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Planck M. — Scientific Autobiography And Other Papers |
Предметный указатель |
"Energetics" 29 33
"Guiding forces" 62
"Science Without Presupposition" 82
"The Nature of Energy" 21
"Third Law of Thermodynamics" 48
A priorism 174
Absolute 47
Absolute real world 102ff
Absolute values, in ethics 77
Absolute values, reality 77
Absolute zero 30
Absolute, as basis of science 46
Absolute, search for 34—35 46
Absorption, of radiation 36
Abstract concepts 108
Academy of Berlin 10
Academy of Goettingen 10
Academy of Munich 10 11
Act of will 72
Albani Church 7
Annalen der Physik 46
Anthropomorphic deity 160
Apparatus, scientific 108
ART 161
assumptions 54
Atheism 156
Atom model 45
Atom, Bohr 45
Atom, hydrogen 99
Atomic bombs 116
Atomic physics 44
atoms 96 115
Atoms, transformation of 114—117
Bach, J.S. 27
Bauer, Gustav 14
Bavaria 11
Berlin 23 24
Berlin Physical Society 9 40
Berlin, University of 14 15
Biological process, laws of 62
biology 181
Bjerknes, V. 35
Black-body radiation 46
Body-mind problem 60ff
Bohr, Niels 45
Boltzmann's constant 42
Boltzmann, Ludwig 31 33 36 41 42 132
Bombs, atomic 116
Bonn 19
Brain physiology 62
Brownian motion, the 126 131
Bunsen, Robert 111
Calculus of probabilities 137
Causa efficiens 179
Causa finalis 179
Causal connection see "Causality"
Causal effect 138ff
Causal interactions, continuity of 44
Causal relationship 92 121ff
Causality 50 61 69ff 121ff 138ff 143 171
Causality, concept of 144—145
Causality, law of 69ff 121
Cause 131 see
Cause-and-effect 61
Chain reaction 115
Charlottenburg School of Engineering 25
Chemical reactions 23
Church 77
Classical dynamics 36
Classical mechanics, laws of 99
Classical theory 59
Clausius 9 16 17 18 19 29
Collision, molecular 132
Concept of causality 121ff 179
Concept of thing 94
concepts 101 104
Concepts, geometric 108
Concepts, mathematical 108
Conceptual structure 128
Conscious states 66
Consciousness of freedom 76
Conservation of energy, principle of 13 29 32 54—55 174—178
Constants, universal 170 172
Continuum, space-time 46
Coordinates, of a point 134 137
Copernican view of universe 77
Cosmos 174
Coulomb's law 141—142
Creative imagination 109
Damping constant 35
Damping, of oscillators 35—36
definitions 104
Degrees of freedom 36 50
Density, of a gas 126
Determinism 129 138—149
Determinism, causal 69ff
Determinists 132 138—149
Dirac 136
Dissertation, doctoral 18—19
Dissociation of gases 23
Dissociation theory of electrolytes 27—28
Distance, Energy 28
Distribution of energy 40
Division of labor 110ff
Dualism, between wave and particle 45
Effect 121
Ego 64 72 173
Einstein, Albert 46
Eisleben 26
Eitz, Carl 26
electricity 124
Electricity, elementary quantum of 78
Electro-dynamics 99
Electrolytic solutions, theory of 27—28
Electron 59 88 89
Electron microscope 59
Emotions 64
Energy 20 62 99 133
Energy distribution, spectral 34 38 43
Energy types, Surface, Space, Distance, Volume 28
Energy, atomic 114—117
Energy, constancy of totality of 174
Energy, kinds of 26 174
Energy, spectral 37—38 39
entropy 17—20 29 38—43 48
Entropy, absolute 49
Entropy, principle of increase of 31 32
Epistemology 152
Equilibrium, physico-chemical 20 49
Ether waves 129
Ether, luminiferous 56
Ethico-religious questions 76
Ethics 77 182
Evolution of mental processes 64
Exact science 77 105—109 117—119
Exact science, aim of 86
Exact science, intuitive character of 109
Exact science, limits of 80ff
Exact science, structure of 84 86
Exact science, subject-matter of 87
Experience, direct 66
Experience, indirect 66
Explosives, chemical 117
Faculty of Goettingen 21
Faculty of Philosophy of Berlin 24
Faith, religious 167
Faust 152 153 156 157
Feeling 69
Fission 115
| Fluorspar 39
Frames of reference 129
Free will 50 69ff
Galileo 148
Gas constant, absolute 42
Gas laws 127
Gas mixtures 20
Gas pressure, theory of 126
Gases 31
German Museum 11
German Physical Societies 11
Gibbs, Joshua Willard 20
God 76 158ff 185
Goettingen 8 10 22 33
Gram-atoms 42
Gram-molecules 42
Gravitational force 28
H see "Planck's constant"
H (gas constant) 31—32
H-Theorem 33
Hahn, Otto 115
Harmony, pre-established 63
Heat 29—30
Heat, conduction 31 33
Heat, irreversibility of heat conduction 17 see
Hegel 82
Heisenberg 133 135 136 see
Helm 30
Helmholtz 9 22 24—25 30
Hertz, Heinrich 24 114
High frequencies 44
Hildesheim 10
Hiroshima 117
Huygens, Christian 59
Hydrogen atom 99
Ideal gas 28
Image, retinal 57
Indeterminism 138—140
Indeterminists 125 131 138—149
Induction 184
Industry, American 116
Infinitesimal calculus 44
Infra-red rays 39
Institute for Theoretical Physics 26
Instruments as measuring devices 104—110
Instruments, causal influence of 132—139
Intellect, ideal 147—148
Intellect, predicting 146ff
Intelligence 75
Intensity, of radiation 38
Intuition, in science 100
Intuitive imagination 109
Irreversible process 17 18 see
k, constant in entropy formulae 41—43
Kant, Immanuel 176
Karsten, Gustav 21
Kassel 8
Kepler 148 186
Kiel 7
Kinetic theory of gases 37 42
Kirchhoff's law 34
Kirchhoff, Gustav 9 15 19 24 111
Knowledge 69 86
Koch, Robert 114
Kurlbaum, F. 39
L see "Loschmidt number"
Lagrange function 179
Language, as symbols 163—163
Law of causality 121 138ff 149
Law of thermodynamics 16 17 23 29
Law, experimental 55
Law, statistical 126
Least-action, principle of 48 179—180
Lehmann-Filhes, Rudolf 15
Leibniz 44 179 186
Leipzig 19
Light 56
Light, electromagnetic theory of 35
Light, emission theory 59
Light, velocity of 47 97 98
Light, wave theory of 59
Logic 82 88
Loschmidt number 43
Loschmidt, J. 42
Luminiferous ether 56
Lummer, O. 34 39 41
Mach, Ernst 30
Marguerite 157
Mass 99
mathematical symbols 128
Mathematics, abstract 110
Mathematics, laws of 82
Matrices, Heisenberg's 130
Matter, particulate nature of 59
Matter, wave nature of 59
Maupertuis 179
Maximilian-Gymnasium 13 14
Maxwell, Clerke 35
Measure, measurement 81 101 110 173 183
Measure, measurement, accuracy in 104—110 169—170
Measure, measurement, effect of instruments in 142—143
Measure, measurement, interpretation of physical 142—143
Mechanics 99 135
Mental forces 62
Mental state 65 66
Mephistopheles 157
Metaphysical reality 102
Metaphysical world 101
Meteorology 123
Method of investigation 139
Method of observation, influence of 70
Method, experimental 107
Method, scientific 45
Method, theoretical 107
Methodology, of the natural sciences 151
Michelson and Morely experiment 139
Middle Ages 186
Mind problem 60ff
Mind, subconscious 66
Miracles, belief in 154—155
Molecular disorder, assumption of 33 37
Molecular velocity 126
Molecules 132
Moles see "Gram—molecules"
Momentum 135
Momentum of a point 134 135
Mommsen, Theodor 82
Monism 81
Monists 81
Morley see "Michelson"
Motion, molecular 125—127 see
Mueller, Hermann 13 14
Munich 13 14 20 25
Munich, University of 14
Mythology 160
Nagasaki 117
Natural laws 93
Natural science 112 156—157 168
Natural science and religion 151ff
Nernst, W. 27 48
Neumann, Carl 19
Neutron 115
Normal Spectral Energy Distribution 34
Nuclear energy 116
Nuclear physics 55 112
Nuclear reactions 115
Nuclei, atomic, of uranium 115
Objects, physical 94—95
Observation, external and internal view points 72
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