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Slichter Ch.P. — Principles of magnetic resonance. With examples from solid state physics
Slichter Ch.P. — Principles of magnetic resonance. With examples from solid state physics

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Название: Principles of magnetic resonance. With examples from solid state physics

Автор: Slichter Ch.P.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1963

Количество страниц: 246

Добавлена в каталог: 23.03.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$f(\omega)$, definition      51
$P_{F}/P_{A}$      99
$V_{k}$ center      195
$V_{k}$ center, electron orbitals      199
$V_{k}$ center, optical transitions      200
Absorption and dispersion, atomic theory of      40 f.
Absorption of energy, rate of      5 8
Absorption, general expression      42
Adiabatic inversion      22
Adiabatic passage      22
Alternating magnetic fields      18
Anderson, P. W.      43
Andrew, E. R.      59 156
Angular momentum, and choice of gauge      76 (see also Quenching)
Angular momentum, and choice of gauge, commutation relations      17
Angular momentum, and choice of gauge, operator in presence of magnetic field      69
Antiferromagnets, nuclear resonance in      100
Antishielding factor, Sternheimer      176
Asymmetry parameter      171
Average of a function over constant energy surface      95
Bloch equations, derivation      28
Bloch equations, derivation, derived from Redfield theory      149
Bloch equations, derivation, modified for very short correlation, solution for low $II_{1}$      29 f.
Bloch equations, derivation, modified for very short correlation, times      157
Bloch functions      92 110
Bloch, F.      8 142
Bloembergen, N.      104 112 142 149
Bohm, D.      90 99
Bose — Einstein statistics      116
Broer, L. J. F.      8
Brooks, H.      99
Canonical momentum      70
Castner, T. G.      195
Charge density, operator for      163
Chemical shift      64
Chemical shift of benzene      82
Chemical shift of N electrons      83 f.
Chemical shift of s-states      76
Chemical shift, contribution of closed shells      82
Chemical shift, diamagnetic      80
Chemical shift, experimental facts      65
Chemical shift, field      72
Chemical shift, formal theory      69 f.
Chemical shift, of p-states      77
Chemical shift, paramagnetic      80
Chemical shift, role of electron spin in      113
Chemical shift, role of spin-orbit coupling in      114
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients      164
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients, definition      164
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients, recursion relations      167
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients, triangle rule      164
Cobalt, nuclear resonance in      101
Collision broadening      154
Core polarization      101
Correlation function      137 227
Correlation function, $G_{\alpha\beta\alpha'\beta'}(\tau)$, definition      146
Correlation function, derivation of      230
Correlation time, $\tau_{c}$      137 140
Crystalline fields      179
Crystalline potential, calculation of matrix, elements of      186 f.
Curie’s law, derivation of      132
Current density, computation of      72 f.
Current density, computation of, definition      70
Current density, computation of, diamagnetic      78
Current density, computation of, paramagnetic      78
Delbecq, C. J.      196
Delta function, integral representation      35
Density matrix      115 127
Density matrix of system in thermal equilibrium      132
Density matrix with applied alternating fields      156 f.
Density matrix with applied alternating fields, an example      158
Density matrix with time-dependent perturbation      133 f. 134
Density matrix, definition      129
Density matrix, differential equation for time variation of      130
Density matrix, Redfield equations for      142
Detailed balance, principle of      120
Dipolar energy      46
Dirac equation      87
Dispersion, atomic theories of      40
Dispersion, general expression      43
Eades, R. G.      59 156
Effective Hamiltonian      182
Effective magnetic field      19 27 184
effective mass      110
Electric field gradient      (see Field gradient)
Electron spin      84
Electron spin resonance      177 f.
Electron spin resonance, substances exhibiting      178
Electron spin, $\delta$ function interaction with nuclei      87
Electron spin, Coupling with nuclei for s-states      85
Electron spin, role in chemical shift      85
Equation of continuity      70
Exchange broadening      112
Exchange narrowing      112
expectation value      12
Expectation value of magnetic moment      15
Expectation value, equations of motion of      1
Exponential operators      23 f. 225
Exponential operators to solve Schroedinger’s equation      24
Exponential operators, definition      23
Exponential operators, products of      24
Fermi function      93 109
Fermi function, derivative of      123
Fermi — Dirac statistics      116
ferromagnets      65
Ferromagnets, nuclear resonance in      100
Field gradient, q      171
Field gradient, q, calculation of      174
Field gradient, q, vanishing for cubic symmetry      162
Foucault pendulum      80
Free induction decay      21
Freeman, A.      101
Froehlich, F.      104 112
g-factor      184
g-factor for system with several electrons      199 208
g-factor for system with two force centers      199
g-factor in $V_{k}$ center      198 199
g-factor, effective Hamiltonian      202
g-factor, first order contribution to      203
g-factor, formula for problem of two force centers      204
g-factor, Lande      187 7
g-factor, natural gauge for molecular systems      203
g-factor, role of parity in      203
g-factor, shift      184
g-factor, sign of      184 214
Gauge invariance      69 72
Gauge invariance of current density      70
Gauge transformation      69
Gauge transformation the “natural” gauge      202
Gauge transformation, relation to origin of angular momentum      202
Gorter, C. J.      8 121
Gossard, A. C.      101
Gutowsky, H. S.      44 102 103 112
Gyromagnetic ratio (definition)      2
Hahn, E. L.      102 103
Hansen, W. W.      8
Hebei, L. C.      125
Hermitian operator      23
High temperature approximation      43 51 119 235
Holcomb, D, F.      156
Hvperfine interaction, anisotropv effects      194 f.
Hvperfine interaction, anisotropv effects, frequencies of transitions      192
Hvperfine interaction, anisotropv effects, spin Hamiltonian for      191
Hybridized bond      176
Hybridized bond of $V_{k}$ center      199
Hyperfine structure      189
Hyperfine structure of $V_{k}$ center      196
Impedance of coil      31
Indirect nuclear coupling      102
Interaction representation      133 157
Irreducible tensor operators $T_{LM}$      164
Irreducible tensor operators $T_{LM}$, comparison of matrix elements      169
Irreducible tensor operators $T_{LM}$, definition      165
Irreducible tensor operators $T_{LM}$, recursion relations      166
Kaenzig, W.      195
Kittel, C.      104 112
Kjeldaas, T., Jr      98 99
Knight shift      64 89 104 112 126
Knight shift, experimental facts      89
Knight shift, formula for      97
Kohn, W.      98 99
Korringa relation      126
Korringa, J.      126 127
Kramers degeneracy      174 189
Kramers — Kronig relation      36 98
Kubo, R.      36
Laplace’s equation      161 162
Larmor frequency      12
Lifetime broadening      155
London, F.      81
Lorentz local field      100
Lorentzian line      32
Magnetic field at a nucleus      66
Magnetic moment of electrons      72 80
Marshall, W.      101
Maser      5
Master equation, definition of      119
Matrix elements, of many electron product, functions      107
Maxwell — Boltzmann statistics      116
Maxwell, D. E.      102 103
McCall, D. W.      102 103
Microwave spectroscopy      1
Moments      50
Moments, $n^{th}$ defined      51
Moments, contribution of like spins to second      58
Moments, contribution of unlike spins to second      58
Moments, effect of rotation on second      62
Moments, example of benzene      59
Moments, first calculated      54
Moments, formula for $\langle\Delta\omega^{n}\rangle$      229
Moments, formula for $\langle\omega^{n}\rangle$      228
Moments, second calculated      56
Motional narrowing      115 154
Motional narrowing, condition for existence of      155
Nabarro, F. R. N.      104 112
Norberg, R, E.      156
Orbital angular momentum      (see Quenching Gauge
Packard, M.      8
Pake, G. E.      44
Partition function      116
Pauling, L.      92
Permutation operator      92
Perturbation of energy by magnetic field      71
Perturbation theory, a theorem      231
Pines, D.      90 99 126 127
Poisson’s equation      102
Poisson’s equation, quadrupole energy including effect of      1
Pople, J. A.      81
Portis, A. M.      101
Pound, R. V.      8 142 149
Power absorbed, relation to $\mathcal{X}''$      32 (see also Absorption)
Pseudo-dipolar coupling      112
Pseudo-exchange coupling      112
PuLSE      90
Purcell, E. M.      8 103 142 149 161
Quadrupole effects      160
Quadrupole energy, classical formula      162
Quadrupole Hamiltonian, general formula for      163
Quadrupole Hamiltonian, general formula in terms of spin operators      170 171
Quadrupole interaction, in strong magnetic in weak magnetic field      173
Quadrupole interaction, in strong magnetic, field      172
Quadrupole moment, classical components $Q_{\alpha\beta}$      162
Quadrupole moment, classical components, definition of Q      170
Quadrupole moment, classical components, general operator for      163
Quadrupole moment, classical components, matrix elements of      163 170
Quenching of orbital angular momentum      65 74 178 181 190 196
Radio frequency spectroscopy      1
Raising and lowering operators      13 47 164
Ramsey, N. F.      69 84 103 161
Random phases      131
Redfield equations, conditions for validity      143
Redfield equations, conditions for validity an example      148
Redfield equations, conditions for validity for density matrix      142
Redfield equations, conditions for validity, derivation of      144
Redfield equations, conditions for validity, method of including lattice temperature      147
Redfield, A. G.      142
Rose, M. E.      165
Rotating coordinate system, classical      11
Rotating coordinate transformation      157
Rotating magnetic field      18 f.
Rotating magnetic field, quantum mechanical treatment      26 f.
Rotation operator      25
Rowland, T. J.      104 112
Ruder man, M. A.      104 112
Ryter, Ch      97
Sampson, H. B.      99
Saturation      8
Schumacher, R. T.      97 98 99
Seitz, F.      99
Seymour, E. F. W.      156
Slichter, C. P.      97 125
Smaller, B.      196
Smith, J. H.      161
Spectral density      138
Spectral density, function $J_{\alpha\alpha'\beta\beta'}(\omega)$, definition      146
Spectral density, function $k_{qq'}(\omega)$, defined      146
Spin hamiltonian      183 187 189
Spin temperature      115
Spin temperature, mechanism of establishment      117
Spin temperature, relaxation of a system described by a      116
Spin-lattice relaxation      4 7 115
Spin-lattice relaxation, calculation for metal      121
Spin-lattice relaxation, field      141
Spin-lattice relaxation, formula for metal      126
Spin-lattice relaxation, minimum value      142
Spin-lattice relaxation, time, spin temperature formula for      120
Spin-orbit coupling      178 179
Spin-orbit coupling in presence of magnetic field      201
Spin-orbit coupling, matrix elements for two force center problem      206
Spin-orbit coupling, stronger than crystalline fields      185
Spin-orbit coupling, typical values      180
Spokas, J.      156
Stationary random function      137
Sternheimer, R. M.      176
Susceptibility, complex      31
Susceptibility, complex of electron spins      94
Susceptibility, complex of electron spins, experimental and theoretical values      99
Susceptibility, complex, expressions for complex      226
Susceptibility, complex, orbital electrons      81
Susceptibility, complex, relation to transient response      35
Susceptibility, complex, tensor      33
Thermal reservoir      6
Tomita, K.      36
Torrey, H. C.      8
Trace, definition      52
Transient response of magnetization      33
Transition probability, for short correlation by density matrix method      135
Transition probability, for short correlation time      140
Transverse relaxation $T_{2}$, derived by random walk model      154
Triangle rule      189
Van Vleck, J. H.      13 104
Vector potential      69
Wangsness, R. F.      142
Watson, R.      101
Wigner — Eckart theorem      164 167 187 189
Wigner — Eckart theorem, applied to linear combinations of $T_{LM'S}$      169
Wigner — Eckart theorem, stated      164
Wigner, E.      99
Wilson, E. B., Jr      92
Yosida, K.      104 113
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