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Dienes G.J., Vineyard G.H. — Radiation Effects in Solids
Dienes G.J., Vineyard G.H. — Radiation Effects in Solids

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Название: Radiation Effects in Solids

Авторы: Dienes G.J., Vineyard G.H.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1957

Количество страниц: 226

Добавлена в каталог: 24.03.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Displacement, cascade      13
Displacement, crystalline direction for      62
Displacement, production, theory of      17—28
Displacement, threshold      24 see
Distortion in irradiated uranium      185
Distortion, annealing of, in graphite      175
Distortion, centers      111
Ditchburn, R. W.      104 (ref. 57) 105 126
Dixon, C. E.      38 (ref. 33) 83 165 54 88 180
Donoghue, J. J.      105 126
Dreyfus, R. W.      195 207
Dugdale, R. A.      61 (ref. 12) 62 104 120 121 108) 86 125 128
Dyer, H. B.      104 (ref. 57) 105 126
Eggen, D. T.      61 86
Eggleston, R. R.      92 (ref. 17) 156 157 123 179
Elastic constant, effect of interstitials and vacancies on      102
Elastic modulus, copper      102
Elastic modulus, quartz      103
Elastic modulus, silicon      103
Elastic properties      101—104
Electrical properties      92—96 see
Electrical properties, determine fraction of defects      73
Electrical properties, effect of proton irradiation      200
Electrical properties, graphite      73 95
Electrical properties, ionic crystals      94—95 135
Electrical properties, metals      92
Electrical properties, potassium chloride      95
Electrical properties, semi-conductors      92—94
Electrical properties, silicon      94
Electrical properties, sodium chloride      95
Electron bombardment      see Irradiation electron
Electron scatterers      74
Electron scattering, conduction electrons      92
Electron traps, in graphite      74
Electron traps, number per displaced atom      75
Electronic excitation energy      8
Electrons, energy loss in matter      14
Electrons, energy threshold      13
Electrons, penetration in matter      14
Electrons, threshold radiation energy      58
Embrittlement, molybdenum      185
Emde, F.      148 (ref. 44) 179
Energy content of defects      99
Energy loss, in elastic collisions      26
Energy loss, of electrons in matter      14
Energy of formation      see under Interstitials and Vacancies
Energy transfer      10 11 14
Energy transfer, mean      27
Energy, limiting for ionization      see Ionization limiting
Energy, primary knock-on      17 22
Eshelby, J. D.      91 (ref. 8) 109 111 114 134 123 127 178
Ethylene, hydrogenation      199
Etzel, H. W.      136 (ref. 23) 178
Evans, R. D.      14 46 47 53
Everhart, E.      10 53
excitons      52
Fan, H. Y.      77 (ref. 43) 79 93 94 87 123
Faris, F. E.      184 (ref. 7) 205
Fast neutron      14
Fast neutron, bombardment      see Irradiation fastneutron
Fast neutron, scattering      15
Feldman, M. H.      117 128
Feshbach, H.      13 15 142 53 54 179
Finniston, H. M.      4 55 180
First-order chemical reaction      141
First-order rate constant, effective      141
Fiske, M. D.      67 (ref. 26 27) 162 87 180
Fission fragments      7 25
Fission fragments, damage to uranium      185
Fission fragments, threshold radiation energy      58
Fission neutron, bombardment      25
Fission neutron, inelastic cross sections      15
Fission neutron, transport cross sections      15
Fission spectrum      15
Fissionable materials      16
Fleeman, J.      190 206
Fletcher, J. F.      75 (ref. 37) 98 99 101 110 115 116 87 124 127
Fletcher, R. C.      78 79 146 147 88 179
Fluorite, effect of alpha-particles on      204
Flux      17
Flux density      17 27 71
Foster, E. L.      97 124
Fox, M.      172 173 174 175 176 180
Free radical formation      194 196
Frenkel defects      39
Friedel, J.      65 102 86 125
Fry, T. M.      96 (ref. 28) 97 124
Fuchs, L. H.      99 (ref. 37) 110 116 117 168 124 127 180
Fuller, C. S.      138 179
Fumi, F. G.      130 132 133 177
Gamma-rays, atomic displacement by      46
Gamma-rays, chemical reaction promotion by      45
Gamma-rays, dosages      46
Gamma-rays, effective cross section for atomic displacement      50
Gamma-rays, intensity in Brookhaven reactor      46
Gamma-rays, intensity in Materials Testing Reactor      46
Gamma-rays, ionization by      45
Gamma-rays, processes      47
Gamma-rays, threshold radiation energy      58
Gammel, J. L.      90 (ref. 3) 123
Gauchois, Y.      4 54
Germanium, acceptor levels in      77
Germanium, alpha-particle bombardment      78 79
Germanium, annealing      137
Germanium, conductivity, change in      58 93
Germanium, deuteron bombardment      79
Germanium, di-vacancies in      137
Germanium, displaced atoms in      79
Germanium, electron bombardment of      78 79
Germanium, irradiation of, effect on conductivity      93
Germanium, lattice displacement threshold      59
Germanium, neutron bombardment of      79
Germanium, quenching      137
Germanium, self-diffusion      137
Germanium, threshold energy      57 58 60 61
Germanium, vacancies in      137 146
Germanium, vacancies in, pairs      134
Ghormley, J. A.      195 207
Gigon, J.      101 (ref. 42) 125
Glen, J. W.      93 (ref. 21) 5 124
Glick, H. L.      121 (ref. 106) 128
Gold, effect of deuterons on resistivity      63 64 157
Gold, effect of neutrons on resistivity      153
Gold, gamma-ray irradiation of      50
Gold, interstitials and vacancies      132
Gold, nuclear transformation      16
Gold, quenching      131
Gold, residual resistivity of interstitials and vacancies      66
Gold, resistivity      156
Gorman, R. L.      65 66 67 86
Graphite, annealing after irradiation      169
Graphite, annealing in the Brookhaven reactor      171—177
Graphite, Bragg reflection broadening      114
Graphite, chemical impurities      74
Graphite, chemical traps      74
Graphite, diffraction effects      115
Graphite, displaced atoms in      67—77
Graphite, distortion, annealing of      175
Graphite, effect of irradiation on electrical properties      73 95
Graphite, electron traps in irradiated      74
Graphite, growth, c-axis      172
Graphite, growth, core      173
Graphite, growth, physical      172
Graphite, growth, physical, reduction in      173
Graphite, growth, vertical, near top of reactor      173
Graphite, Hall coefficient      74
Graphite, interstitials in      75 170
Graphite, irradiation-induced oxidation of      200 201
Graphite, lattice expansion      110
Graphite, magnetic susceptibility      74
Graphite, magnetoresistance      74
Graphite, self-diffusion      170
Graphite, stored energy      75 99
Graphite, stored-energy release      99 173
Graphite, temperature at center of reactor      175
Graphite, thermal conductivity      97 98
Graphite, threshold energy      61
Graphite, vacancies in      75 170
Graphite, vacancy-interstitial pairs in      170
Graphite, Young’s modulus      101
Green, A.      121 (ref. 107) 128
Griffiths, J. H. E.      105 (ref. 73) 126
Gueron, J.      104 (ref. 62) 126
Guinier, A.      16 (ref. 22) 114 54 127
Gulbransen, E. A.      203 207
Gurinsky, D. H.      99 (ref. 117) 100 172 4 128 180
Gurney, R. W.      137 178
Hall coefficient, graphite      74
Hall, G. L.      108 (ref. 78) 127
Hard-sphere model      13
Hardening      see Radiation and Solid solution
Hardness, effect of irradiation on      192
Harrison, W. A.      18 19 21 22 23 54
Haven, Y.      136 (ref. 26) 178
Hennig, G. R.      61 (ref. 9) 73 74 33) 75 99 169 195 86 87 207
Herring, C.      187 (ref. 14 15) 205
Hexene isomerization      200
Hockenbury, R. W.      18 184 185 54 205
Holden, A. N.      184 188 205
Holloman, J. H.      123
Holmes, D. K.      51 99 102 103 135 152 153 154 156 158 164 55 125 179
Hove, J. E.      61 (ref. 9) 73 74 35) 75 99 169 86 87 124 180
Howe, J. P.      4 55 180
Huang, K.      111 114 115 127
Hughes, D. J.      15 53
Huntington, H. B.      12 (ref. 7) 57 60 61 109 111 130 131 132 133 158 53 85 127 177
Hurst, R.      199 203 207
Hurwitz, H., Jr.      18 24 26 60 70 54 86
Hydrogen-deuterium exchange      204
Imperfections, effect on residual resistivity      62
Imperfections, effect on x-ray diffraction pattern      107
Impurity atoms      2
Impurity, chemical, in graphite      74
Impurity, interaction with point defect      163
Indium antimonide, neutron-induced transmutations      17
Inelastic fast-neutron scattering      15
Inelastic processes, correction for      15
Interaction of radiation with matter      6-55
Interaction of radiation with matter, primary effects      6
Interaction of radiation with matter, secondary effects      6
Interstitial diffusion      139
Interstitialcy movement      131
Interstitials      2 32 72
Interstitials, activation energy of motion      130 132 137
Interstitials, activation energy of motion, effect of defect concentration on      152
Interstitials, annealing      165
Interstitials, copper      130 132
Interstitials, diffraction effects      108
Interstitials, displacement spikes      42
Interstitials, effect on elastic constant      102
Interstitials, effect on resistivity      64 65
Interstitials, energy of formation      130 132 137
Interstitials, energy of self diffusion      132
Interstitials, equilibrium configuration      130
Interstitials, gold      132
Interstitials, graphite      75 170
Interstitials, interaction with vacancies      133
Interstitials, lattice distortion by      108
Interstitials, mobility      136 163 166 170
Interstitials, pairs      146
Interstitials, pairs with vacancies      146 170
Interstitials, phase transformation      191
Interstitials, platinum      132
Interstitials, recombination with vacancies      144—152
Interstitials, recombination with vacancies, kinetics of      145
Interstitials, residual resistivity in copper, gold and silver      66
Interstitials, slow-neutron scattering      67
Ionic conduction      136
Ionic crystals, conductivity      135
Ionic crystals, defects      135—137
Ionic crystals, electrical properties      94—95
Ionic crystals, self diffusion      135
Ionic crystals, vacancies in      135
Ionization effects      3 104
Ionization effects, energy loss      26
Ionization effects, energy loss rate      9
Ionization effects, gamma-ray      45
Ionization, in salt decomposition      195
Ionization, limiting energy for      8
Ionization, multiple      52
Ionization, threshold      25 27
Ionizing radiation      194 see
Ionizing radiation, effect on organic crystals      107
Iron, critical shear stress      184
Iron, effect of neutrons on resistivity      153
Iron, oxide effect of protons on rate of solution      201
Iron, threshold energy      61
Irradiation of materials      see Individual materials
Irradiation, alpha-particle      27 78 79 156 204
Irradiation, charged-particle      22—24
Irradiation, chemical effects      194—204
Irradiation, deuteron      24 27 63 64 79 157 159 160 184
Irradiation, effect on brittle to ductile transition temperature      184
Irradiation, effect on catalytic activity      199 200 204
Irradiation, effect on compound formation      204
Irradiation, effect on critical shear stress      156
Irradiation, effect on diffusion rate      117
Irradiation, effect on dimensional stability      185—189
Irradiation, effect on hardness      192
Irradiation, effect on mechanical properties of metals      182—185
Irradiation, effect on oxidation of copper      204
Irradiation, effect on oxidation of graphite      200 201
Irradiation, effect on phase transformation      189—192
Irradiation, effect on precipitation from solid solution      192—194
Irradiation, effect on reaction rates      199—204
Irradiation, effect on resistivity      see under Resistivity
Irradiation, effect on solid-state polymerization      196—199
Irradiation, effect on stored energy      98—101
Irradiation, effect on stress-strain      184
Irradiation, effect on ultrasonic velocity      103
Irradiation, electron      13 24 59 67 78 79 121 145 162
Irradiation, electron, crystalline direction      60
Irradiation, exposure units, megawatt-days per adjacent ton of uranium      71
Irradiation, exposure units, neutrons/cm.      2 71
Irradiation, fast-neutron      27 103 106 145 185 191 196
Irradiation, fast-particle      80
Irradiation, fission-neutron      25
Irradiation, gamma      45—53 80 97 121 196 197 199 204
Irradiation, homogenization      85
Irradiation, low-temperature      63
Irradiation, neutron      14-17 24 27 67 71 77 79 97 122 153 154 183 194 200
Irradiation, neutron, disordering by      83
Irradiation, particle      80 104
Irradiation, phase reversion      85
Irradiation, proton      27 119 166 200 204
Irradiation, reactor      15 27 80 81 121 154 184 190 192 195
Irradiation, salt decomposition by      195—196
Irradiation, slow-neutron      196
Isotropic elastic scattering      15
Isotropic fast-neutron scattering      15
Isotropic scattering      14
Jaeger, J. C.      139 (ref. 40) 179
Jahnke, E.      148 (ref. 44) 179
James, H. M.      77 87
Jamison, R. F.      182 (ref. 3) 183 3) 205
Johnson, F. B.      103 (ref. 51) 116 125 127
Johnson, R. D.      119 128
Johnson, W. E.      121 (ref. 106) 128
Johnston, D. F.      74 (ref. 36) 87
Jones, L. J.      45 84 85 55 89
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