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Kompaneyets A.S., Yankovsky G. — Theoretical Physics |
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"Second sound" 476
Abberation of light 200
Absolute thermodynamic scale of black body 457
Absolute thermodynamic scale of electrostatic system of units 106
Absolute thermodynamic scale of temperature 522
Absorption of light 170
action 82
Action for a particle in an electromagnetic field 218
Action for an electromagnetic field 117
Action in the theory of relativity 211
Additive quantity 15
Additive quantity integral of motion 35
Adiabatic process 520
Adiabatic process demagnetization 543
Alpha disintegration 283
Amplitude 61
Analogy, Mandelshtam 282
Analogy, optical-mechanical 235
Angle, Eulerian 79
Angle, solid 54
Angular, as a generalized momentum 42
Angular, composition of 309 337
Angular, of a field 124
Antiparticle 401
Antiproton 401
Aphelion 45
Atmosphere, planetary 441
Atom, vector model of 369
Atomic units 316
Atoms, hydrogen-like 322
Atoms, hydrogen-like, metastable 367
Barrier factor 282
Barrier factor for alpha disintegration 284
Biot — Savart law 137
Bohr magneton 330
Bohr quantum conditions 290
Bohr theory of atomic structure 229
Boltzmann distribution 430
Born approximation 385
Bose condensation 474
Centre of mass 26
Chemical equilibrium 576
Chemical equilibrium potential 568
Circulation of a vector 95
Close action 134
Coefficient, mutual induction 160
Coefficient, self-induction 160
Collisions, elastic 51
Collisions, inelastic 50
Commutative relations for operator 298
Condition, Lorentz 115
Conductors 149
Constant, equilibrium 579
Constant, Planck's 230
Constraints, ideal rigid 16
Contraction of the length scale 198
Contraction of time interval 197
Coordinate system 11
Coordinate system, centre of mass 49
Coordinate system, inertial 15
Coordinate system, laboratory 49
Coordinate system, rotating 69
Coordinates, curvilinear 101
Coordinates, curvilinear, generalized 12
Coordinates, curvilinear, normal 65
Coordinates, curvilinear, normal electromagnetic field 275
Coordinates, curvilinear, spherical 24
Coupling, j-j 339
Coupling, j-j, Russel — Saunders 338
Critical point 562
Curl 96
Current, displacement 111
Cyclic variables 43
Deflection of light rays in a gravitational field 210
Degree of freedom 11
Degree of freedom, thermodynamic 573
Density, charge 109
Density, charge, current 110
Density, charge, energy 122
Density, charge, probability 244
Density, charge, probability flux 250
Diamagnetic substance 151
Diamagnetism of electrons 485
Dielectric 149
dielectric constant 153 162 442
Diffraction, electron 239
Diffraction, X-ray 239
Dipole approximation 185 362
dispersion 379
Dispersion Formula 382
Distribution, Boltzmann 430
Distribution, Bose — Einstein 425 474
Distribution, Fermi — Dirac 426
Distribution, Gibbs 502
Distribution, Maxwell 432 477
Divergence, vector 941
domains 152
Effect, anomalous Zeeman 374
Effect, anomalous, Compton 231
Effect, anomalous, Dopier 207
Effect, anomalous, linear Stark 377
Effect, anomalous, normal Zeeman 374
Effect, anomalous, squaro-law Stark 377
Effective cross-section, differential 54 385
Effective cross-section, total 391
Efficiency 522
Eigenfunctions 253
Eigenvalues 253
Eigenvalues of square of angular momentum 308
Eigenvalues, angular-momentum projection 294
Eigenvalues, degenerate 416
Einstein formula for fluctuation probability 550
Einstein formula, radiation laws 464
Elements, rare-earth 342
Elements, rare-earth, transuranium 343
Emission of quanta, magnetic dipole 188 366
Emission of quanta, quadrupole 188 367
Emission of quanta, spontaneous and forced 462
Energy 31
Energy levels, electronic 448
Energy levels, electronic, fine structure of 330
Energy levels, multiplet 339
Energy levels, rotational 452
Energy levels, spectroscopic notation of 339
Energy levels, vibrational 449
Energy, calculation of 468
Energy, field 121
Energy, hydrogen atom 410
Energy, in the theory of relativity 213
Energy, of potential gauge calibration 44
Energy, potential 19
Energy, rest 213
Energy, solid body 467
Energy, total 32
entropy 506
Entropy of a subsystem 507
Equation, Clapeyron 436
Equation, Clausius — Clapeyron 559
Equation, Dirac 395
Equation, Schrodinger 246
Equation, Thomas — Fermi 487
Equation, Van der Waals 560
Equations, Euler 78
Equations, Hamilton 89
Equations, in complex form 157
Equations, Lagrange 19
Equations, Maxwell 109 113
Excited state of a system 254
Expansion, eigenfunction 304
Experiment, Fizeau 200
| Experiment, Michelson's 191
Experiment, Stern — Gerlach 295
Factor, Lande 372
Fermi — Dirac distribution 426 477
ferromagnetism 151
Filled levels, shell 370
Fine structure of atomic levels 330
Fizeau experiment 201
Fluctuation, absolute energy 504
Fluctuation, relative energy 504
force 14
Force centrifugal 73
Force centrifugal, Coriolis 72
Force centrifugal, electromotive 100
Force centrifugal, friction 16
Force centrifugal, inertia 71
Force centrifugal, Lorentz 220
Force centrifugal, magnetomotive 112
Force centrifugal, oscillator 384
Force, central 24
Formula, barometric 441
Formula, barometric, Debye 470
Formula, barometric, dispersion 382
Formula, barometric, Planck 464
Formula, barometric, Poisson 548
Formula, barometric, Rutherford 55 387
Formula, barometric, Stirling 423
Formulae, Fresnel 172
Free energy 524
Frequency, of oscillation 58
Function, for field 117
Function, Hamilton 88
Function, Lagrange 22
Galilean transformation 68
Gauge calibration invariance 116
Gauge calibration, potential 115
Gibbs distribution 502
Gradient 98
Ground state of a system 254
Ground state, electromagnetic field 277
Hamilton's equation 89
Hamilton's function (Hamiltonian) 88
harmonic oscillator 61 265
Heat of reaction 579
Heat of solution 571
Helium, orthostato of 349
Helium, parastate of 349
Ideal gases 415
Index, adiabatic 54 2
Index, refractive 170
Induction, electric 148
Induction, magnetic 148
Integral principles 82
Integrals of motion 31
Intensity, dipole radiation 187
interval 202
Intervals, space and time 203
Invariant electromagnetic field 223
inversion 320 403
Irreversible process 520
Isomers, nuclear 367
Isothermal process 519
Kepler problem 47
Lagrange's equation 22
Lagrange's equation, integrals of motion 31
Lagrangian 19
Lagrangian, field 117
Lande factor 372
Laplacian operator 100
Larmor frequency 142
Larmor's Theorem 142
Law of addition of velocities 119
Law of mass action 578
Law, Biot — Savart 137
Law, charge conservation 110
Law, Faraday's induction 107
Law, Kopler 43
Law, Newton's Second 13
Law, Newton's Third 15
Law, Stefan — Boltzmann 460
Law, Wien 462
Laws, Raoult 570
Light cone 204
Light cone rays, deflection in a gravitational field 210
Lorentz condition 115
Lorentz condition for field 221
Lorentz condition for momentum and energy 216
Lorentz condition transformation 194
Magnetic lines moment 138
Magnetic lines of force 107
Magnetic lines permeability 153
Magnetic lines, spin 407
Magneton, Bohr 330
Mandelshtam analogy 282
Mass, reduced 28
Mass, reduced, renormalization of 279
Mass, reduced, rest 212
Matrix 356
Matrix element 356
Matrix, Heisenberg representation 380
Matrix, hermitian 357
Matrix, Schrodinger representation 380
Maxwell distribution 432
Maxwell equations 109 113
Maxwell, in complex form 157
Mendeleyev periodic law 334
Method, perturbation 351
Method, perturbation, of undetermined coefficients 425
Michelson's experiment 191
Moment, dipole 129
Moment, dipole of forces 77
Moment, dipole of inertia 75
Moment, dipole, induced dipole 381
Moment, dipole, magnetic 138
Moment, dipole, magnetic (relationship with mechanical) 139
Moment, dipole, quadrupole 131
Moment, dipole, relative motion 38
Momentum, field 123
Momentum, field in relativistic mechanics 213
Momentum, field operator 292
Momentum, field, generalized 34
Motion, finite 45 263
Motion, finite in a central field 41 312
Motion, finite, infinite 45 263
Motion, stationary 136
Newton's second law 13
Newton's Third Law 15
Nutations 81
Operator, angular-momentum 293
Operator, angular-momentum, commutative 345
Operator, angular-momentum, energy 292
Operator, angular-momentum, Hermitian 302
Operator, angular-momentum, Laplacian 100
Operator, angular-momentum, momentum 292
Operator, angular-momentum, spin 324
Operator, angular-momentum, total angular-momentum 329
Optical-mechanical analogy 235
Orthogonality, eigenfunction 303
Orthostate, for two electrons 348
Orthostate, for two electrons, general case 348
Orthostate, for two electrons, helium 349
Oscillator, field representation 458
Oscillator, linear harmonic 61 265
Osmotic pressure 569
Pair annihilation 402
Pair annihilation production 401
Paramagnetic substance 151
Paramagnetism of gases 444
Paramagnetism, alkali-metal 483
Paramagnetism, rare-earth 446
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