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Clark G.L. — Applied X-rays |
Предметный указатель |
-iron 299
-rays 98
-rays 6 129
Absorption 91
Absorption, coefficients 91
Absorption, edges 66
Absorption, mechanism of 95
Absorption, practical applications of 106
Absorption, spectra 56
Acceleration law in Bohr theory 72
Acids, aliphatic 326
Acids, dicarboxylic 329
Age-hardening 302
Aircraft parts, testing of 123
Aliphatic chains 316
Allotropic modifications 152
Alloy steels 303
Alloys 279
Alloys, analogies from 292
Alloys, classification of systems 283 294
Alloys, compound formation in 280
Alloys, eutectics 280
Alloys, interstitial arrangement in 280
Alloys, iron 295
Alloys, substitutional arrangement in 279
Alloys, superstructure 281
Aluminum, deformation structures of 358 361 380
Aluminum, recrystallization of 390
Amorphous matter 426
Amphiboles, structure of 274
Analysis, chemical, by x-rays 82 332
Annealing, effect of carbon content on 416
Annealing, of cast steel 400
Annealing, temperature of 418
Anthracene, crystal structure of 309
Aromatic compounds 310
Asbestos 254
Asterism 353
Atomic Radii 234 265
Atomic structure, Bohr theory of 71
Atomic structure, from intensities of scattering by gases 100
Atomic structure, modern theory of 79
Atoms, arrangement of 211
Atoms, sizes and shapes of 265
Austenite 297
Autoelectronic effect 23
Automotive parts, testing of 123
Back-reflection diffraction method 421
Bacteria, effect of x-rays on 154
Bakelite, structure of 438
Balata 450
Balmer series 68 72
Barium carbide 253
Battery, high-voltage storage 40
Benzene ring 309
Biological effects of x-rays 140 153
Bohr orbit 259
Bohr theory 71 80
Bone, structure and constitution of 255
Bragg and Peirce, law of 93
Bragg diffraction law 180
Bragg spectrometer method 190
Bragg spectrum 222
Brass, structures of 282
Bucky diaphragm 112
Bunsen law 143
Calcite, as standard crystal grating 50
Camera, Seemann — Bohlin 203 285
Cancer 153 154 158 159
Carbon blacks 344 428 430
Carbon, crystalline structures of 307
Cast steel 400
Castings, growth texture of 387
Castings, radiographic examination of 119
Catalysts 150 343
Catgut, surgical 460
Cellophane 446
Celluloid 448
Cellulose 444
Cellulose esters 448
Cement 256
Cementite 298
Ceramic materials 257
Chemical analysis by X-rays 139 144
Chemical effects of x-rays 139 144
Chemical reaction mechanism 142
Chicle 450
Circuits for x-ray machines 44
Coal, radiography of 125
Coal, structure of 431
Cold-rolling, effect on texture of metals 358 371 405
Cold-rolling, effects of variables in 403
Cold-rolling, stages in reduction by 403
Collagen 456
Colloidal metals 429
Colloidal particles, shape of 344
Colloidal particles, size of 336 441
Colloids, diffraction by 427
Colloids, flocculation of 149
Colloids, nature of 431
Coloration by x-rays of glass and minerals 151
Combination principle 70 78
Complex formation 252
Compounds, inorganic 231
Compounds, long-chain 319
Compounds, of carbon 246
Compounds, organic 246
Compounds, results of analysis of inorganic 245
Compounds, results of analysis of organic 314
Compton effect 96 131 132 134 162
Conductivity, effects of x-rays on 134
Coolidge tube 18 25 32 104
Coolidge tube for quantitative analysis 88
Cooling 19
Coordination 264
Copper, forming 410
Copper, recrystallization of 394
Copper, wire structure 367
Corrosion of alloys 304
Cotton 446
Counterfeit coins 107
Crystal analysis, Bragg method of 188—190
Crystal analysis, Hull — Debye — Scherrer 188 189 199
Crystal analysis, Laue 185 188 189
Crystal analysis, monochromatic pinhole 188 189
Crystal analysis, powder method of 188—190
Crystal analysis, rotation method of 188 189 195
Crystal analysis, Schiebold — Polanvi 188 189 195
Crystallography, fundamentals of 172
Crystals and x-ray diffraction 171 180
Crystals, classification of 260 262
Crystals, spectra from 49
Crystals, submicroscopic 336
Crystals, types of 259
Cvbotaxis 433
Debye factor 215
Debye — Scherrer method 201
Debye — Scherrer rings 236
Deformation structures, in drawn wires 370
Deformation, effect of grain size on 418
diamond 307
Diffraction, apparatus 185
Diffraction, by amorphous substances 426
Diffraction, by colloids 427
Diffraction, by crystalline substances 426
Diffraction, by fibers 357
Diffraction, by liquids 432
Diffraction, by powders 199
Diffraction, interferences 208
Diffraction, methods 188
| Diffraction, of electrons 7
Diffraction, of hydrogen atoms 7
Diffraction, of x-rays by crystals 4
Diffraction, patterns 208 335
Diffraction, tubes for 31
Diopside 274
Diphenyl 310 313
Dosage, measurement of 160
Doublets 70
Duane and Hunt, law of 53 54
Duane ionization chamber 164
Duprene 450
Durain 431
Dyeing of textiles 430
Eder's solution 165
Effective wave length 104
Einstein equivalence law 147
Electric steel 400
Electrical conductivity 134
Electrical precautions 47
Electrodeposition of metals 385
Electromagnetic waves 4 6
Electrons, back diffusion of 23
Electrons, dual nature of 7 79
Electrons, in x-ray tube 78
Elements, crystalline structures of 231
Elements, discovery of 69
Emulsions, diffraction by 435
Enamels 257
Energy-level diagram 76
Erythema 38 166
Esters 330
Exposure charts 113
Extinction 216
F curves and values 214 311
Fatigue of metals 420
Ferrite 299
Fiber diagrams 357
Fiber diagrams for drawn wires 359
Fiber diagrams for rolled sheets 371
Fiber structure 365
Fibers, orientation in 375
Filament, line focus 28
Filament, spiral 18
Films, formation of 331
Films, metal 387
Filters 67
Filtration 101
Fluorescence 136 138
Fluorescent characteristic x-rays 95
Fluorescent screen 36
Fluoroscopy 112
Focal spot 19
Foils, rolled 379
Foils, rolled, heat treatment of 389
Formaldehyde, polymerized 438
Fourier series analysis of structure factor 216
Frequency law in Bohr theory 73
Gage, uniformity of 106
Gases, scattering by 100
Gelatin 456
Gems 256
Genetics, and x-rays 154
Glass, coloration of 151
Glass, structure of 344 429
Gnomonic projections 220
Goldschmidt law for ionic crystals 268
Grains, orientation of 351
Grains, size of 336 346
graphite 308
Gratings 49 50
Gutta percha 450
Hafnium 69
Hair 453
Hardness, of alloys 300
Hardness, of crystals 272
Hardness, of x-rays 14
Heat treatment, x-ray analysis of 389
Heteropolar combination 262
Heusler alloys 304
Hexamethylbenzene 311
Hexamethylenetetramine 317
Homopolar combination 263
Hydrates, identification of 253
Hydrogen atom, diffraction of 7
Hydrogen peroxide, decomposition of 142
Illinium 69
Indices of lattice planes 173
Industrial diagnosis 111
Inhomogeneity, examination for 107
Inorganic compounds, structures of 245
Insulin 442
Intensifying screens 116 138
Intensity, measurement of 160
Intensity, measurement of, biological method 166
Intensity, measurement of, chemical method 165
Intensity, measurement of, coloration method 166
Intensity, measurement of, fluorescent method 166
Intensity, measurement of, heat method 160
Intensity, measurement of, ionization method 161
Intensity, measurement of, photographic method 165
Intensity, measurement of, selenium-cell method 166
Interfaces, molecular orientation at 332
Interplanar spacings, calculation of 209
Ion radii 265
Ionic combination 262
Ionic crystals, law of formation 268
Ionization by X-rays 131 161
Ionization chambers 164 167 190
Ions, sizes and shapes 265
Iron, polymorphism of 238
Iron, reclaimed malleable 413
Iron, recrystallization of 394
Iron, systematization of alloys of 295
Iron, white-fractured 413
Isomerism 331
Isomorphism 271
Jewel bearings, orientation of 352
K series 56 59
Kenotron 42
Ketones 330
L series 56 62
Lattices, crystal 52
Lattices, layer 271
Lattices, space 176
Laue method 185
Laue patterns 138
Laue patterns, gnomonic projection of 220
Laue patterns, interpretation of 218
Laue patterns, stereographic projection of 219
Laue spots 336
Laver lines 224
Lead, as protection against x-rays 104
Lead, colloidal 429
Lime, plasticity of 257
Lindemann glass 34
Liquid crystals 436
Liquids, diffraction by 432
Liquids, effect of magnetic fields on 437
Lorentz factor 216
Lubrication 332
Luminescence, excitation of 136
Lyman series 68 72
M series 63
Magnesium, plastic deformation of 380
Magnetic field, molecular orientation in 437
Magnetism, crystal structure and 304
Martensite 299
Masurium 69
Medical diagnosis 108
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