (+T'), (+T'') 148
Condition, (A), (B), (C) 20
Condition, (A’), (B’), (C) 21
Condition, (D) 57
Condition, (D*) 22
Condition, (E) 138
Condition, (M) 149
Condition, (M1), (M2), (M3), (M4) 24
Condition, (M5) 62
Condition, (SS1) 121
Condition, (SS2) 122
Condition, (SS3) 128 161
Condition, (T), (T'), (T'') 149
conditional probabilities 28 160
Configuration space 3 7 11
Conjugate points 131
Conjugating homeomorphism 131
contour 31
Cover 102
DLR equations 23
Dynamical system, abstract 154
Dynamical system, topological 148
Dynamical system, topologically + transitive 148
Dynamical system, topologically mixing 149
Dynamical system, topologically transitive 149
Energy 4 12
Entropy, mean, or measure theoretic 6 43 103 155 162
Entropy, on finite set 3 42
Entropy, topological 5 115
Equilibrium state 6 40 110 126 163
Ergodic decomposition 39 49 101 159
Ergodic states see “States ergodic”
Expanding map 138
Expansive -action 4 101
Extremal point 151
Face of compact set 157
Flow 162
Flow, Smale 161
Flow, special 163
Fluctuations 49
Function 34
Function 81
Generic property 146
Gibbs ensemble 3 13
Gibbs phase rule 49
Gibbs state 7 14 60 133 161
Gibbs state, pure 20
Gibbs state, unique 21
Hard cores 12 68
interactions 12
Interactions, exponentially decreasing 83
Interactions, finite range 34
Interactions, invariant 34
Interactions, pair 55
Interactions, physically equivalent 61
Interactions, space 57
Interactions, space 83
Interactions, space 70
Interactions, space 34
Interactions, space 34
Isomorphism 25
Isomorphism, -isomorphism 62
Kolmogorov — Sinai invariant 103 155
Lattice (=Crystal lattice) 7 11 34
Lattice (=ordered set) 146
Lattice gas 11 55 68
Lattice system 24
Lattice system, -lattice system 62
Lattice system, mixing 70 78
Lattice system, restriction to a subgroup 64
Lattice system, sum and product 32
Lattice system, transitive 69
Lebesgue number 102
Lebesgue space 154
Limit, thermodynamic 13 14
Limit, Van Hove 43
Linear functional, P-bounded 152
| Linear functional, tangent 152
Local product structure 121
Markov partition 124 140
Measure, abstract 154
Measure, Bowen 132
Measure, maximal 158
Measure, probability 153 (see also “State”)
Measureable set 154
Mixture 49
Morphism 24
Morphism, -morphism 62
nearest neighbors 63
Non-periodicity 65
Non-wandering point 148
Non-wandering set 124 148
Observable 12
Operator 80
Operator 20
Operator 82
Partition 102 155
Partition function 3 35 104 133
Partition function, with periodic boundary condition 90
Partition, -independent 155
Partition, generating 155
Partition, weak Bernoulli 156
Phase, coexistence 53
Phase, mixture 49
Phase, pure thermodynamic 8 49
Phase, rule 49
Phase, transition 8 160
Pressure 4 37 104 126 163
Pressure, relative 115
Pressure, strict convexity of 61
Property see “Condition”
Pseudo-orbit 123
rectangle 125
Residual set 146
Resultant of measure 157
Separated set 105 162
Set 36
Shadowing 123
Shub’s entropy conjecture 161
simplex 158
Smale space 121
Space 123 126
Space , 84
Space of interactions see “Interactions space”
Spaces , 85
Spanning set 106
Spectral decomposition 124
State 12 101
State, ergodic 39 101 159
State, invariant 39 (see also “Equilibrium state” “Gibbs state”)
Subadditivity 147
Subadditivity, strong 42
Subcover 102
Subshift of finite type 69
Symbol set 125
Symbolic dynamics 125
Symmetry breakdown 8 59
Symmetry group 33
Temperature 4
Theorem, Abramov 163
Theorem, Bishop — Phelps 152
Theorem, central limit 129
Theorem, Dobrushin 160
Theorem, Friedman — Ornstein 156
Theorem, Hahn — Banach 150
Theorem, Israel 50 112 152
Theorem, Krein — Milman 151
Theorem, Lanford — Robinson 152
Theorem, Markov — Kakutani 151
Theorem, Mazur 152
Theorem, Milman 23 152
Theorem, Ornstein 156
Theorem, Parry 133
Theorem, Perron — Frobenius 144
Theorem, separation 151
Thermal equilibrium 4
Thermodynamic formalism 3
Transfer matrix 80
Transition matrix 125
Translation of lattice 34
Translation, invariance 33
Undecidability 65
Upper semi-continuity 147
Vague topology 153
Variational Principle 3 6 45 108 117 163
Wandering point 148
Weak topology 151
Zeta function 89 135 164
“Coarse-grained” quantity 49
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