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Carslaw H.S. — Introduction to the mathematical theory of the conduction of heat in solids |
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Age of the Earth, effect of discovery of radioactivity 60
Age of the Earth, Kelvin's classical treatment 57
Age of the Earth, later discussion 209 218 221
Angstroem 41 42 44 70
Ayrton 141
Barnes 144
Beglinger 133
Betti 171
Bocher 225
Borel 31
Boussinesq 51 55
British thermal unit see under “Quantity of heat”
Bromwich 201 218 223
Bryan 176
Burgess 34
Byerly 90 142 143 144
Calory see under “Quantity of heat”
Carslaw 168 171 176 189 201 218 222
Clerk-Maxwell 8 169
Conduction of heat, definition of 1
Conduction of heat, definition of conductivity (K) 2
Conduction of heat, definition of diffusivity or thermometric conductivity (k) 8
Conduction of heat, definition of emissivity (H) 14
Conduction of heat, equation of conduction in cartesian coordinates 8
Conduction of heat, equation of conduction in cylindrical coordinates 12
Conduction of heat, equation of conduction in spherical polar coordinates 11
Conduction of heat, equation of conduction, initial and boundary conditions 12
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: bar methods, Angstroem 41
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: bar methods, Despretz 40 6
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: bar methods, Forbes 40
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: bar methods, Giebe 46
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: bar methods, Gruneisen 4
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: bar methods, Hagstroem 42
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: bar methods, Ingenhausen 40
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: bar methods, Kirchhoff and Hansemann 45
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: bar methods, Neumann 70 79
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: bar methods, Wiedemann and Franz 40
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: electric current methods, Cranz 81
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: electric current methods, Czermak 83
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: electric current methods, Duncan 83
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: electric current methods, Ebeling 81
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: electric current methods, Kohlrausch 83
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: electric current methods, Lees 84
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: electric current methods, Schaufelberger 84
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: electric current methods, Straneo 84
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: electric current methods, Verdet 81
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: electric current methods, Weinreich 81 83 84
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: ring methods, Fourier 2
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for good conductors: ring methods, Neumann 26
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for poor conductors: cube 10 112
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for poor conductors: cylinder, Beglinger 133
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for poor conductors: cylinder, Hall 133
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for poor conductors: cylinder, Weber H.F. 131 133
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for poor conductors: sphere, Ayrton and Perry 141
Conduction of heat, methods of obtaining the value of the conductivity (k) and the emissivity (h) for poor conductors: sphere, Weber, R. 141
Conductivity see under “Conduction of heat”
Conjugate functions, their use in solving two-dimensional problems 91
Contour integrals, their use in solving the equation of conduction Chapter XI
Convection of heat 1
Cranz 81
Cylindrical surface source 153
Czermak 83
De Morgan 34
Despretz 40
Diesselhorst 46
Diffusivity or thermometric conductivity see under “Conduction of heat”
Dimensions of conductivity (k) 3
Dimensions of diffusivity (k) 8
Dini 115
Dirichlet's conditions referred to first on p. 22
Dirichlet's conditions, definition see F.S. §93
Doublets 156
Duhamel 17
Duhamel's theorem 17
Duncan 83
Ebeling 81
Eddington 60
Emissivity see under “Conduction of heat”
Encke 34
Fejer 65
Flow of heat in a circular cylinder Chapter VII
Flow of heat in a rectangular parallelepiped Chapter VI
Flow of heat in a sphere and cone Chapter VIII
Flow of heat in a wedge 164 189
Flow of heat, linear flow Chapters III and IV
Flow of heat, two-dimensional flow Chapter V
Forbes 40 41 56
Ford 115 138
| FOURIER 20 26 54 56 57 58 88 91 110
Fourier's ring Chapter II
Fourier's ring, temperature due to a source at a point in 160 267
Franz 40 81
Gibson 30
Giebe 46
Goursat 33 225
Gray and Mathews 115 128 147 153 156 165 193
Green's functions, their use in solving the equation of conduction Chapter X
Gregory (J.W.) 60
Gruneisen 46
Hagstroem 42
Hall 133
Hansemann 45
Hardy 228
Heaviside 60 201 209 218 221
Heaviside's operational method 201
Heine 124 125 126 144 198
Heywood and Frechet 225
hilbert 225
Hobson 46 115 149 168 182
Holmes 60
Horn 225
Images, the method of 158; see also under “Sommerfeld's extension”
Ingenhausen 40
Integral equations, their use in solving the equation of conduction Chapter XII
Isothermal surfaces 4
Kaye and Laby 3
Kelvin 8 56 57 58 59 60 149 209 218
King 59
Kirchhoff 28 45 51
Kirsch 240
Kneser 225 232 237
Kohlrausch 83
Lamb 9
Laplace 31 54
Lees 114
Mackenzie 35
Mathieu 94
Minnigerode 171
Mollison 70
Moore 65 106 115 117 122
Neumann, F. 26 42 70 71 79 80
Nielsen 193
Niven 114 161 241
Peck 121
Perry 60 141 209 221
Pockels 171
Poincare 159
poisson 54 56
Poynting and Thomson 40 41
Preston 40 65
Quantity of heat, the British Thermal Unit (B.T.U) 3
Quantity of heat, the calory 3
Radiation of heat 1
Rayleigh, Lord (J.W. Strutt) 149 156
Rayleigh, Lord (R.J. Strutt) 60
Riemann 140
Riemann's surface and space 167
Rutherford 60
Schaufelberger 84
Schwarzschild 168 171
Sollas 54
Sommerfeld 163 166 167 168 171
Sommerfeld's extension of the method of images 166
Sonine 193
Sources and sinks in two-dimensional flow (steady temperature) 102
Sources and sinks, their use in cases of variable temperature Chapter IX
Spherical surface source 151
Stokes 69
Straneo 84
Terrestrial temperature 53
Thermometric conductivity see under “Conduction of heat”
Turner 238
Verdet 81
Vivanti 225
Watson 115 117 122 128 147 186 222
Weber — Riemann 34 51 140 163 171
Weber, H. 34 69 70 163
Weber, H.F. 131 133
Weber, R. 141
Webster 169
Weinreich 81 83 84
Whittaker and Watson 142 143 159 191 225
Wiedemann 40 81
Winkelmann 40 41
Woodward 60
Young 115
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