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Haas A.E. — Introduction to theoretical physics, Vol. 1 and 2 |
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Doublet, X-ray, regular 115
Dragging coefficient 395
Draper 371
Drude 246 292
Drude's equations 292
du Fay 202
Duane 252
Dulong 307 356
Dulong and Petit's law 350
Dymond 174
Dyne 16
Earth, rotation of 46
Eclipse, solar (Einstein effect) 444
Eddington 148 152 263
Effect, Auger 251
Effect, Compton 23 253
Effect, Doppler 24
Effect, isotope 222
Effect, Joule-Thomson 318 ff.
Effect, packing 182
Effect, Paschen-Back 131
Effect, Peltier 246
Effect, photo-electric 15 21 250
Effect, Raman 249
Effect, Stark 133 ff. 139
Effect, Thomson 246
Effect, Wien 243
Effect, Zeeman 14 125 139
Efficiency (of cyclic process) 286
Ehrenhaft 4 8
Einsporn 30 92
Einstein 22 25 144 239 349 357—358 382 401 410 440
Elasticity 177
Elasticity, modulus of 176
Electricity, elementary quantum of 3 ff.
Electricity, fluid hypotheses of 203
Electricity, induced 210
Electricity, quantity of 202
Electrolysis 10
Electrolysis theory of 242—243
Electromagnetic field, principal equation of, first 218 235
Electromagnetic field, principal equation of, second 224 236
Electrons 14 ff. 174
Electrons binding 219
Electrons corresponding 238
Electrons equivalent 69 95
Electrons rays 172 252
Electrons recoil 256
Electrons, angular momentum of 59 61
Electrons, free 174 245
Electrons, grouping of 122—123
Electrons, impacts 29 151 253
Electrons, nuclear 217
Electrons, scattering of 174
Electrons, secondary 210
Electrons, selective reflection of 26
Electrons, specific charge of 13 83
Electrons, spin of 61 68 261
Elements, disruption of 212 ff.
Elements, long period, spectra of 101 ff.
elements, mixed 176
Elements, pure 177
Elements, sequence of 33 ff.
Elements, short period, spectra of 99 ff.
Elements, transformation of 184 ff.
Elevation, angle of 20
Ellipsoid, tensor 101
Ellis 207 209
Elsasser 174
Emanation 184 191 195—196 201
Emulsion 352
Energy centre 44
Energy density 196 237 297
Energy dissociation 231 ff.
Energy elements 22
Energy excitation 29 145
Energy ionization 30 145 151 250
Energy level 32
Energy proper 262 401
Energy, conservation of 58 88 237
Energy, dissipation of 307
Energy, flow of 237
Energy, free 277 289 300 310 360
Energy, internal 61
Energy, kinetic 38 60
Energy, mass of 23 401
Energy, mechanical 38 60
Energy, potential 38 60
entropy 306 360
Entropy law, Boltzmann's 307
Eotvos 414
Epstein 133
Equilibrium constant 348
Equilibrium, radioactive 187 ff.
Equilibrium, redimentation 352 ff.
Equilibrium, stable and unstable 77
Equilibrium, statistical 280 297
Equilibrium, thermodynamic 307 323 366
Equipartition, theory of 289
Equivalence photo-chemical, law of 239
Equivalence, chemical 347
Equivalence, principle of 411
Erg 38
Eucken 241
Euler 19 43 62 77 109 173
Eulers equations 109 173
Ewald 241
Excitation energy 29 145
Excitation potential 29
Excited atomic state, duration of 149
Expansion, coefficient of 313
Extension 169
Factor, resolving 67 128
Fajans 202 242
Falkenhagen 243
Fall, free 22
Farad 227
Faraday 10 29 205 223 244 247
Faraday's law 10
Feddersen 233 260
Fermat 42
Fermat's theorem 42
Fermi 245
Fermi's statistics 245
ferromagnetism 143 239
Field, metric 416 423
Field, tensor, electromagnetic 405—407
Field-level 33 125
Field-level, scalar or vector 33
Field-level, strength of 183 204 213
Field-level, tensor 101 130
Field-level, vortex 124
Field-point 182
Field-potential 405
Filament, vector and vortex 124
Fine structure 63 261
Fitzgerald 382
Fizeau 256 395
Flames, conductivity of 146
Flamm 83
Flow 176
Fluctuational phenomena, molecular 348
Fluid pressure 173
Fluid, ideal 172
Fluid, incompressible 174
Fluorescence 23 148 229 251
Fluorescence, extinction of 149
Fluorescence, sensitized 150
Fluorine, valency of 239
Flux tensor 131
| Flux vector 121
force 4
Force generalized 81
Force internal 52
Force reaction 68
Force resultant 19 94
Force, central 56 88
Force, centrifugal 40
Force, conservative 60
Force, Coriolis 45
Force, density of 166 204 222
Force, distance 195
Force, electromotive 212
Force, inertial 409
Force, lines of, electric 204
Force, lines of, magnetic 216
Force, lost 68
Force, Minkowski- 397
Force, moment of 25
Force, relaxation 243
Force, statistical 282
Force, thermal 311
Force, transport 45
Forces, parallelogram of 19
Fortrat 224
Fortrat diagram 225
Foucault 51
Four-current 406
Four-potential 405
FOURIER 52 155 307
Fowler 79 90 100
Franck 30 92 150—151 233—234
Franklin 202 203
Franz 246
Fraunhofer 129
Freedom, degree of 70
Freedom, degree of, statistical 282
frequency 134 231
Frequency characteristic 249
Frequency, nuclear vibrational 232
Fresnel 259 263 267 279 289 300 396
Fresnel's equations 279
Fresnel's law 300
Fresnel's rhomb 289
Friction, internal 337
Frictional resistance, coefficient of 22
Friedrich 165
Fuer 251
Function, characteristic 312
Galileo 3 22 25 38 338 410
Gamma-rays 15 172 207
Gamma-rays, secondary 206 210
Gas constant 332
Gas pressure 336
Gas, degeneration of 245
Gas, perfect 330 ff.
Gauss 123 ff.
Gauss's theorem 123
Gay-Lussac 332
Gay-Lussac's law 333
Gehrcke 16 270
Geiger 18 203 256
Geodesic 412 426
Gerlach 139
Germer 26 172
Gibbs, R. C 101
Gibbs, W. 308 327 338
Giesel 201
Goetze 93
Goldstein 12 16 101
Gordon 257 ff.
Goudsmit 61 78
Gradient 33 116
Gram 16
Gram-atom 10
Gram-molecule 10
Graphite, structure of 240
Gravitation 30
Gravitation constant 31
Gravitation, law of 31
Gravitation, law of, cosmological 447
Gravitation, law of, Einstein's 413 416 435
Gravitation, law of, Newton's 440
Gravity acceleration due to 113
Gravity centre of 56 92
Gravity centre of, conservation of 56 88
gray 185 206
Green 123
Green's theorem 123
Grimaldi 257
Grimm 242
Gruneisen 361
Guericke 201
Guldberg 348
Gunther 174
Guth 258
H-rays 20 213
H-Theorem 338
Haas 45 73 264 369
Haber 240
Hafnium, discovery of 120
Hagen 295
Hahn 201
Hallwachs 16
Hamilton 76
Hamilton's principle 76
Hamiltonian function 83
Harkin's rules 216 ff.
Harkins 181 216
Head, absorption band 111
Heat 301
heat capacity 313
Heat of reaction 322
Heat specific 245 314 327 334 360
Heat theorem, Nernst's 359 ff.
Heat, atomic 355
Heat, development of, by radium 207
Heat, mechanical equivalent of 305 335
Heat, molar 313
Heisenberg 51 ff. 78 94 104 117 230 239 249
Heitler 236
Helium nucleus 78
Helium, arc spectrum of 94 480
Helium, formation of 185
Helium, ionized, spectrum of 78
Helium, lines, displacement of, towards violet 79 ff.
Helium, metastability of 151
Helium, synthesis of 182 212 263
Helmholtz 76 175 308 312
Helmholtz's equation 312
Henry 228
Heron 77
Herschel 261
Hertz 69 260 284
Hertz, G. 29 117
Hertz, H. 15
Herzfeld 242
hess 186 210—211
Heurlinger 224
Hevesy 35 120 181
Hittorf 12
Holder 69
Holmes 201
Holonomous systems 69
Honigschmid 176
Hooke 176 257
Hooke's law 176
Hopkins 35
Houston 73
Hubbard 256
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