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Love A.E. — Theoretical Mechanics, an Introductory Treatise on the Principles of Dynamics: With Applications and Numerous Examples |

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Название: Theoretical Mechanics, an Introductory Treatise on the Principles of Dynamics: With Applications and Numerous Examples
Автор: Love A.E.
Рубрика: Механика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
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Год издания: 2007
Количество страниц: 396
Добавлена в каталог: 25.03.2008
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Acceleration, along normal to plane curve 33
Acceleration, along normal to surface 121
Acceleration, along principal normal of tortuous curve 90
Acceleration, central 40
Acceleration, Definition of 21
Acceleration, initial 187
Acceleration, Measurement of 23
Acceleration, radial and transversal 38
Acceleration, referred to polar coordinates in three dimensions 90
Acceleration, relative to rotating frame 257 285
Acceleration, uniform 22
Anding, E. 300
Angular velocity 24 205
Apses 95
Areas, Equable description of 37
Attractions, Theory of 141
Atwood's machine 68
Atwood's machine, Correction for inertia of pulley 216
Axes, principal 206
Axes, Right-handed 4
Axes, rotating 257
Ball, R.S. 218
Ballistic balance 137
Bodies, Constitution of 158
Boys, C.V. 141 142
Central forces 38 63 95
Central forces, Motion under several 99
Central orbits 38—48 95
Centre, Instantaneous 211 229
Centre, of mass 143 159
Centre, of oscillation 215
Chain, Motion of 166 259
Chain, Tension of 159 166 297
Collision 178 240
Conic, Construction of, from certain conditions 47
Conservative forces 81 152
Conservative forces, Motion of a particle under 84 91
Constraint, Definition of 85
Constraint, one-sided 72 109
Coordinates, polar 38 99
Coordinates, Polar in three dimensions 90
Coordinates, rectangular 4
Coordinates, relative 24 144
Couples, Theory of 171—175
Cox, H. 2
Curvature, Initial 189 248
Curvature, of path of a particle of a rigid body 213
Curve, Motion on a plane 32 63 108 116
Curve, Motion on a tortuous 89 117
Cycloid, Isochronism of 65
D'Alembert's principle 149
Darwin, G.H. 284 301
density 139
Descent, Line of quickest 61
dimensions 19 23 60 66 140
Dimensions, theory of 305
Displacement 7
Displacement, components of 15
Dyne 59
Earth, Ellipticity of the 307
Earth, Mean density of the 141
Earth, Motion relative to the 285 288
Earth, Rotation of the 279
Earth, the, as a time-keeper 301
Elasticity, modulus of 92
Elliptic motion 41
Elliptic motion, disturbed 101
Elliptic motion, of two bodies 156
Energy and momentum 91 195 214 253 255
energy equation 83 153 160
Energy, conservation of 298
Energy, dissipation of 108 177 260 301
Energy, internal 163
Energy, kinetic 65 146 211
Energy, potential 84 152
Envelopes, of trajectories 31 40 50
Equations of motion, Lagrange's 299
Equations of motion, of a body in general 159
Equations of motion, of a chain 262 265
Equations of motion, of a particle 62
Equations of motion, of a rigid body 213
Equations of motion, of a system of parties 147
Equilibrium 191
Erg 66
Extension 92
Extension, at a point 164
Field of force 27
Foot-pound 66
Force, Definition of 57—61
Force, Eesultant 61
Force, of simple harmonic type 93
Force, Primitive notion of 58
Force, Transmissibility of 161
Force, Vectorial character of 60 293
Forces, body 298
Forces, Central 38 63 95 99
Forces, conservative 81 152
Forces, Effective 299
Forces, external 147 159
Forces, Internal 147
Foucault's pendulum 288
Frame of reference 5 281
Friction 61 67 161
Friction, coefficient of 67 162
Friction, impulsive 242
Friction, in rolling and sliding 217—219
Friction, on curve 116 118
Friction, on plane 67
Friction, on surface 120
Galileo 27 30 61 64 290 292
Gramme 59
Gravitation 42 50
Gravitation, constant of 141
Gravitation, law of 141 280
Gravitation, Motion of two bodies under 155
Gravitation, Work done by 153
Gravity 27 50 281 286
Gravity, Corrections of 50 282 283
Gravity, force of 58
Gravity, Free motion under 28
Gravity, Work done by 66 163
Gyration, radius of 207
Heat, generated in collision 179
Hertz, H. 291
Hodograph 128
Horsepower 66
Huygens, Ch. 214
impact see “Collision”
Impulse 74 150
Impulse, Effect of, on elastic system 181
Impulse, Internal 150 154 228
Impulsive motion 74 150 177 227 240 244 268
Inertia 139
Inertia, Ellipse of 207
Inertia, moment of 205
Inflexions, Circle of 213
Initial motion 187 229 248 268 286
Inverse square, Law of 42 45 48
Kepler, J. 37 140
Kinematic conditions 220 263
Kinematic formulae 17 22 33 39 89 91 210 257
kinetic energy 65 146 211
Kinetic energy, Change of 66 84 153
Kinetic energy, Lost in collision 179
Kinetic energy, Produced by impulses 154 228
Kinetic frame and kinetic time 300
Kinetic reaction, Moment of 77 146
Kinetic reaction, of a particle 62
| Kinetic reaction, of a rigid body 211
Kinetic reaction, of a system of particles 144
Lagrange, J.L. 299
Larmor, J. 300
Laws of motion 290
Leathern, J.G. 295
Line of action 61
Macaulay, W.H. 300
Macdonald, H.M. 295
Mach, E. 2 300
Machines 192 216
Mass, centre of 143 159
Mass, Determination of 58 139 141 142
Mass, Measurement of 59 283
Mass, Notion of 58 138 294
Mass-ratio 138
Maxwell, J.C. 300
Measurement, theory of 304
Moment, about a moving axis 78 146
Moment, of localized vector 19 75
Moment, of momentum 77 145 210
Momental equivalents 207
Momentum, Change of 74 151
Momentum, conservation of 75 150
Momentum, of a particle 62
Momentum, of a rigid body 210
Momentum, of a system of particles 143
Neumann, C. 300
Newton, I. 114 137 141 155 178 291 300
Notation, for velocities, &c 23
oscillations 35 70 110 193 215 229 251
Oscillations, Free and forced 94 124
Osculating plane, of path of particle 121
Parabolic motion 28 91
Parallelogram, of forces 294
Parallelogram, of localized vectors 18
Parallelogram, of velocities 291
Particle, Dynamics of a 88 108
Particle, Notion of 2
Path 17
Pearson, K. 300
Pendulum, conical 73
Pendulum, Equivalent simple 194
Pendulum, Foucault's 288
Pendulum, Period of, found by method of dimensions 306
Pendulum, Revolving 112
Pendulum, Rigid 214
Pendulum, simple 70 110
Pendulum, spherical 253
Perpetual motion 85
Planetary motion 37 101 140 154 157
Plumb-line 282 283
Poincare, H. 300
Poisson, S.D. 240 243
Position, Determination of 3
Potential 81
potential energy 84 152
Potential energy, due to gravity 163
Potential energy, Localization of 164
Potential energy, of gravitating system 153
Potential energy, of stretched string or spring 163
Potential, Potential function one-valued 86
Pound 59
Pound, Force of one 59
Poundal 59
Power 66 165
Pressure 58 161 297
Pressure, on a curve 63 108 118 261
Pressure, on a surface 121
Problem of two toadies 155
Projectile 28 123 126
Pull, of a locomotive 68 218
quantity 305
Quantity, of matter 139
Range, of a projectile 30 125
Reaction, initial 187
Reaction, law of 138 294
Reaction, of bodies in contact 161
Relative motion 24 25 39 113 115
Resistance 108
Resisting medium 123
Restitution, coefficient of 178 240
Rigid body 159
Rigid body, Energy of 163
Rigid body, in two dimensions 204 214
Rigid body, motion of 160
Rolling 162 218 220
Rotation, of frame 115
Rotation, of rigid body 205
Rotation, of the Earth 279 301
Rough curve, Motion on a 116 118
Screw, right-handed 4 20 76
Second, Mean solar 280
Seconds' pendulum 71
simple harmonic motion 34
Simple harmonic motion, Composition of 35
Simple harmonic motion, Damped 124
Simple harmonic motion, of oscillating system 194
Simple harmonic motion, of pendulum 71
Simple harmonic motion, Production of 92
Sliding 60 162 218
Speed 17
Spheres, Attraction of 141 142
Spheres, Impact of 137 179 180 240
Spring 91
Spring, Potential energy of 164
Stability, of circular orbit 98
Stability, of equilibrium 194
Stability, of steady motion 253
Stress 296
Stress, in a rod 226
String 91
String, Motion of two bodies connected by a 109
String, Potential energy of 163
Surface, Motion on a 118 120
Tension, at a place of discontinuity 259
Tension, of a string or chain 159 166 297
Thomson and Tait 300 301
Thread 91
Time, measurement of 2
Tisserand, F. 158
Traction, surface 298
Train, Motion of a 218
Trajectory 17
Translation and Rotation, Independence of 150
Tycho Brahe 37
Uniformity of Nature 1
Unit, of acceleration 23
Unit, of force 59
Unit, of mass 59
Unit, of power 66
Unit, of time 2
Unit, of velocity 19
Unit, of work 66
Vectors, Composition and Resolution of 10
Vectors, definition of 8
Vectors, Localized 17
Vectors, Moment of 19 75
Vectors, Reduction of a system of 171—176
Velocity, definition of 15—19
Velocity, of rigid body 209
Velocity, terminal 123 128
Virtual work 191
Voss, A. 300
Weight 58
work function 80 152Acceleration Definition
Work, definition of 65 79
Work, of internal forces 151 154 163
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