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Barlow R. — Statistics: A Guide and Reference to the Use of Statistical Methods in the Physical Sciences
Barlow R. — Statistics: A Guide and Reference to the Use of Statistical Methods in the Physical Sciences

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Название: Statistics: A Guide and Reference to the Use of Statistical Methods in the Physical Sciences

Автор: Barlow R.


An introduction to the techniques of applied statistics. Provides background information on each method covered, focusing on the theory of measurements and errors and the problem of estimation.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1989

Количество страниц: 222

Добавлена в каталог: 13.04.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Resolution      48 53 134—135
Robust test      159 173
Root mean square      7
Rounding      4 6
Run test      153—154
Run test and chi squared      154
Run test and the two-sample problem      161—162
Run test for ranked data      174
Running average      183
Sample      3
Sample standard deviation      12
Sample variance      12
Schwarz inequality      74 86
Several samples      141
Sheppard's correction      171
Shortest confidence interval      126
Sign test for matched pairs      175
Sign test for the median      173
Signed rank test      176
Significance errors      180—184
Significance errors and matrix inversion      183
Significance errors and quadratic equations      183
Significance errors in addition      182
Significance errors in subtraction      181
Significance of a test      143—145
Significance of histogram peaks      148—149
Significance, meaning explained      147
Simple hypothesis      142
Simple proportion      98—99
Skew      13
Small errors      56
Snedecor distribution      160—164
Spearman's correlation      177
Splines      184
Standard deviation      9—12
Standard deviation and Student's t      135
Standard deviation as quoted error      48
Standard deviation for binomial      27
Standard deviation for Gaussian      34—40
Standard deviation for Poisson      32
Standard deviation in binormal      44
Standard deviation, computation      181—182
Standard deviation, estimation of      78—79 83
Standard deviation, pooled estimate      158
Standard error on the mean      53 76
Standard error on the mean in two-sample problem      157
Straight line fit      99—105
Straight line fit through the origin      99
Straight line fit, error derivation      101—102
Straight line fit, errors on both co-ordinates      109—111
Straight line fit, extrapolation      103
Straight line fit, formula derivation      100—101
Straight line fit, matrix version      113—114
Straight line fit, summary      100
Straight line fit, systematic errors      103—104
Stratified sampling      94—95 159
Student's t      80 134—139
Student's t and Spearman's correlation      177
Student's t in correlated samples      159—160
Student's t in two-sample problem      157—159
Student's t, critical values      137
Student's t, derivation      138
Success      22—25
Symmetric confidence interval      126
Systematic errors      61—66 80
Systematic errors and straight line fit      103—104
Tails      49
test      141
Test of binomial hypothesis      147
Test of Poisson hypothesis      148—149
Test, chi squared      150—153
Test, Kolmogorov      155—156
Test, Neyman Pearson      144—145
Test, run      153—154
Treatment (in ANOVA)      169
Trials      24
Two-sample problem      141 156—164
Two-sample problem and Student's t      157—158
Two-sample problem, Gaussian samples      156—161
Two-sample problem, two-sample test, for ranked data      174—177
Two-tailed probability      40
Two-tailed test      142
Type I error      142—145
Type II error      142—145
U test      174
Unbiased      69—73
Unbiased estimate of standard deviation      11 76—78
Uniform distribution      45 73
Unit Gaussian, unit normal      35
Unitary matrix      42
Upper quartiles      12
Upperlimit      127—129 132—134
Variance      8—12
Variance matrix      18
Variance matrix and combination of errors      59—60
Variance of a function      55—58
Variance of a sum of variables      49—52
Variance of an estimator      72—75
Variance of binomial      27
Variance of chi squared distribution      107
Variance of moments      77
Variance of Poisson      32
Variance of uniform distribution      45
Variance ratio distribution      160—164
Variance, comparing binomial and Poisson      30
Variance, estimation of      76
von Mises, Richard      120 188
Warning level      10
Weibull distribution      45
Weighted mean      83
Weighted measurements      54
Weighted straight line      102
Wilcoxon's matched pairs test      176
Wilcoxon's test      174
Wings      49
Within-group variance      165—166
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