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Jaswon M.A. — The Theory of Cohesion. An Outline of the Cohesive Properties of Electrons in Atoms, Molecules and Crystals |

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Название: The Theory of Cohesion. An Outline of the Cohesive Properties of Electrons in Atoms, Molecules and Crystals
Автор: Jaswon M.A.
Рубрика: Физика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1954
Количество страниц: 245
Добавлена в каталог: 23.03.2008
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-brass 188
-brasa 187 188
-brass 224
-orbitals 95 96 218
Acceptable wave functions 19 60
acetylene 221
Alkali metals 147 167 187
Alkaline earths 147 167
Aluminium 148 188
Aluminium-zinc 189 ff
Anderson T.P.W. 195 197
Angular harmonic 30 71 84
Anti-bonding orbital 93
Anti-ferromagnetism 187 195
Anti-symmetry principle 75
Antimony 148
Arafa, M.K.I. 32 172 175 182
Arasenic 148
Artman, R.A. 188
Atomic orbitals (AOs) 106
Banda 122 ff 132 146 151
Bardeen, J. 163
benzene 152 219 221
Beryllium 147 208
Beths, H.A. 155
Bindingenergy see Cohesive energy
Bismuth 148
Bloch wave functions 136 ff 143 150
Bloch, F. 138
Bohm, D. 32 35
Bohr magneton 39
Bohr orbit 14
Bohr, N. 7 14 39
Bonding orbital 93
Born, M. 7 63 88
Bound states 33 ff 182
boundary conditions 20 155
Bridgman, P.W. 169
Brillouin, L. 85
bulk modulus 168 191
Carbon atom 216
Cohesive energy 62 70 88 157 166 167 213
Coles, B. 198
Compressibility see Bulk modulus
Condon, E.U. 57
Configurational interaction 52
Coolidge, A.S. 49 65 103 104 215
Coper-silver 171 175 177
copper 169 188 192
Copper-gold 171
Copper-zinc 181
Correlation 67 70 74 75 126 127 129
Correlation energy 104 142 162 165 193
Correlation function 234
Cotrrell, A.H. 173 174 181 183
Coulson, C.A. 65: 96 102 103 113 114 133 152 215 219 222
Current 18 24 25
Cyclic boundary conditions 151
Cyclic electron 18 25
Cyclic lattice 36 ff
d-electrons 192
de Broglie, L. 7 17
Degeneracy 29 99
Density-of-states 139 146
diamond 134 217 222
diatomic molecules 94 ff
Digonal hybrids 221
Dipole moment 54 214
Dirac, P.A.M. 7 16 74 79 81 85 146
Dislocations 223 224
Einstein, A. 11 17
Elastic constants: -brass 187
Elastic constants: AI-Zn 190
Elastic constants: Aluminium 189
Elastic constants: Tables 186 188 222
ethane 218 219
ethylene 218 219
Exchange 60 61 64 127
Exchange energy 162
Exchange integral 64 85 126
Exchange repulsion 133 186 187 207 208
Excluange principle 71 81
Extended orbitals 109 114 120 130
Fermi energy 140 144 160 161 165 182 184 187
Fermi surface 140 141 145 187
Ferrar, W.L. 231
ferromagnetism 193 ff
Fischer, I. 114
Fletcher, G.C. 151
Fock, V. 74 85
Foreman, A.J.E. 224
Free electrons 139
Frenkel, J. 183
Friedel, J. 157 182
Froehlich, H. 167
Fuchs, K. 169 186
Germanium 148
Gold-copper 171
Gold-silver 171 178
graphite 148 221 222
Ground state 23 37 49
Gurney, R.W. 182
Hall effect 145
Hamiltonian 22
Hartree, D. 69 70 71 72 73 74 86
Heat of solution 172 173
Heider and London orbitals (HLs) 109 112
Heisenberg, W. 7 16 27 63 64 87 141
Heitler, W. 65 105
Helium: excited states 63 ff 72 80
Helium: ground state 59 ff 68 79 83
Helium: molecular 133ff 207 208 231
Henry, W.G. 184
HL exchange energy 110 195 233
Howarth, D.J. 155
Huang, K. 178 179t 182 185
Hume-Rothery, W. 183
Hund, F. 80
Huntingdon, H.B. 181
Hydrogen atom 8 13 33 35
Hydrogen chain: HL treatment 119 ff 200
Hydrogen chain: MO treatment 121 ff
Hydrogen lattice 147 195
Hydrogen molecule: excited states 116
Hydrogen molecule: HL orbitals 112 ff
Hydrogen molecule: HL treatment 106 ff
Hydrogen molecule: ionic states 115
Hydrogen molecule: MO treatment 100 ff
Hydrogen molecule: self-consistent MOs 102 if
Hyleraas, E. 49 69 70 71
Indium 148
insulators 147
Ion-core 135 153 154 156 161 213
Ionic states 115 215
Ionisation potential (energy) 62 157 166 170
Ionised states 33 34
| Iron 188 193 197 198 199
Isenberg, I. 188
James, H.M. 49 65 103 104
Jaswon, M.A. 171 184 224
Jones, H. 155 162 182 185 186 187 188 191
Kaplan, H. 195
Kemble, E.G. 9 42
Kimball, G.E. 102
kinetic energy 16 26
Krambrs, H.A. 197
Landsberg, P.T. 35
Lazarus, D. 187
LCAO approximation 90 ff 97 121 149
Lead 148 188
Lee-Whiting, G.E. 193
Leigh, R.S. 188 189 190 191
Levinson, V.A. 102
Lidiard, A.B. 194
Lindemann, F. . 88
Linear variation 49 ff
Lipson, H. 187
Lithium 83 155 163 208
Loewdin, P.O. 149
London, F. 65 105 112
Macke, W. 140 141
Magnesium 147 163 168
McDonald, J.K.L. 50
methane 217
Molecular orbitals (MOs) 88 ff 100 121
Momentum 9 14 15
Momentum state 17
Mott, N.F. 88 111 182
Mulliken, R.S. 90 96
N ormalisation 17 225
Nabarro, F.R.N. 183
Nicholas, J.F. 187
Noble metals 147 169
Non-crossing rule 209
Non-stationary state 8 9 20 23 43 44 212
One-electron approximation 59 ff 71 84
Oppenheimer, J.R. 88
Orthogonality 42 73 90
Oxygen molecule 210
Pairing scheme 202 ff
Paramagnetism 128 ff
Pauling, L. 64 68 102
Penney, W.G. 119 216 218 221
Perturbation theory: degenerate 46 ff 228
Perturbation theory: non-degenerate 44 ff 225
Perturbation theory: time-dependent 226
Plaskbtt, J.S. 171
Polarisation 52 ff 98 118
Potential enclosure: rectangular 27 ff 138
Potential enclosure: spherical 29 ff
potential energy 14 26 34
Potential well 31 ff 176
Prokofiev, W. 161
Radial factor 37 71 72 84
Radiation 23
Raimbs, S. 149 158 1 168 191
Ramsauer effect 32
Raynor, G.V. 184 185
Resonance 92 205;
Rosen, N. 113
Rumer, G. 202
Rydberg unit 38
s-shell 194 ff 197 199
Sadler, D.S. 204
Schiff, B. 155 163
Schrodinger equation 19 58
Schroedinger, E. 7 71
Screened potential 192
screening 67 68 98 102 113
Seitz, F. 73 89 125 129 130 134 150 152 156 158 161 163 181 208
Selenium 148
Self consistent field (alloys) 171 181
Self-consistent field (atoms): Dirac 8S
Self-consistent field (atoms): Fock 74 85
Self-consistent field (atoms): general remarks 66 ff
Self-consistent field (atoms): Hartree 69 ff
Self-consistent field (atoms): Hyleraas 68
Self-consistent field (metals): general remarks 153 ff
Self-consistent field (metals): lithium 163 ff
Self-consistent field (metals): magnesium 164
Self-consistent field (metals): sodium 161 ff
Self-consistent field (molecules) 101 102 220
Semi-conductors 147 148
Separated atoms 99 104 129 214 229
Sherman, A. 200
Shortlby, G.H. 57
Silicon 148
Silver 169
Silver-copper 171 175 177
Silver-gold 171 178
Size factor 182
Slater determinants 80ff 120
Slatim, J.C. 80 83 84 86 108 165 201 209
Sneddon, I. 84 111
Sodium 155 161ff 210
Specific heat 127 128
Sphere approximation 156
Spin: angular monlentum 39 78 79 201 238
Spin: correlation 75 126 127 164 237
Spin: paranel and anti-parallel 60 236
Stationary state 8 9 13 68 69 212
Steric repulsion 216 219
Stoner, E. 193
Tellurium 148
Tetrahedral hybrids 217
Thomas — Fenni method 178 ff
Thompson, D.O. 188
Tight-binding approximation 149 ff
Tin 148
Titanium 148 196 199
Transition elements 199
Trapped states see Bound states
Trigonal hybrids 218 ff
Tungsten 197 199
Uncertainty principle 16 27
United atom 96 97
Valence state 213
Van der Lage, F.C. 155
Van der Waals interaction 206
van Vleck, J.H. 200
Vegardslaw 183 185
Vibrational energy 87
Voge, H.H. 218
Wang, S.C. 112
Weinbaum, S. 102 115
Wigner, E. 125 142 152 156 158 159 161
Wilson, A.H. 145 155
Wilson, E.B. 68 102
Wohlfarth, E.P. 126 151 186 192 193 195 223
Wood, J.K. 224
Zener, C. 186 187 195 196 197 198 199 223
Zero-point energy 87 88
Zone structure 143 ff
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