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Jeffreys H. — Operational Methods in Mathematical Physics |
Предметный указатель |
Airy integral 84 85
Asymptotic approximations 79 91 92
Baker, H.F. 4
bars 50
Bessel functions 3 70 84 86
Biemann 60
Bromwich, T.J.I.A. 15 19 23 28 68 72 73 93
Bromwich’s rules 19
Caque, J. 4
Complex Integrals 19 93
Conduction of heat 54 73
Convergence 4 44 53 92
Cowley, W.L. 4
Cylindrical symmetry 67 74 90
Debye, P. 77
Definite integration as fundamental concept 1
Definite integration as fundamental concept, not commutative with differentiation 16 18
dispersion 75 79 80
d’Alembert’s solution 41
Earth, cooling of 63
Elastic waves 40 50
Electrical applications 27 28
Error function 26 56 95
Euler, L. 30
examples 14
Expansions in waves 44 56 59
Explosion 67 90
Exponential, generalized 91
First-order equations 1 5 9 20
Fourier’s theorem (integral) 22
Fourier’s theorem (series) 44 53
Fuchs 4
Fundamental theorem 5
Galitzin seismograph 32
Group-velocity 80
Group-velocity, minimum 81 83
Heat-conduction 54 73
Heaviside, O. 9 11 16 18 23 44 56 61 87 90
Heaviside’s unit function 17 21 57 82
Induction balance 28
Ingersoll 65
Ingham, A.E. 91
Integration, non-commutative with differentiation 16 18
Jeffreys, H. 4 64
Kelvin 58 80
Lamb, H. 40
Levy, H. 4
Love, A.E.H. 50 72
Macdonald, H.M. 90
McLeod, A.R. 73
Milne, J. 32 33
Operational solution of finite number of equations 9 20
Oscillations in dynamics 15 34 38
Partial-fraction rule 11 19
Peano 4
Powers of p (or ), fractional 23 56
Powers of p (or ), integral 10 19
Radioactivity 35 63
raindrops 83
Rayleigh 40 46 48
Resistance operators 27
Resonance 34
Saddle-points 77
Second-order equations 13 15
Seismograph 30
Shaw, J.J. 32 33
Soddy, F. 38
Sound 66
Sphere oscillating symmetrically 72
Spherical symmetry 66 72 73
Spherical thermometer bulb 73
Splash 83
Steepest descents, method of 77
Stieltjes integrals 18 22 57
Stokes 68 90
Taylor’s Theorem 17 98
Taylor’s theorem, relation to integration 18
viscosity 74 85
Watson, G.N. 21 70 84 86 90
Wave-expansion 44 56 59
Wave-velocity 80
Waves in strings 40
Waves in strings on water 75 81
Weber, H. 60
Wheatstone bridge 28
Whittaker, E.T. 21
Wiechert, E. 30
Zobel 65
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