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Page Ch.H. — The Algebra of Electronics |
Предметный указатель |
Absolute magnitude 95
Addition (of currents or voltages) 100
Admittance 100
AM 216
Ampere 2
Amplification 181 193
Amplification factor 178 187 193
Amplitude modulation 216
Angular frequency 88
Attenuation 158
Attenuator 64
Auto-transformer 127
Available noise power 205
Available power 9 195
Available power gain 195
Ballast 13
bessel 220
Black Box 10 48 53 60 143 191
Boltzmann 164 206
Branch 17
Bridge 15 134 136 169
Bridge, Maxwell 134
Bridge, Schering 135
Bridge, Wheatstone 16 50
Bridge, Wien 135 141
Bridged-T 65
Capacitance 67
Capacitance, interelectrode 71 182
Cascade 149
Cascode 211
Cathode follower 181 197
Circuit parameters 58
Cisoidal 99
Coefficient of coupling 85
Cofactor 44
Complex conjugate 93
Conductance 100 178
Conductance, mutual 178
conjugate 145 147
Conjugate, branches 52
Conjugate, complex 93
Constant current source 11
Constant voltage source 11
cosh 156
coth 157
Coulomb 1
Coupling, coefficient of 85
Coupling, coefficient of, critical 129
Coupling, coefficient of, unity 85 115 117
Cramer's rule 45
Critical coupling 129
Current 2
Current source 11 77
Cutoff 160
Damped 87
DB 158
Decibel 158
Decilog 159
Degeneration 202
Delta-Star 60
Delta-Wye 60
Derivative 2 13
Derivative, partial 178
Detector, square-law 216
Determinants 37 ff.
dielectric constant 68
Differential equation 74 82 87 95
Diode 168 175 204
Dipole 68
Discriminator 133
Distortion, phase 229
Double-tuned 128
Duty cycle 171
Dynamic resistance 13 168 178
echo 153
Eddy current 123
emf 2
Equivalent 58
Equivalent resistance 206
Equivalent T 55
Expansion, false 44
Expansion, false, Laplace 44
External current 29
False expansion 44
Feedback 73 142 196
Flux 79
Flux, leakage 119 124
Flux, linkage 79 85 113
FM 79 133 219
Follower 181 197
Fourier series 221
Frequency, angular 88
Frequency, instantaneous 219
Frequency, modulation 79 133 219
Gain 158 194
Gain insertion 155 195
Gain transducer 195
General circuit parameters 58
Generator, current 11
Generator, voltage 11
Harmonics 223
Henry 80
Hyperbolic functions 156
Hysteresis 123 ff.
Ideal transformer 117
Ignition 84
Image 63 147 157
Image, impedance 63 194
Image, transfer factor 149
Impedance 62 90 99
Impedance image 63 194
Impedance input 62 209
Impedance, Incremental resistance 13
Impedance, iterative 162
Inductance 79
Inductance, leakage 119 124
Inductance, mutual 84 110
Input impedance 62 209
Input impedance resistance 50 61 194
Insertion gain 155 195
Insertion gain loss 155 159
Interaction factor 156
Interelectrode capacitance 71 182
internal resistance 5 9
Inversions 41
Iterative impedance 162
Joule 1
Junction 17
Kirchhoff 23 29
L-pad 64
LADDER 33 141
| Laplace expansion 44
Leakage inductance 119 124
Link 17
Linkage flux 79 85 113
Load line 176
Local oscillator 217
Logarithm 158
Loop 17
Loop current 19
loss 158
Loss insertion 155 159
Low-pass 160
Magnetic energy 112
Magnitude, absolute 95
Matching 9 63 146 148 195
Maxwell bridge 134
mesh 21 25
Miller effect 183
Minor 39
Mismatch 151
Modulation, amplitude 216
Modulation, frequency 79 133 219
Modulation, phase 219
Mutual conductance 178
Mutual conductance, inductance 84 110
Mutual conductance, resistance 188
Neutralization 183
Node 17 27 29
Noise 203
Noise figure 208
Noise figure, partition 214
Noise figure, thermal 205
Nonlinear 12 125 163
Nonlinearity 215
Norton's theorem 50
Ohm 3
Ohm's law 5 97 167
Orthogonality 223
Oscillator 141 217
Output impedance 62
Output impedance, resistance 61 194
parallel 6
Parallel-T 139
Partial derivative 178
Partition noise 214
pd 1 27
Peak clipping 218
Pentode 71 128 183
Period 223
Perveance 176
Phase 219
Phase angle 90 91
Phase distortion 229
Phase modulation 219
Phasor 94
Planar 21
Polar form 95
Port 53
Potential difference 1 27
Power 3 99 101 144
Power factor 105
Power noise 205
Power, available 9 195
Power, supplies 170
Propagation factor 150
q 105
Quadrature 101
Reactance 79
Rectangular form 95
Rectifier 168
Reflection 152 ff.
Regeneration 202
Regulation 170 172
Resistance 3 99
Resistance equivalent 206
Resistance, dynamic 13 168 178
Resistance, incremental 13
Resistance, input 50 61 194
Resistance, internal 5 9
Resistance, mutual 188
Resistance, output 61 194
resistivity 3
Resonance 89 101
RMS 169
Saturation 164
Sawtooth 225
Schering bridge 135
Series 6
Shield 71 183
Shot noise 204
Sidebands 217
sinh 156
Space charge 164
Square-law detector 216
Star-Delta 60
Superheterodyne 217
Superposition 96
Suppressor 71 185
Susceptance 100
Swinging choke 172
T-pad 65
tanh 157
Taylor series 168 179 229
Thermal noise 205
Thevenin's theorem 9 48 50 143 206
time constant 75
Tone control 101
topology 17
Transconductance 192
Transducer gain 195
Transformation between T and 59
Transformer, ideal 117
Transformer, practical 122
transistor 185 201 212
Transresistance 192
Triode 175 205
Twin-T 139
Two-port 57
Unity coupling 85 115 117
utilization 172
Varistor 13
Vector 92 94
Voltage 1
Voltage, drop 22 80 110 111
Voltage, source 30 55
Watt 3
Wheatstone bridge 16 50
Wien bridge 135 141
Wye-Delta 60
Zener 167
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