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Houston W.V. — Principles of Mathematical Physics
Houston W.V. — Principles of Mathematical Physics

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Название: Principles of Mathematical Physics

Автор: Houston W.V.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1934

Количество страниц: 265

Добавлена в каталог: 15.04.2008

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Предметный указатель
Absolute value of a complex number      36
Acceleration      16
Acceleration, along radius      26
Adiabatic transformation      157
Amp$\grave{e}$re, Andre — Marie      212
Ampere, unit of current      214
Analytic properties of a vector      77
Angular momentum, of rigid body      105
Angular velocity      112
Areal velocity      20
Argument of a complex number      36
Auxiliary conditions in a variation problem      60
Auxiliary equation      30
Axes, coordinate      14 26 93
Axes, fixed in moving body      109
Axes, principal      101 114
Bessel’s equation      42
Brachistrochrone      54
Canonical distribution      172
Canonical equations of motion      72
Capacitance      193
Carnot, Sadi      145
Center, of a system of particles      21
Center, of mass of a rigid body      103
Characteristic equation of a thermodynamic system      147
Chasle’s theorem      111
Clausius, R.      146
Complementary function      31
complex numbers      34
Complex numbers, conjugate      35
Complex numbers, functions of real variables      37
Complex numbers, graphical representation      36
Components, of a tensor      100
Components, of a vector      77
Conductivity, electrical      211
Conductor, electrical      192 193
Conic section      27
Conjugate of a complex number      35
Conservation, of angular momentum      20
Conservation, of electrical charge      232
Conservation, of linear momentum      19
Conservation, of mechanical energy      18
Conservation, of thermodynamic energy      154
Conservative forces      65
Constrained motion      68
Continuous distribution of electrical charge      186
Continuous string, vibrations of      128
Coordinates, curvilinear      93
Coordinates, normal      50 123
Coordinates, plane polar      26
Coordinates, right handed Cartesian      14
Cosine, hyperbolic      39
Coulomb, C. A.      182
Coulomb’s law      182
Couple      106
Coupled oscillators      48
Critical point      153
Critically damped vibrations      45
Curl of a vector field      87
Current density      211 216
Curvilinear coordinates      93
Cyclical processes      151
Damped vibrations      44
Decomposition, principle of      37
Density in phase      170
Diamagnetism      220
Dielectric      192 195
dielectric constant      197
Differential equation      2
Differential equation, arbitrary constants in solution      5
Differential equation, complementary function      31
Differential equation, degree of      3
Differential equation, exact      3
Differential equation, homogeneous      8
Differential equation, linear with constant coefficients      29
Differential equation, linear with constant coefficients, first order      6
Differential equation, number of solutions      5
Differential equation, order      3
Differential equation, partial      3
Differential equation, particular integral      31
Differential equation, second order reducible to first order      12
Differential equation, solution by power series      40
Differential equation, solution by separation of variables      5
Differentiation, of integrals      11
Differentiation, of vectors      82
Dipole, electric      188
Dipole, magnetic      216
Directrix of a conic section      27
Displacement current      232
Dissipation function      71
Divergence of a vector field      85
Double layer, Electric      188
Dyad      101
Dyad, of inertia      113
Eccentricity of a conic section      27
Einstein, A.      184 246
Electric displacement      191
Electric field strength      183
Electric field strength, due to a dipole      189
Electric moment      188
Electric polarization      189
Electromagnetic induction      227
Electromagnetic potentials      237
Electromagnetic units      213
Electromagnetic waves      238
Electromotive force      212
Electrostatic energy      206
Electrostatic units      185
Energy, conservation of mechanical      18
Energy, kinetic      18
Energy, of a magnetic field      222 231
Energy, of a perfect gas      155
Energy, of a thermodynamic system      146 154
Energy, of a vibrating string      132
Energy, of an electric field      206
Energy, of an electromagnetic field      230 235
Energy, potential      18 28
Ensemble      170
Ensemble, Canonical      172
Ensemble, microcanonical      174
entropy      161
Entropy, in statistical mechanics      178
Essential singularities of a differential equation      41
Euler's equations      115
Eulerian angles      117
Expansion in series of orthogonal functions      134
Faraday, Michael      227
ferromagnetism      220
Field, electric      183
Field, magnetic      214
Field, vector      83
First law of thermodynamics      153
Focus of a conic section      27
force      16
Force function      64
Force, between steady currents      212
Force, conservative      65
Force, external      46
Force, moment of      106
Forced vibrations      45
Fourier series      132 135
Free energy      180
Free rotation of a rigid body      120
Function, definition of      2
Galilean transformation      244
Gaussian system of electrical units      235
Gauss’s law      187
Gauss’s theorem      90
Geometrical properties of a vector      75
Gradient      84
Graphical integration      9
Graphical methods in thermodynamics      165
Graphical representation of complex numbers      36
Gravitation, law of      25
Gyroscope, simple motions of      122
Hamilton’s equations of motion      72
Hamilton’s function      73
Hamilton’s principle      62
Heat      150
Heat, capacity      149
Heat, latent      149
Heat, mechanical theory of      145
Heat, unit of      149
Helmholtz, H. von      146
Henry, Joseph      227
Hermite polynomials      135
Hertz, H.      184
homogeneous differential equations      8
Huygens, C.      145
Hyperbolic functions      39
imaginary numbers      35
Index of probability      175
Induced magnetization      220
Induced polarization, electrical      195
Induced polarization, energy of      207
Induction, coefficients of      230
Induction, magnetic      219
Insulator      192 195
Integrals, definite      9
Integrals, differentiation of      11
Integrals, graphical evaluation of      9
Integrals, indefinite      9
Integrals, numerical evaluation of      10
Integrating factor      6
Internal energy      154
Internal energy, in statistical mechanics      177
Isobar      148
Isotherm      148
Joule — Thomson experiment      166
Joule, J. P.      146
Joule’s experiment      156
Kelvin scale of temperature      161
Kelvin, Lord      146
Kepler’s law of planetary motion      27
kinetic energy      18
Kinetic energy, of a rigid body      118
Kinetic potential      65
Lagrange’s equation for a variation problem      58
Lagrangian function      65
Laplace’s equation      200
Legendre polynomials      42
Legendre’s equation      42
Lewis, G. N.      257
Line integral      88
Linear differential equations, of the first order      6
Linear differential equations, of the first order, with constant coefficients      29
Linear vector functions      98
Liouville’s theorem      169 171
Loaded string      124
Lorentz contraction      255
Lorentz transformation      247
Lorentz, H. A.      240
Mach, E.      16
Magnetic field strength      214
Magnetic induction      219
Magnetic law of force      213 214 223
magnetic moment      216
Magnetic permeability      221
magnetic susceptibility      221
Magnetic vector potential      215
magnetization      218
Mass      16
Mass, variation with velocity      257—259
Maxwell's equations      233
Maxwell's equations, Lorentz’s form of      239
Maxwell's equations, transformation of      250
Mayer, J. R.      146
Mechanical equivalent of heat      155
Mechanical theory of heat      145
Membrane, vibrations of      142
microcanonical ensemble      174
Modulus, of a canonical distribution      175
Modulus, of a complex number      36
Moment, electric      188
Moment, magnetic      216
Moment, of force      20 106
Moment, of inertia      114
Moment, of momentum      20
Momentum, angular, of a rigid body      105
Momentum, conservation of angular      20
Momentum, conservation of linear      20
Momentum, linear, of a rigid body      104
Momentum, moment of      20
Motion, Hamiltonian equations of      72
Motion, harmonic      23
Motion, Newton's equations of      14
Motion, of a projectile      21
Motion, under an inverse-square force      25
Neumann, F. E.      227
Newton’s equations of motion      14
Newton’s equations of motion, in special relativity      257
Newton’s equations of motion, invariance under a Galilean transformation      244
Non-conservative forces      70
Non-essential singularities of a differential equation      41
Non-uniform string, vibrations of      136
Normal coordinates      51 123 131
Normal vibrations of a continuous string      128
Normalization of orthogonal functions      134
Oersted, H. C.      210
Ohm's law      210
Operator D      32
Orthogonal functions      134
Overdamped vibrations      45
Paramagnetism      220
Particular integral      31
Perfect gas      151 155
Permeability, magnetic      221
Phase space      168
Polarizability      197
Postulates of relativity      245
Potential      97
Potential, electromagnetic      237
Potential, electrostatic      184
Potential, electrostatic, boundary conditions on      201
Potential, energy      18
Potential, magnetic vector      215
Power series solutions of differential equations      40
Poynting's vector      236
Practical units      214
Principal axes      101
Principal axes, of a rigid body      114
Probability of phase      173
Products of inertia      114
Projectile, against air resistance      22
Projectile, motion of      21
Radiation from an oscillating dipole      240
Regular points of a differentia] equation      40
Relativity of simultaneity      254
Resistance of air      22
resistivity      211
Reversible engines      159
Reversible processes      150
Rigid bodies      103
Rigid bodies, free rotation of      120
Rigid bodies, kinematics of      110
Rigid bodies, kinetic energy of      118
Root-mean-square deviation      176
Rotation, about a fixed axis      119
Rotation, about a fixed point      121
Scalar product of vectors      79
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