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Lamb C.G. — Notes on Magnetism |
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"Gauss" 3
"Maxwell" 23
"q" 75
"Stalloy" 55
Absolute unit of current 14
Ageing 55
Alternating E.M.F. 34
Ampere defined 14
Applied magnetic force 70
Back E.M.F. 30
Ball-ended magnet 1
Ballistic galvanometer 20
Beattie, Dr. 44
Bridge, magnetic 72
Broadside position 7
B—H curves 39 40
Chattock, Prof. 67
Circuit, magnetic 66
Coercive force 48
Collector 32
Commutator 32
compass 4
Controlling couple 20
Corkscrew Rule 12
Cycle, magnetic 46 48
Damping factor 34
Damping of galvanometer 34
Dead beat galvanometer 34
Declination 4
Deflecting couple 20
Demagnetising by reversals 57
Demagnetising factor 71
Derived flux units 41
Diamagnetic bodies 38
Dispersion coefficient 75
Displacement, magnetic 22
Double yoke method 71
Dynamo 30
Dynamometer 17
E.M.F., induced 24 28
Earth's magnetic force 4
Eddy currents 60
Eddy loss in cycle 89
Electromagnet 1
Elongation 20
End-on position 6
Equipotential line 10
Ewing's Molecular Theory 78
Faraday's law 26
Field, magnetic 3 8
Fling 20
Flux measurement 36
Flux — Turns 25
Flux, magnetic 22
Flux, total 23
Force between coils 17
Force, magnetic see "Magnetic Force"
Form factor 86
Half-time commutator 87
Hardening, magnetic 45
High inductions 43
History, magnetic 55
Hysteresis cycle 46
Induced E.M.F. 24
Induced voltage method 63
Induction, magnetic 23
Initial part of B—H curve 42
Instantaneous curves 87
Intensity of magnetisation 77
Kapp'n induced voltage test 64
Knee of B—H curve 42
Lamination 62
Leakage 69
Line of force 9 23 24
| Loops 55 90
Loss in iron strips 84
Lost energy 51
Magnet 1
Magnetic bridge 72
Magnetic circuit 66
Magnetic cycle 48
Magnetic displacement 22
Magnetic field 3 8
Magnetic flux 22
Magnetic force 3
Magnetic Force of circular coil 13
Magnetic Force of current 11
Magnetic Force of element 12
Magnetic Force of long wire 15
Magnetic Force of solenoid 16
Magnetic Force, applied 70
Magnetic history 55
Magnetic induction 23
magnetic moment 6
Magnetic needle 4
Magnetic pole 1
Magnetic potential 10 26 67
Magnetic tester 57
Magnetism 22
Magnetometer 5
Magnetomotive force 67
Moment, magnetic 6
Morris and Longford 64
Moving coil galvanometer 18
Mutual inductance 36
Needle, magnetic 4
Neutral axis 31
Neutral point 9
Paramagnetic bodies 38
Perfect magnetic circuit 69
Periodic time of galvanometer 21
Permeability 40
Permeance 70
Pole, magnetic 1
Pole, strength 2
Potential, magnetic 10
Quantity of electricity 20
Refraction of flux 74
Reluctance 69
Reluctivity 41 69
Remanent induction 48
Rotating hysteresis 58
Saturation 42 45
Saturation, value of B 60
screening 61
Searle, Dr. 2 42 45
Shear of curve 71 72
Solenoid 16
Solid angle 26
Standard field 36
Steady current constant 20
Steinmetz formula 52
Step by step method 45 53
Stray flux 69 73
Strength of field 3
Strength of pole 1 2
susceptibility 77
Tangent galvanometer 14
Tester, magnetic 57
Total flux 23
Tube of force 24
Tube of Induction 24
Uniform magnetic field 4
Unit pole 3
Unit tube 24
Vibration magnetometer 8
Virtual current 17 82
Wattmeter 18
Zero-reading internment 17
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