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Shen Y.R. — The Principles of Nonlinear Optics |
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Self-phase modulation in optical waveguides 515—517
Self-phase modulation in plasmas 548 553
Self-phase modulation in quasi-steady-state self-focusing 325—327
Self-phase modulation in self-trapped filaments 324—325
Self-phase modulation in space 328—329
Self-phase modulation in transient self-focusing 328
Self-phase modulation, effect on self-steepening 330
Self-phase modulation, resulting in spectral broadening 324—328
Self-steepening 329—330
Self-trapping 308 311—312
Slowly varying amplitude approximation 47—49
Snell’s law, nonlinear 50 69
Solitons in optical fibers 519—524
Solitons in optical fibers, experiment 521—522
Solitons in optical fibers, fundamental soliton 519
Solitons in optical fibers, intensity 520
Solitons in optical fibers, interaction of 524
Solitons in optical fibers, period 519—520
Solitons in optical fibers, pulse narrowing and splitting 520—524
Solitons in optical fibers, pulseshape 519
Solitons in optical fibers, solution 519—520
Spectral broadening 324—328
Spectral broadening from self-phase modulation 324—328
Spectral broadening in optical waveguides 515—517
Spectral broadening, maximum 327
Spectral broadening, semi-periodic structure 325—326
Spin-flip Raman scattering 172—176
Spin-flip Raman scattering, cross-section 173—174
Spin-flip Raman scattering, resonant enhancement 173—174
Spin-flip Raman scattering, stimulated 174—176
Stimulated Brillouin scattering 187—192
Stimulated Brillouin scattering in optical fibers 507 511—515
Stimulated Brillouin scattering in plasmas 545—547 550—552
Stimulated Compton scattering 200
Stimulated concentration scattering 199—200
Stimulated light scattering 187—201
Stimulated light scattering, Brillouin scattering 187—192
Stimulated light scattering, Compton scattering 200
Stimulated light scattering, concentration scattering 199—200
Stimulated light scattering, Rayleigh-wing scattering 195—199
Stimulated light scattering, thermal Brillouin and Rayleigh scattering 192—195
Stimulated polariton scattering 169—172
Stimulated Raman scattering 141—186
Stimulated Raman scattering as parametric process 148—151
Stimulated Raman scattering in Ken liquids 159
Stimulated Raman scattering in optical fibers 507 511—515
Stimulated Raman scattering in plasmas 545—547 550—552
Stimulated Raman scattering, anomalies 159 307 316—319
Stimulated Raman scattering, applications 164—169
Stimulated Raman scattering, competition with stimulated Brillouin scattering 317—318
Stimulated Raman scattering, connection with self-focusing 307 316—319
Stimulated Raman scattering, coupled-wave description 146—151
Stimulated Raman scattering, experimental observations 159—169
Stimulated Raman scattering, higher-order Raman effects 156—157
Stimulated Raman scattering, quantum theory 143—146
Stimulated Raman scattering, Stokes-anti-Stokes coupling 152—156
Stimulated Raman scattering, transient 176—181
Stimulated Rayleigh-wing scattering 195—199
Stimulated spin-flip Raman scattering 172—176
Stimulated spin-flip Raman scattering for infrared output 176
Stimulated spin-flip Raman scattering, conversion efficiency 175
Stimulated spin-flip Raman scattering, operation characteristics 174—175
Stimulated thermal Brillouin and Rayleigh scattering 192—195
Stimulated thermal Brillouin and Rayleigh scattering, gain spectrum 194—195
Strong interaction of light with atoms 220 413—436
Strong interaction of light with atoms, bare-atom approach 415—421
Strong interaction of light with atoms, dressed atom approach 220 421—425
Strong interaction of light with atoms, experimental demonstration 425—432
Strong interaction of light with atoms, general description 413—415
Strong interaction of light with atoms, multiphoton excitation and ionization 432—435
Sub-Doppler Raman spectra 275
Sum-frequency generation 67—85
Sum-frequency generation in bulk 71—73
Sum-frequency generation with -phase matching 84
Sum-frequency generation with boundary reflections 73—76
Sum-frequency generation with focused beams 84
Sum-frequency generation with high-conversion efficiency 77—82
Sum-frequency generation, coupled wave formalism 68—70
Sum-frequency generation, limiting factors for high conversion efficiency 83—84
Sum-frequency generation, Manley — Rowe relation 78
Sum-frequency generation, phase matching 76
Sum-frequency generation, practical example 82—83
Superfluorescence 407—410
Superfluorescence, characteristic features 408
Superfluorescence, effective emission lifetime 408
Superfluorescence, initiation 410
Superfluorescence, quantum fluctuations 410
Surface coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (surface CARS) 491—493
| Surface coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (surface CARS) as spectroscopic technique 491—493
Surface coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (surface CARS), phase matching condition 491
Surface coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (surface CARS), signal strength 492—493
Surface electromagnetic waves (surface plasmon waves) 481—486 (see also “Nonlinear optical effects involving surface electromagnetic waves”)
Surface electromagnetic waves (surface plasmon waves) in multilayer system 486
Surface electromagnetic waves (surface plasmon waves), dispersion relation 482—183
Surface electromagnetic waves (surface plasmon waves), excitation schemes 483
Surface electromagnetic waves (surface plasmon waves), excitation schemes, Kretschmann configuration 483
Surface electromagnetic waves (surface plasmon waves), excitation schemes, Otto configuration 483
Surface electromagnetic waves (surface plasmon waves), field enhancement 485
Surface exciton-polaritons 489—490
Surface nonlinear optics 479—504 (see also “Nonlinear optical effects involving surface electromagnetic waves” “Nonlinear
Surface nonlinear optics, effective interaction length 480
Surface nonlinear optics, general description 479—481
Surface nonlinear susceptibility 480 495—498
Surface nonlinear susceptibility, effective 497
Surface photon-polaritons 489
Susceptibilities see “Nonlinear optical susceptibilities”
Third harmonic generation in crystals 93
Third harmonic generation in gases 93—98
Third-order nonlinear susceptibilities 242—247
Third-order nonlinear susceptibilities, doubly resonant cases 244—245
Third-order nonlinear susceptibilities, local environment effect 246—247
Third-order nonlinear susceptibilities, resonant and nonresonant parts 242—243
Third-order nonlinear susceptibilities, singly resonant cases 243
Third-order nonlinear susceptibilities, triply resonant cases 245—247
Time-dependent wave propagation 50—51
Time-resolved infrared spectroscopy 258
Transient coherent optical effects 379—410
Transient coherent optical effects in effective two-level system 379—383
Transient coherent optical effects, adiabatic following 399—401
Transient coherent optical effects, adiabatic inversion 400
Transient coherent optical effects, experimental setup 385
Transient coherent optical effects, free induction decay 386—387
Transient coherent optical effects, photon echoes 388—399
Transient coherent optical effects, self-induced transparency 401—407
Transient coherent optical effects, superfluorescence 407—410
Transient coherent optical effects, superradiation 408
Transient coherent optical effects, transient four-wave mixing 393—399
Transient coherent optical effects, transient nutation 383—385
Transient four-wave mixing 259—264 283 393—399
Transient four-wave mixing, calculated by density matrix formalism 259—262
Transient four-wave mixing, coherent transient optical effects 262 393—399
Transient four-wave mixing, forced light scattering 281—283
Transient four-wave mixing, spectroscopy 283
Transient n-wave mixing 399
Tunable far-infrared radiation by coherent Cherenkov radiation 200
Tunable far-infrared radiation by electron cyclotron motion 200
Tunable far-infrared radiation by stimulated Compton scattering 200
Tunable infrared generation by four-wave mixing 254—258
Tunable infrared generation by four-wave mixing as four-wave parametric amplification process 256
Tunable infrared generation by four-wave mixing, collinear phase matching 256
Tunable infrared generation by four-wave mixing, limitation 256—257
Tunable infrared generation by four-wave mixing, resonant enhancement 256
Tunable infrared generation by four-wave mixing, tunable range 256
Tunable infrared sources by stimulated polariton scattering 172
Tunable infrared sources by stimulated Raman scattering 164—167
Tunable infrared sources in atomic vapor 164
Tunable infrared sources in molecular gas 164—167
Tunable infrared sources, conversion efficiency 164 167
Tunable infrared sources, limitations 164
Tunable infrared sources, tuning range 164—167
Tunable uv generation by four-wave mixing 254—258
Tunable uv generation by four-wave mixing in alkali earth vapor 257
Tunable uv generation by four-wave mixing in molecular beam 258
Tunable uv generation by four-wave mixing in molecular gases 258
Tunable uv generation by four-wave mixing, conversion efficiency 258
Tunable uv generation by four-wave mixing, detrimental effects 258
Tunable uv generation by four-wave mixing, tuning range 258
Tunable uv generation by four-wave mixing, vacuum 258
Two-level system 379 416
Two-photon absorption 202—209
Two-photon absorption in atoms 209
Two-photon absorption in molecular fluids and gases 209
Two-photon absorption in solids 206—208
Two-photon absorption, absorption coefficient 203
Two-photon absorption, coupled wave approach 203
Two-photon absorption, detection schemes 204—205
Two-photon absorption, experimental techniques 204—205
Two-photon absorption, spectroscopy 206—209
Two-photon absorption, transition probability 202
Two-photon Doppler-free absorption spectroscopy 229—232
Two-photon resonant pumping in three-level system 419—421 430—432
Up-conversion process 70
Wave equation, driven 68
Wave equation, driven, homogeneous solution (free wave) 68
Wave equation, driven, particular solution (driven wave) 68
Whitten — Rabinovitch approximation for density of vibrational stales 443
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