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Debye P. — The Interference Of Electrons |
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Anomalous dispersion of electrons 3 4 5
Anomalous dispersion of X-rays 32
Atom form factor 15 16—19 22 26 28 38 39 41—44
Benzene, interatomic distances in 21
Benzenes, di-substituted 23
Berger-Davis 31
Bethe's dispersion theory of electron diffraction 17 25 36—39
Bethe, H. 13 17 25 35 36 37 38 39 41 44 77
Bewilogua, L. 14
Bloch, F. 45 46 47 48 49 54 55 60 72 77
Boas, W. 5 7 10
Borelius, G. 46 51
Bose — Einstein statistics 67
Bragg reflection 16 26 28 29 34 35
Bragg's angle 26 28 29
Bragg, W.H. 30
Bragg, W.L. 18 30
Brillouin, L. 47 48 49
Brindley 21
Bromo-ethane 23
Cis-trans isomerism 22 23
Clay 52
Clusius, K. 53
Compton effect 32 43
Conductivity, electrical see "Electrical resistance"
Conductivity, thermal see "Thermal resistance"
Critical intensity of strong magnetic fields 73
Crystals, diffraction of electrons by 31 34—39
Crystals, electrical conductivity of 8—11
Crystals, electrical, temperature effect 9
Crystals, internal potential of 3—11 13 27 35 38 39
Crystals, mosaic structure in 29 30
Crystals, reflection of electrons from 2—3 6 31 38 39
Cyclohexane, structure of 22
Cyclopentane, interatomic distances in 21
Darwin — Ewald dispersion theory of X-rays 25 27—34
Darwin, C.G. 25 27 29 32 36
Davisson, C.J. 1 3 4 5 32 35
De Broglie waves 36 39
de Broglie's equation 1 2 13 34
de Broglie's theory of electron interference 34
de Broglie, L. 1 34 35 36 39
De Haas, W.J. 79
Debye — Scherrer rings 17
Debye's function 46 49 51 59
Debye's method for interatomic distances 14—16 24
Debye, P. 14 22 24 32 46 47 49 50 51 53 59 77
Dichloro-ethane 23 plate
Dichloro-ethylene 22 23
Dichloropentane 22
Dispersion theory of electron diffraction 17 25 36—39
Dispersion theory of X-rays 25 27—34
Dispersion theory tests of 30
Drude 63
Dymond 43
Ehrenberg 30 31
Einstein, A. 47 55
Electrical resistance and collisions 64
Electrical resistance and temperature 45—57 61—62
Electrical resistance in strong magnetic fields 71—80
Electrical resistance of crystals 8—11
Electrical resistance of crystals and apparent internal potential 11
Electrical resistance of crystals and temperature 9
Electrical resistance of metals, numerical data 52 53
Electrical resistance, anisotropy of 55
Electrical resistance, Bloch's theory of 46 49 54 55 60
Electrical resistance, Brillouin's theory of 47 48
Electrical resistance, Houston's theory of 54 55
Electrical resistance, ideal 51 54 62
Electrical resistance, Peierls' extension to Bloch's theory of 54 55 57
Electrical resistance, residual 51 52 54 58 62
Electron diffraction 1 13 34
Electron diffraction and chemical decomposition 23
Electron diffraction and cis-trans isomerism 22 23
Electron diffraction and homogeneous gas reactions 23
Electron diffraction by carbon tetrachloride vapour 20 plate
Electron diffraction by crystals 31 34—39
Electron diffraction in beam of vapour 19—23
Electron diffraction, Bethe's dispersion theory of 17 25 36—39
Electron interference, de Broglie's theory of 34
Electron interference, of in crystals 1
Electron interference, of in free molecules 13—24
Electron theory of metallic conduction, Sommerfeld's 7 45 63 71 72 75 79
Electron theory, deviations from 77—79
Electron waves, investigation of molecular structure by 14
Electrons, anomalous dispersion of 3 4 5
Electrons, fast 1 13 34 36
Electrons, free mobility of 63 64 69 73
Electrons, mutual action of 63—69
Electrons, reflection of 2—3 6 31 38 39
Electrons, refractive index for 1—3 13 35 36 37
Electrons, scattering of see "Scattering"
Electrons, slow 1 13 35 37
Electrons, specific heat of 45 68 69
Eucken, A. 57 62
Ewald 25 27 28 29 30 32 36
Exclusion principle 65 67 68 72
Farns worth 6
Fermi statistics 45 63 71
Ferro-magnetism, Heisenberg's theory of 66 68
Forbidden reflections 30 39
Frank, N.H. 77 80
Free mobility 22 23
Free mobility of electrons 63 64 69 73
Frenkel, J. 45 53
Gajewski, H. 14
Gerlach, W. 54
Germer, L.H. 1 3 5 32 35
Goens, E. 55 58 59 61
Goldschmidt, V.M. 20 21
Gordon 42
Gruneisen, E. 46 55 57 58 61
Hall effect 76 79
Harteck, P. 53
Hartree 42
Heisenberg, W. 66 68
Heitler 65 66
Hopf, L. 47
| Houston, W.V. 45 54 55
Intensity of scattering see "Scattering"
Interatomic distances in benzene 21
Interatomic distances in cyclopentane 21
Interatomic distances in tetrachlorides 20 21
Interference of electrons see "Electron interference"
Interference of X-rays see "X-ray interference"
Internal and electrical conductivity 11
Internal potential 3—11 13 27 35 38 39
Internal potential and potential difference 4—7 9
Internal potential and reflecting crystal surface 10
Internal potential and temperature 7 9
Internal potential and the work function 7 8
Internal potential as criterion of insulator 10
Internal potential in metallic crystals 4—8
Internal potential in non-metallic crystals 8—11
Internal potential, apparent 9
James 32
Kapitza, P. 56 72 74
Kikuchi 13 34
Kluge W. 7
Laue's kinematic theory of X-ray interference 25—27 29 30 33 34 35
London 65 66
Lonsdale 21
Lorentz 63
Madelung, E. 50 55
Magnetic fields and electrical resistance 71—80
Mark, H. 13 17 43
Matthiessen 51
Mayer, G. 30
Meissner, W. 46 52 56 58 72 74
Metallic conduction, deviations from 77—79
Metallic conduction, Sommerfeld's theory of 7 45 63 71 72 75 79
Mirolubow, N. 45 53
Molecular structure of cyclic compounds 15 16
Molecular structure of tetrachlorides 15 16
Molecular structure, investigation by electron waves and X-rays 14—24
Mott, N.F. 13 26
Onnes, K. 52
Oxalyl chloride 23
Paramagnetism, feeble 68
Patterson 35
Pauli 68
Peierls, R. 45 54 55 57 58 59 60 62 64 79
Polanyi's layer line relationship 26
Polanyi, M. 26 1
Ponte, M. 1 13 34
Potential Potential difference, effect on internal potential 4—7 9
Potential, internal see "Internal"
Prins 33
Raman effect 32 43
Reflection of electrons 2—3 6 31 38 39
Reflection of x-rays 31
Refractive index for electrons 1—3 13 35 36 37
Refractive index for X-rays 27 31 33 35
Resistance see "Electrical resistance" "Thermal
Rose, D.C. 7
Rupp, E. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 13 25 34
Rutherford's scattering formula 16 19 42
Rutherford, E. 18
Scattering, comparison of electrons and X-rays 18 19
Scattering, elastic 13 17
Scattering, inelastic 13 39 43
Scattering, inelastic and dispersion theory 33
Scattering, nuclear 17 18 19
Scattering, of electrons and atomic number 17
Scattering, of electrons by cyclopentane 16 17 18
Scattering, of electrons by metal foils 17 18 plate
Scattering, of electrons intensity of 13 15 16 18 26 41—44
Scattering, of electrons Rutherford's formula for 16 19 42
Scattering, of X-rays by vapour 14 15
Scattering, of X-rays intensity of 15 16
Scheffers, H. 56 72 74
Schrodinger, E. 35 36
Schroedinger's equation 35 36
Schubnikow, L. 79
Screening constant 17
Screening effect 63 64
Secondary spectra 30
Siegbahn 27 29 31 34 35
Sommerfeld's theory of metallic conduction 7 45 63 71 72 75 79
Sommerfeld's theory, deviations from 77—79
Sommerfeld, A. 7 45 63 68 69 71 72 74 75 76 79
Spin 65 66 67 69 72
Stenstrom 27 29 31 35
Structure factor 29
Superconduction 45 56
Susich 31
Szczeniowski, S. 7
Temperature and electrical resistance 9 45—57 61—62
Temperature and internal potential 7 9
Temperature and thermal resistance 57—62
Temperature and total reflection 32
Tetrachlorides, interatomic distances in 21
Thermal resistance and lattice deformation 61
Thermal resistance and temperature 57—62
Thermal resistance of insulating crystals 57
Thermal resistance of metals 58 59 60
Thermal resistance, Peierls' theory of 57 62
Thomson, G.P. 13 34
Thomson, J.J. 42
Total reflection, breadth of region of 28 29 31
Total, effect of temperature on 32
Tuyn 52
Vogt, E. 51
von Laue, M. 2 8 25 26 27 34 37 38
Waller, J. 29 32
West, J. 18
Wiedemann — Franz — Lorcnz law 61
Wiedemann — Franz — Lorenz quantity 57 58 60
Wierl, R. 13 17 25 34 38 43
Wolf, K. 38 39
Work function and internal potential 7 8
X-ray interference, Laue's kinematic theory of 25—27 29 30 33 34 35
X-rays, anomalous dispersion of 32
X-rays, dispersion theory of 25 27—34
X-rays, reflection of 31
X-rays, refractive index for 27 31 33 35
X-rays, scattering of see "Scattering"
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