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Gamow G. — Structure of atomic nuclei and nuclear transformations |
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-particles, binding energy 4 ff. 24
-particles, disintegration by -particles 181 ff.
-particles, existence inside the nucleus 47 ff.
-particles, fine-structure 108 ff.
-particles, long-range 117 ff.;
-particles, scat tering of -particles 166 169
-particles, table of energies 258 ff.
-particles, theory of emission 87 ff
-particles, complexity of spectra 153 ff.
-particles, creation of -particles 9 130
-particles, energy-distribution of -particles 122 138 141ff.
-particles, non-existence inside the nucleus 4 ff.
-particles, secondary 67 ff.
-particles, selection rule for emission of -particles 139ff. 156ff.
-particles, table of energies 261 ff.
-particles, theory of emission of -particles 130 ff.
-rays and -ray spectra 108 ff.
-rays and -ray spectra 150 ff.
-rays, internal conversion of -rays 73 ff.
-rays, level schemes for -rays 79 109 110 119
-rays, probability of emission 72 ff.
-rays, selection principle for -rays 70 ff.
-rays, spectrum of -rays 68 ff.
-rays, tables of -rays 254 ff.
Absorption of -rays 240 ff.
Absorption of -rays 241 ff.
Absorption of -rays 244 ff.
Absorption of neutrinos 129
Absorption of neutrons 244
Absorption of protons 240 ff.
Abundance of nuclei 230 ff.
Amaldi see Fermi
Artificial -active elements, discovery 124 185
Artificial -active elements, energy-distribution 124
Artificial -active elements, tables of Artificial -active elements 262
Artificial disintegration see Reactions nuclear
Aston jr. see Ellis
Aston, abundance of isotopes 230
Aston, isotopes and nuclear masses 6 ff.
Atkinson and Houtermans, thermal nuclear reactions 232 ff.
Bartlett, isotope displacement 64
Bartlett, nuclear shells 52
Beck and Sitte, theory of -decay 132
Beck, nuclear shells 48
Bethe and Peierls, photo-disintegration of deuteron 227 ff.
Bethe and Peierls, scattering of neutrons in hydrogen 170 ff.
Bethe and Wigner see Wigner
Bethe, ionization by neutrino 120
Bethe, radiative capture of neutrons 220 ff.
Bethe, scattering of slow neutrons 178 ff.
Bieler, scattering of -particles 167
Binding energies of heavy nuclei (stat. calc) 26 ff.
Binding energies of simplest nuclei 19 ff.
Binding energies, more detailed theory of binding energies 34 ff.
Binding energies, surface of binding energies 40 ff.
Bjerge see Westcott
Blackett, photographs of nuclear transformations 182
Bohr, general nuclear model vi ff.
Bohr, magnetic moment of proton 58 ff.
Bohr, non-conservation of energy 127 ff.
Bohr, range of charged particles 240 ff.
Bohr, scattering and capture of neutrons 179 222
Bothe and Becker, -emission by artificial disintegration 183
Bothe, and Fraenz, disintegration of boron 183
Breit and Condon, interaction between protons 170
Breit and Ostrovsky, probability of substitutional reactions 199
Breit and Rosenthal, isotopic displacement 65
Broensted see Hevesy
Chadwick and Constable, resonance disintegration 210
Chadwick and Gamow, proton groups by disintegration 183
Chadwick and Goldhaber, photo-disintegration of deuteron 226
Chadwick and Rutherford see Rutherford
Chadwick, -spectrum 122
Chadwick, discovery of neutrons 184 ff.
Chadwick, scattering of -rays in helium 166
Chalmers see Szilard
Chandrasekhar, stellar nucleus 235 ff.
Chao, absorption of -rays 244
Cockcroft and Walton, disintegration by protons 187 ff.
Cockcroft, Gilbert and Walton, radiative capture of protons 222 ff.
Compton scattering 69 244
Condon see Breit; Gurney
Constable see Chadwick
Crane see Lauritsen
Curie jr. and Joliot, artificial -element 124 185
Curie jr., Halban and Preiswerk, artificial radioactive families 202
Decay constant of -decay 258 ff.
Decay constant of -decay 261 ff.
Decay constant, definition 84
Dee and Gilbert, photographs of boron disintegration 189
Dee and Walton, photographs of lithium disintegration 187 188
Delbrueck and Gamow, probability of -emission 118 ff.
Delsasso see Lauritsen
Deuteron, binding energy of deuteron 19ff.
Deuteron, disintegration by deuteron 188 ff.
Deuteron, magnetic moment of deuteron 60 ff.
Deuteron, spin of deuteron 57
Deuteron, splitting by -rays 225 ff.
Dipole radiation 71 ff. 75
Dirac, relativistic wave equation 5 146
Duncanson and Miller, resonance disintegration 210 ff.
Dunning, Pegram, Fink, Mitchell, and Murphy, scattering of neutrons 173 175—177
D’Agostino see Fermi
Ehrenfest and Oppenheimer, existence of -particles 47
Ellis and Aston jr., internal conversion 76 ff.
Ellis and Mott, analysis of -spectra 150 ff.
Ellis and Mott, classification of nuclear levels 115 ff.
Ellis and Oppenheimer jr., nuclear energy levels 118
Ellis and Wooster, average energy of -spectrum 126
Ellis, -spectra 67
Elsasser, and Perrin see Perrin
Elsasser, nuclear shells 46 52
Elsasser, stability of -particles 47 ff.
Estermann see Stern.
Evans, table of nuclear reactions 192
Exchange forces see Interaction.
Feather, disintegration by neutrons 190
Feenberg, excited state of -particle 212
Feenberg, simplest nuclei 24 ff.
Fermi constant g 133
Fermi photoelectric disintegration of deuteron 228
Fermi theory of radiative capture 219 ff.
Fermi, Amaldi, D’Agostino, Pontecorvo, Rassoti, and Segre, artificial radioactivity 190
Fermi, Amaldi, D’Agostino, Pontecorvo, Rassoti, and Segre, elements with Z > 92 202
Fermi, Amaldi, D’Agostino, Pontecorvo, Rassoti, and Segre, radiative capture of slow neutrons 217 ff.
Fermi, theory of -decay 131 ff.
Fink see Dunning
Fluegge, nuclear surface energy 35
Fowler and Wilson, resonance disintegration 206 ff.
Fowler W. see Lauritsen
Fowler, internal conversion 78
Frish see Stern
Gamow and Chadwick see Chadwick
Gamow and Delbrueck see Delbrueck
Gamow and Houtermans, calculations of -decay 87
Gamow and Landau, thermal transformations 232
Gamow and Rosenblum, nuclear radii and fine structure of -rays 113 ff.
Gamow and Teller, selection rule for -decay 154 ff.
Gamow, drop-model 3
Gamow, fine structure of -rays 111 ff.
Gamow, influence of spin on -decay 106 ff.
Gamow, negative protons 14 ff.
Gamow, nuclear periodicity 48 ff.
Gamow, theory of -decay 87 ff.
Gamow, theory of artificial transformations 186 198
Gapon, nuclear shells 52
Geiger-Nuttall rule 86
Gilbert see Dee; Cockcroft
Goldhaber and Chadwick see Chadwick
Goldhaber, scattering of neutrons 174
| Goldhaber, spin by nuclear reactions 202 ff.
Gordon, scattering of -rays 163
gray see Tarrant
Guggenheim, nuclear shells 52
Gurney and Condon, theory of -decay 87
Gurney, -spectra 122
Gurney, resonance disintegration 206
Hafstad see Tuve
Hahn and Meitner, artificial radioactive families 202
Halban see Curie
Harkins, nuclear shells 48
Harteck see Oliphant
Heisenberg, lighter nuclei by Hartree method 36 ff.
Heisenberg, nature of nuclear forces 12 ff.
Heisenberg, nuclear model 9
Heisenberg, statistical calculation of nuclear model 26 ff.
Helium-three, binding energy of helium-three 24 ff.
Helium-three, production of helium-three 187
Hevesy, and Broensted, radioactivity of K 123 ff.
Hevesy, radioactivity of Sm 51
Heydenburg see Tuve
Houtermans see Atkinson; Gamow
Hulme, internal conversion 75 ff.
Hupfeld see Meitner.
Hydrogen-three, binding energy of hydrogen-three 24 ff.
Hydrogen-three, production of hydrogen-three 188.
Hyperfine structure of line spectra 54 ff.
Intensity alternation in band spectra 55
Interaction between neutron and proton 19 ff.
Interaction between proton and -particle 169
Interaction between two -particles 169
Interaction between two protons 170
interaction, Exchange 11 ff. 149
Isobars 41 ff. 48
Isomeric nuclei 16
Isotopes, table of isotopes 249 ff.
Isotopic displacement 62 ff.
Ivanenko, exchange forces 149
Ivanenko, mass-defect curve 9
Ivanenko, nuclear shells 52
Johnson see Breit
Joliot see Curie jr.
Kellogg see Rabi
Keyston see Schueler
Kinsey see Oliphant
Klarmann, -particles ejected by neutrons 191
Klein-Nishina formula see Compton scattering
Konopinski see Uhlenbeck
Kudar, calculations of -decay 98
Landau and Gamow see Gamow
Landau, disintegration without capture 179
Landau, non-conservation of energy in -decay 128 ff.
Landau, stellar nucleus 235 ff.
Lande, nuclear shells 48 52 203
Lauritsen, Crane, Delsasso, and Fowler, -rays by artificial transformation 211
Lawrence, disintegration by deuterons 188
Lawrence, excitation curve for fluorine 198
Lawrence, McMillan, and Thornton, exchange reactions 216 ff.
Lee, capture of neutrons by protons 217
Lejpunskij, existence of neutrino 130
Lewis see Rutherford
Magnetic moments of proton and neutron 58 ff.
Magnetic moments, measurement of magnetic moments 54 56
Magnetic moments, tables of magnetic moments 253
Majorana, nature of nuclear forces 12 27
Mass-defect curve for n-p ( ) model 10
Mass-defect curve for p-e ( ) model 7
Massey and Mohr, simplest nuclei 23 26
McMillard see Lawrence
Meitner and Hahn see Hahn
Meitner and Hupfeld, absorption of -rays 244
Meitner and Orthmann, average energy of -spectra 126
Meitner, -spectra 67 ff.
Metastable nuclei 42 ff.
Miller see Duncanson
Mitchell see Dunning
Mohr see Massey
Mott and Ellis see Ellis
Mott and Taylor, internal conversion 77 ff.
Mott, collisions of like particles 165 ff.
Mott, inverse-square scattering 161 ff.
Mott, resonance disintegration 208
Murphy see Mitchell
Nahmias, range of neutrino 129
Neutrinos mass, spin, and magnetic moment 129
Neutrinos, hypothesis about 129
Neutrinos, proof of existence 130
Neutrons in other elements 175 ff.
Neutrons, disintegration by neutrons 189 ff.
Neutrons, magnetic moment of neutrons 60
Neutrons, magnetic scattering of neutrons 244
Neutrons, radiative capture of neutrons 217 ff.
Neutrons, scattering in hydrogen 170 ff.
Neutrons, spin of neutrons 57
Neutrons,discovery of neutrons 184 ff.
Nishina see Klein
Nukabayasi, calculations of nuclear model 32 ff.
Nuttall see Geiger
Oliphant, Harteck, and Rutherford, reaction between two deuterons 188
Oliphant, Kinsey, and Rutherford, disintegration of lithium 187
Oppenheimer and Phillips, exchange reactions 214 ff.
Oppenheimer and Plessett, pair-production 69 244
Oppenheimer jr. see Ellis
Oppenheimer, and Ehrenfest see Ehrenfest
Orthmann see Meitner
Ostrovsky see Breit
Pair-production 69 244
Paton, disintegration of boron 183
Pauli, magnetic moment of nucleus 53
Pauli, neutrino hypothesis 129 ff.
Peierls see Bethe; Wigner
Periodic properties of nuclei 45 ff.
Perrin and Elsasser, theory of neutron capture 220
Perrin, probability of -radiation 72
Phillips see Oppenheimer
Photo-disintegration, nuclear 225 ff.
Plessett see Oppenheimer
Pontecorvo see Fermi
Pose, resonance disintegration 209 ff.
Potassium radioactivity 123 141
Potential barrier see -particle emission
Preiswerk see Curie
Protons, disintegration by protons 187 ff.
Protons, magnetic moment of protons 58
Protons, scattering of protons 167 170
Protons, spin of protons 57
Quadrupole radiation 71 ff.; 75
Rabi, Kellogg, and Zacharias, magnetic moment of deuteron 60
Rabi, Kellogg, and Zacharias, magnetic moment of proton 68
Rabi, Kellogg, and Zacharias, measurement of magnetic moment 56
Rabi, scattering of neutrons 175 ff.
Racah, isotopic displacement 64
Racah, nuclear shells 50
Radiative capture of neutrons 217 ff.
Radiative capture of protons 222 ff.
Radiative capture, tables of radiative capture 265
Radiative losses of fast -rays 243
Radii effective 113 ff.
Radii of nuclei in statistical model 33 ff.
Radii of radioactive elements 105
Radioactive families 83 258 261
Rasseti see Fermi
Reactions “en passant ” 213 ff.
Reactions, essentially involving radiation 217 ff.
Reactions, exchange 214 ff.
Reactions, nuclear, substitutional 181 ff.
Resonance by radiative capture 218 ff. 224
Resonance by substitutional reactions 206 ff.
Rosenblum and Gamow see Gamow
Rosenblum, fine structure of -rays 109 ff.
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