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Fried M.D., Jarden M. — Field Arithmetic
Fried M.D., Jarden M. — Field Arithmetic

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Название: Field Arithmetic

Авторы: Fried M.D., Jarden M.


ield Arithmetic explores Diophantine fields through their absolute Galois groups. This largely self-contained treatment starts with techniques from algebraic geometry, number theory, and profinite groups. Graduate students can effectively learn generalizations of finite field ideas. We use Haar measure on the absolute Galois group to replace counting arguments. New Chebotarev density variants interpret diophantine properties. Here we have the only complete treatment of Galois stratifications, used by Denef and Loeser, et al, to study Chow motives of Diophantine statements.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Third Edition

Год издания: 2008

Количество страниц: 815

Добавлена в каталог: 04.05.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Double tangents      392
Doubly transitive (permutation group)      474
Dries - Smith      401
Dries, v. d      426 590
Drinfeld - Vladut      106
Duret      190 191 699
Dwork      741 743
Dwork - Bombieri      743
Effective algorithm      405
Effective computation      412
Efrat      207
Efrat - V$\ddot{o}$lklein      541
Eichler      266
Eisenbud      99
Eisenstein's criterion      30 217
Elementarily equivalent      136
Elementary equivalence theorem      435
Elementary extension      137
Elementary statement      136
Elementary substructure      137
Elimination (of a quantifier)      164
Elimination of quantifiers      163
Elimination theory      410
Embedding (of structures)      137
Embedding cover      571
Embedding lemma      431
Embedding problem      303 502
Embedding property      564
Ends with (word)      351
Enlargement      268
Equality symbol      132
Equivalent (($n + 1$)-tuples)      185
Equivalent (absolute values)      239
Equivalent (algebras)      208
Equivalent (formulas)      150
Equivalent (places)      20
Equivalent (points)      189
Equivalent (valuations)      20
Ershov      196 362 402 436 540 541 542 538 539 576 670 689 697 729
Ershov - Fried      542 593
Ershov-Lavrov-Taimanov-Taitslin      683 694 697 706
Even (ordinal number)      618
Eventually stationary      672
Exceptional (pair of polynomials)      467
Exchange Principle      45
Existential (sentence)      462
Existential elimination lemma      718
Existential symbol      132
Existentially closed      137 656
Existentially Complete      561
Explicit case      440 708
Extension (of function fields)      59
Extension (of structures)      136 656
External (object)      268
Extesnion      294
Faithful (permutation group)      472
Faltings      248
Faltings - W$\ddot{u}$stohlz      247
Fiber product (of groups)      499
Fiber product (of schemes)      246
Field cover      109
Field crossing argument      107 130 324 431 558 562
Field of $p$-adic numbers      17
Field of formal power series      287
Field with a product formula      281
Filter      138
Final tape      672
Finite ($K$-morphism)      180
Finite (element at a place)      20
Finite (embedding problem)      303 502
Finite (place at an element)      20
Finite intersection property      139
Finite points (on a plane curve)      95
Finitely generated (profinite group)      328
Finitely generated (ring cover)      562
First isomorphism theorem for compact groups      5
First order language      132
Formal power series      62
Formal proof      150
Formation      344
formulas      133
Fr$\ddot{o}$hlich - Shepherdson      411
Fractional ideal      31
Frane      145
Franz      266
Frattini $p$-cover      529
Frattini cover      508
Frattini embedding problem      511
Frattini group      497
Free (abstract group)      346
Free (variable)      133
Free generators theorem      379
Free occurrence of a variable in a formula      133
Free pro-$\mathcal{C}$ group      346 349
Free pro-$\mathcal{C}$ group of rank $m$      348
Free product (of profinite groups)      508
Free set of generators      346 605
Free variables (of a formula)      268
Frey      196 205 218 217
Frey - Geyer      194
Frey - Jarden      337 398
Frey - Prestel      205
Fried      130 206 244 264 266 290 471 492 494 540
Fried - Haran - Jarden      428 564 593 729
Fried - Jarden      51 131 196 207 230 262 266 289 336 391 392 395 397 401 402 495 542 581 593 582 635 639 753
Fried - MacCrae      486
Fried - Sacerdote      495 729 738
Fried - V$\ddot{o}$lklein      337 395 397 582 583 752
Fried - V$\ddot{o}$lklein (Conjecture)      759 760
Fried- Guralnick- Saxl      489
Frobenius      130
Frobenius automorphism      9 15
Frobenius automorphism (of a prime ideal)      112
Frobenius density theorem      130
Frobenius field      564
Frobenius fields      559
From the $n$-tracks      672
Full formation      344
Function field      52
Function field (of a $K$-basic set)      424
Function field (of a $K$-variety)      173
Function field (of a curve)      96
Function field (of a projective variety)      186
Function field of several variables      391
Function symbol      132
Functional prime      280 0-
G$\ddot{o}$del      162
G$\ddot{o}$del completeness theorem      154
G$\ddot{o}$del number      159
G$\ddot{o}$del Numbering      403
GA (realization)      321
Galois      493
Galois (polynomial)      235
Galois (ring cover)      562
Galois closure      10
Galois formula      717
Galois ring cover      109
Galois ring/set cover (over $\mathbb{Z}[k^{-1}]$)      732
Galois sentence      720
Galois splitting field (of a Zariski closed set)      454
Galois stratification      717
GAR (realization)      321
Gasch$\ddot{u}$tz      362 525
General polynomial of degree n      296
Generalized Abhyankar's conjecture      70
Generalized Krull domain      283
Generated ($\sigma$-algebra)      362
Generated (formation)      346
Generates (a profinite group)      328
Generates (the group $\mathbb{Z}$)      14
Generic (point)      96
Generic point (of a $K$-variety)      173
Genus (of a curve)      96
Genus (of a function field)      54
Geometric points      188
Geyer      51 176 211 243 288 337 390 393 402
Geyer - Jarden      131 206 211 332 337 391 392 398 402 706 751 752 753 756 759
Geyer - Jarden (Conjecture)      749
Geyer - Jensen      307 336 519
Gilmore - Robinson      277 290
Gilmore - Robinson criterion      289
Global field      112
Goldstein      122 124
Golod - Shafarevich inequality      647
Goppa      106
Graph      679
Graph conditions      689
Grauert - Manin      212
Greatest common divisor (of supernatural numbers)      520
Greenleaf      495
Grothendieck      70 187
Group of divisor classes      53
Group ring      310
Group theoretic diamond theorem      610
Group theoretic section      502
Gruenberg      210 503 542
Guralnick - M$\ddot{u}$ller      487 496
Guralnick - Thompson      266
Haar measure      362
Hall      252 635
Halmos      363 366 376 399 640 645 668
Haran      130 207 385 402 496 540 542 610 633 686
Haran - Jar den      262 266 335 545 583 593 735 752
Haran - Lauwers      729
Haran - Lubotzky      542 568 575 578 593
Haran - V$\ddot{o}$lklein      334
Haran's diamond theorem      265
Harbater      70 334
Hartshorne      187 392
Henkin      162
Hensel's lemma      62
Henselian      203
Henselian closure      203
Herfort - Ribes      542
Hermes      158
Hermite - Minkowski      331
Higher order set      267
Higher order structure      267
hilbert      230 231 266 299 336
Hilbert set      219
Hilbert subset      219
Hilbert's basis theorem      172
Hilbert's irreducibility theorem      219
Hilbert's Nullstellensatz      169
Hilbertian (integral domain)      241
Hilbertian field      219
Hilbertian pair      439
Hirschfeld - Wheeler      670
Holomorphy ring      56
Holomorphy ring theorem      57
Homogeneous (pro-$\mathcal{C}$-group)      595
Hrushovski      215 751
Huppert      208 326 495 498 506 526 536 543 630 637 647 688
Hyperelliptie      70
Hyperplane      174
Hypothesis $H(p,q)$      700
Identity axioms      151
Ihara      106
Ikeda      304 542
Immediate extension      203
Imperfect degree      45
Imperfect exponent      45
Implication symbol      133
Imprimitive (permutation group)      474
Inaba      191 230 266
Inclusion-Exclusion Principle      370
Indecomposable      471
Independent (sets)      369
Independent (valuations and orderings)      242
Index (of a closed subgroup)      520
Induced (conjugacy domain)      707
Induced (cover)      710
Induced (prime divisor)      281
Induced representation      740
Induces (homomorphism)      430
Induction on structure      133
Inductive      656
Inertia field (of a place)      110
Inertia field (of an ideal)      107
Inertia group      25 543
Inertia group (of a place)      110
Inertia group (of a prime ideal)      107
Inference rule      149
Infinite absolute value      281
Infinite prime      276
Infinite sentences      442
Infinitesimal (element)      274
Inflection points      392
Initial tape      671
Injective (polynomial function)      487
Instant      671
Integral closure      30
Integral over (element)      30
Integral over (ring)      31
Integrally closed (ring)      30
Internal ($n$-tuples)      269
Internal (object)      267
Internal function      270
Internal substitutions      269
Interpretation (of an $n$-adic theory)      700
Inverse (of fractional ideal)      31
Inverse limit      1
Inverse system      1
Invertible (fractional ideal)      32
Ireland - Rosen      93
Irreducible ($K$-closed set)      173 185
Irreducible (character)      740
Isomorphic (covers)      513
Isomorphic (projective curves)      96
Isomorphic (structures)      136
Isomorphism theorem for compact groups      5
Iwasawa      516 578 581 582
Iwasawa's Conjecture      582 760
Jacobson      209
Jacobson - Jar den      337 398 443 453 753 756 759
Jannsen      331 519
Janusz      69 123 124 130 464
Jarden      130 148 206 211 243 337 379 380 381 384 398 401 402 451 453 561 592 669 670 729
Jarden - Kiehne      148 431 442 453
Jarden - Lubotzky      587 589 590 611 612 633 645 648 653 654
Jarden - Ritter      516
Jarden - Roquette      193 293
Jarden - Shelah      388 402
Jarden's lemma      542
Jehne      463 466 467 753
Jehne (Conjecture)      467 753
Jehne (Problem)      753
Jehne - Saxl      467
JORDAN      394
Kantor - Lubotzky      638 639 644 654 753
Kernel of the (embedding) problem      502
Kiefe      750
Kiming      307
Kimmerle - Lyons - Sandling - Teaque      650
Klein      290
Klingen      337 438 466 467 495
Knopp      92
Koll$\acute{a}$r      171 199 205 218 462
kronecker      411 428 461 493
Kronecker - Weber      335
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