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Bube R.H. — Electronic Properties of Crystalline Solids: An Introduction to Fundamentals |
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approximation 127 171
approximation, in germanium 192—194
Absorption index 15 403
Absorption, optical 401—445
Acceptors 312
Accumulation layer 464
Activation energy 338 341
Activator 317
Amorphous materials 167 200
Amplification 347 352
Atomic energy levels 75—83
Attempt-to-escape frequency 333
Az’bel — Kaner resonance 359 390
Band model 179—184
Band model, conduction 181
Band model, valence 181
Bandgap, direct 189 401 413—427
Bandgap, indirect 189 401 427—442
Bandgap, pressure dependence of 425 426
Bandgap, temperature dependence of 424—426
Barriers 452 462 479—484
Basis vectors 34
binding, types of 201 311
Bloch condition 124
Bloch functions 121 122 217 262
Bohr magneton 78
Bohr orbits 68
Boltzmann equation 211 220—231 371
Boltzmann equation, electric field only 225 226
Boltzmann equation, general solution 228 229 371
Boltzmann equation, relaxation time solution 223—229
Boltzmann equation, thermal gradient only 225—228
Boltzmann’s constant 103
bonds 167 200—206
Bose — Einstein distribution 99 100
boundary conditions 5
Boundary conditions, periodic 74 92
Box, one-dimensional 22 49—53
Box, three-dimensional 83—90
Bra symbol 42
Bragg reflection 121 148 263
Bravais lattice 130 153
Brillouin zones 128—141
Brillouin zones, extended 131 133
Brillouin zones, fundamental 133
Brillouin zones, reduced 133 139 186
Brooks — Herring scattering 250 281
Capacitance, junction 462 463
Capture, coefficient 334
Capture, cross section 334 486 488
Capture, probability 334
Cellular method 124—128
Central force field 59 275
Charge density 16
chemical potential 103
Coactivator 317
Commutator 40
Compensation 313
Compensation, self 313
Complementary observables 40
Conductivity, complex 407
Conductivity, effective mass 233 235
Conductivity, electrical 15 225 229—239 329—343
Conductivity, frequency dependence 406—408
Conductivity, nobility 235
Conductivity, thermal 239—244
contacts 449 460—471
Contacts, double injection 469—471
Contacts, nonohmic 461—464
Contacts, ohmic 464—471
Contacts, single injection 466—469
Continuity equation 471
Conwell — Weisskopf scattering 250 274—25
Cross sections, capture 334 486 488
Cross sections, scattering 260 270 273 277
Crystal field splitting 197
Crystal vibrations 5—16
Cyclotron frequency 358
Cyclotron resonance 390
de Broglie wavelength 22
de Haas-van Alphen effect 359 394
Debye length 281
Debye temperature 12 237
defects 306
Deformation potential 250
Degenerate states 36 85
Demarcation level 450 474—476
Dember effect 506
Density of states 87—90 95—98
Density of states in bands 171—174
Density of states, effective density 325
Density of states, effective mass 235
Depletion layer 461 462
Detectivity 453
Device applications 346—354
dielectric constant 15 403 407
Dielectric relaxation time 469
Diffusion, constant 457
Diffusion, length 458
Dirac notation 42
Dislocations 286
dispersion 2
Donors 312 316
Drift, mobility 367 368
Drift, path length 374
Drift, velocity 296 488
effective mass 127 150 159—161 166 172 174—179
Effective mass, conductivity 235
Effective mass, density-of-states 235
Effective mass, longitudinal 189
Effective mass, negative 352 353
Effective mass, tensor 178 191
Effective mass, transverse 189
Eigenfunctions 27 30 39
Eigenvalues 27 30
Elastic energy 253
electric field 16 225
Electric field, high-field effects 288—299
Electrical conductivity 211 229—239 329—343
Electrochemical potential 104
Electromagnetic waves 15—17 405
Electronegativity 201 202
Emission of radiation 345
energy bands 121—207
Energy bands, calculations, general 167—171
Energy bands, electrical properties 179—184
Energy bands, Hall effect 383—385
Energy bands, impurity bands 344
Energy bands, Kronig — Penney model 163 164 307
Energy bands, magnetoresistance 385 386
Energy bands, origin of 121—163
Energy bands, overlapping bands 153
Energy bands, perturbed free electrons 141—153
Energy bands, properties of 166—207
Energy bands, real crystals 184—200
Energy bands, tight-binding approximation 153—163
Energy conservation 349
energy gaps 149
energy levels 85
Energy levels, hydrogenic 318—324
Energy levels, localized 305—354
entropy 103
Ettingshausen effect 387
Excited states 52
Excited states, hydrogenic impurity 323 324
excitons 167 199 200 422 442—444
expectation values 38—42
Fermi energy 89
Fermi level 306 324—343
Fermi level, steady-state 449 472—474
| Fermi sphere 95
Fermi surface 237 359
Fermi — Dirac statistics 75 99—106
Field emission 114—117
Field ionization 289
Free electron model 73—118
Free electron model, applications of 106—117
Free particle 48
Gain, photoconductivity 453 479 484 485
God 70
Griineisen relation 242 243
Ground state 52
Group velocity 4
Gunn effect 347 351
Hall effect 357 359—374
Hall effect, angle 361
Hall effect, constant 360
Hall effect, dependence on magnetic field 373
Hall effect, energy band effects 383—385
Hall effect, experimental apparatus 362
Hall effect, field 360
Hall effect, geometry of sample 363
Hall effect, mobility 362 363 367 376
Hall effect, photo 359
Hall effect, scattering effects 377—380
Hamfttonian 27
Hartree model for metal 93—98
Hartree potential 74 76
Hartree — Fock model 81
Heat capacity, electronic 108—110
Heat current 240
Heisenberg uncertainty principle 40 215 236
Hermite polynomials 56
Hermitian operator 35 36
hole 166 181—184
Hopping process 200
Hot electrons 289—297
Hydrogenic atom 58—68
Hydrogenic atom, angular dependence 60—64
Hydrogenic atom, radial dependence 64 65
Hydrogenic impurity 306 318—324
Impact ionization 289
Imperfections 305
Imperfections, bands 344
Imperfections, centers 311
Imperfections, covalent model 315 316
Imperfections, electronic behavior 316—318
Imperfections, excited states 323 324
Imperfections, hydrogenic 318—324
Imperfections, incorporation 310—316
Imperfections, interactions 343—346
Imperfections, ionic model 311—315
Imperfections, ionization energy 323
Imperfections, occupancy of 329
Imperfections, pairs 345 346
Imperfections, photoelectronic effects 449
Imperfections, sensitization 502 505
Imperfections, terminology 310
Impurities 306
Indeterminacy 40
Injection, electrical 289
insulators 179—184
Intrinsic material 3277339
k space 95 122 128
Ket symbol 42
Kinetics of photoconductivity 454 455 490—505
Kronecker delta 34
Kronig — Penney approximation 163 164 307
Landau levels 389
Lasers 347 349
Lattice 74 122
Lattice, cubic 122 130
Lattice, empty 134
Lattice, reciprocal 122 128—141
Lattice, vectors 122
Lifetime 449 490—505 451—453
Lifetime, minority-carrier 508 509
Linde’s rule 238
Lorentz force 222. 360
Luminescence 349
Magnetic field effects 16 357—396
Magnetic field effects, Az’bel — Kaner 359 390
Magnetic field effects, de Haas-van Alphen 359 394
Magnetic field effects, Hall 357 359—374 377—380 383—385
Magnetic field effects, high field 387—394
Magnetic field effects, magnetoabsoiption 359 392—394
Magnetic field effects, magnetoresistance 357 370 374—377 380—383 385 386
Magnetic field effects, magnetothermal 357 386 387
Matrix elements 142 259 265 268 319 417 432
Matrix elements, momentum 193 418
Matthiessen’s rule 238
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution 99 100 295
Maxwell’s equations 16
Metals, electrical conductivity 237—239
Metals, one-dimensional 97 98
Metals, three-dimensional 83—96
Metals, two-dimensional 97
Mobility 212
Mobility, conductivity 235 367
Mobility, drift 367
Mobility, field dependence 288—299
Mobility, Hall 367
Mobility, microscopic 367
Mobility, photoexcitation effects 452
Mobility, ratio 376
Mobility, temperature dependence 254 255 279
n space 88 95
n-p-n junction 478 479
Neel switches 352
Nernst effect 387
Neutrality condition 331
Nordheim rule 239
Normalization 33
Observable 26
Occupational probability 102
Occupational probability, of bands by holes 184
Operator 26
Operator, equation 28
Operator, hermitian 35
Operator, linear 35
Operator, Schroedinger 35
Optical absorption 401—445
Optical absorption, attenuation factor 403
Optical absorption, constant 404 419
Optical absorption, degenerate material 423
Optical absorption, direct band-to-band 401 413—427
Optical absorption, exciton 422 442—444
Optical absorption, free carrier 403—412
Optical absorption, index 403
Optical absorption, indirect band-to-band 401 427—442
Optical absorption, plasma 411
Optical absorption, polarization effects 426
Optical absorption, pressure dependence 425 426
Optical absorption, temperature dependence 424—426
Optical absorption, virtual state 428
OPW method 168
Orthogonality 34
Orthonormal set 34
Oscillator strength 420
Oscillator, simple harmonic 22 23 53—58
p state 61
p-n junctions 347—349 477
Pair formation 345 346
Paramagnetism, spin 107
Particle-wave duality 40
Pauli exclusion principle 73 79 80 99 122 158
Penetration depth 404
Periodic boundary conditions 74
Periodic potential 121 ff.
Periodic table 73 75 79 80 202 205
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