Radiation, monochromatic 46 55
Radius errors 395 401 402 411 417 423
Ratio of direct and reciprocal elements 362 363
Rational intercept plane 8—10
Rational lines 73
Rational plane 7 62 73
Rational plane, intercepts of 7—10
Realgar, equi-inclination Weissenberg photograph of 381
Realgar, oscillating-crystal photographs of 202 203
Reciprocal cell, angles and edges of 119 158 357
Reciprocal cell, angular constants of 372—374
Reciprocal cell, axial angles, relation to axial angles of direct cell 352—356
Reciprocal cell, determining elements of 370 374
Reciprocal cell, linear constants of 371
Reciprocal lattice 107—127
Reciprocal lattice axes, measuring lengths of 280—283
Reciprocal lattice axes, selection of 280—283
Reciprocal lattice coordinates, transformation of, to film coordinates 139—142
Reciprocal lattice coordinates, transformation to, from film coordinates 142 143
Reciprocal lattice lengths 109 117
Reciprocal lattice points 110 133 134
Reciprocal lattice points, in the tore of reflection 172
Reciprocal lattice points, location of 124
Reciprocal lattice projections, interpretation of 466—510
Reciprocal lattice projections, Weissenberg 268—280
Reciprocal lattice row forms on equi-inclination Weissenberg films 269—272
Reciprocal lattice row shape, invariance of 272—280
Reciprocal lattice, applications of, to diffraction problems 128—132
Reciprocal lattice, axial ratio of 114 116
Reciprocal lattice, blank 196
Reciprocal lattice, dimensional relations of 120 121 347—363
Reciprocal lattice, geometrical discussion of 108—121
Reciprocal lattice, reconstruction of, from Weissenberg photographs 264—267 230—333
Reciprocal lattice, reconstruction of, Garrido's method 244—245
Reciprocal lattice, reconstruction of, graphical method 231—233
Reciprocal lattice, reconstruction of, Schneider's method 231—233
Reciprocal lattice, relations of, to morphology 290
Reciprocal lattice, vector development of 122—127
Reciprocal space 113 114
Reciprocal space lattices 117—120
Reciprocal, of body-centered lattice 492
Reciprocal, of end-centered lattice 492
Reciprocal, of face-centered lattice 492
Reciprocal, of oblique cells 347—363
Reciprocal, of simple lattice 492
Reciprocity relations 489
Reconstruction of reciprocal lattice from Weissenberg photographs 230—233 264—267
Reconstruction of reciprocal lattice from Weissenberg photographs by Garrido's method 244 245
Reconstruction of reciprocal lattice from Weissenberg photographs by graphical method 231—233
Reconstruction of reciprocal lattice from Weissenberg photographs by Schneider's method 231—233
Rectangular lattice 112—114
Rectangular net 478 479 489
Rectangular net, reciprocal of 491
Reduced cell 364
Reduced cell, selection of 365
Reflecting circle 254 255
Reflection angle 49
Reflection angle, equations for 284
Reflection index 129
Reflection intensities 49 54—56
Reflection intensities, computation of 55
Reflection of x-rays 38 39 43
Reflection plane 82 89 90
Reflection relations 296 299
Reflection space 234
Reflection, indexing of 104 280—283
Reflection, intensities of 104
Reflection, order of 129
Reflection, repetition by 2 3
Reflection, total number developed 172
Reflections, from central lattice line 255—261
repeating operations 60
Repetition, by glide-reflection 2 3
Repetition, by reflection 2 3
Repetition, by rotation 2 3
Repetition, by roto-reflection 2 3
Repetition, by screw motion 2 3
Repetition, by translation 2—4 6 8—10
Repetition, elements, of 2 3
Repetition, geometry of 2
Repetition, scheme of 1
Restricted space point-groups 469
Rho ( ), curves for constant 150
Rho ( ), definition of 150
Rhombohedral cell, axial angle relation in direct and reciprocal cell 356
Rhombohedral cell, volume of 351
Rhombohedral centering 68—70
Rhombohedral centering, extinctions, due to 69 70
Rhombohedral indices, transformation to 70 71
Rhombus net 478
Right- and left-handed motif 73
Right- and left-handed planes 73 74
Robertson 218
Rotating-crystal method 92—106 214 218 375 388—390
Rotating-crystal method, design of apparatus for 166—171
Rotating-crystal method, determination of lattice type with 476
Rotating-crystal method, normal-beam technique 134
Rotating-crystal method, practical aspects of 166—187
Rotating-crystal method, selecting, mounting, and adjusting crystals for 182—186
Rotating-crystal photographs 133—165
Rotating-crystal photographs, eliminating errors in 395 396
Rotating-crystal photographs, examples of 96 147 153
Rotating-crystal photographs, indeterminateness in interpreting 162—165
Rotating-crystal photographs, indexing of 136 137 157—162
Rotating-crystal photographs, interpretation of 133—165
Rotating-crystal photographs, relation of, example of 228
Rotating-crystal photographs, relation of, to Weissenberg photograph 227
Rotating-crystal photographs, with Bernal chart overlaid 147
Rotation axis 47 473
Rotation axis, location of, in general inclination method 309
Rotation axis, of de Jong and Bouman film 336 337
Rotation, repetition by 2 3
Roto-reflection, repetition by 2 3
Rotor 467
Sachs 396 420
Sauter photographs 312—321 328 330
Sauter photographs, camera for taking 218 312—321
Sauter photographs, equi-inclination method 321 330
Sauter photographs, examples of 324
Sauter photographs, flat-cone method 326
Sauter photographs, mechanism for moving film 218
Sauter photographs, normal-beam method 314 315
Scale, determination of 106
Scattered radiation, intensity of 29
Scattered waves, amplitudes of 53
Scattering of x-rays, by a row of atoms 29—31
Scattering of x-rays, by individual atoms 29
Scattering power of an atom 53
Scheme of repetition 1
Scheme of repetition, geometry of 2
Schiebold photographs 312 313 321—330
Schiebold photographs, camera for taking 312 313 321—330
Schiebold photographs, compared with Weissenberg photographs 325—330
Schiebold photographs, equi-inclination method 326
Schiebold photographs, flat-cone method 326
Schiebold photographs, general-inclination method 326
Schiebold photographs, normal-beam method 326
Schneider's method 231—233 253
Screen, direct beam 226 291
Screen, layer line 291 301
Screen, layer line, effective radius of 294 295
Screen, layer line, settings 293—295
Screw axis 47 60 80 81 89
Screw axis, determining presence of 509 510
Screw axis, effect of 507—509
Screw axis, extinctions due to 80 81 90
Screw axis, identification of 89
Screw axis, identity period of 80
Screw motion, repetition by 2 3
Second-order diffraction wave 30 33 34
| Selecting crystals for rotating-crystal method 178—185
Selecting proper wavelengths 455—460
Sequence, transformations in 16—21
Shape of motif 2
Shielding, camera 292
Shrinkage errors 395 401 402 411 417 419—424 427 428 436
Siegbahn's wavelength values 453
Sigma ( ), reciprocal lattice distance 109 117 135
Simple lattice, reciprocal of 492
Space group 2 3 54 467
Space group extinctions 60—90
Space group symmetry elements, determination of, from extinctions 82—90
Space group, determination of 98—106 233
Space group, determination of, from moving film photographs 504—510
Space group, theory of 2
Space lattice types 476
Space lattices 4 5 489
Space lattices, diffraction by 39—43 49
Space lattices, projection of 491
Space lattices, reciprocal of 492
Space pattern 1 3
Space point-group 467 472 473 489
Space, reciprocal 113 114
Spacing-error equation 412—414 419
Specific absorption factor 176—182
Sphere, limiting 132
Spherical projection 107
Square lattice 108—112
Square lattice, interlinear spacing of 109
Square net 478
Square net, reciprocal of 491
Stereographic projection 107
Straumanis method of error elimination 394—396 412
Structure factor tables, numerical 55
Structure of atom 29
Symbols, diffraction 510
Symmetrical back reflection type recording 436
Symmetrical lattice stacks 486
Symmetry center 47 54 58
Symmetry elements, determination of, from extinctions 82—90
Symmetry indeterminateness 165
Symmetry lines 467
Symmetry operations 47
Symmetry planes 74
Symmetry, determination of, from oscillation photographs 204—211
Symmetry, diffraction 56—58
Symmetry, interpretation of, data 473
Symmetry, point group 466—473
Symmetry-true photographs, examples of 209
Symmetry-true photographs, indexing of 210
Symmetry-true photographs, method of producing 206—211
Target, changing of 460
Tetragonal cell, volume of 351
Tetragonal crystal, directions for selecting and interpreting photographs for 496
Tetragonal system, interplaner spacing formula 103
Theta ( ) glancing angle 45 393
Theta ( ) glancing angle, determination of 98—100
Tore of reflection 134
Tore of reflection, number of lattice points in 172—174
Tourmaline, equi-inclination Weissenberg photographs of 501
Transformation from film positions to polar coordinates 254—264
Transformation matrix 11 13
Transformation matrix, determination of 13—16
Transformation theory 10—28 233—241
Transformation, determinant of 27
Transformation, identical 21 22
Transformation, inverse 22—25
Transformation, modulus of 26—28
Transformation, of indices of a plane 12—24
Transformation, of lattice axes 10—28
Transformation, to hexagonal indices 68 69
Transformation, to rhombohedral indices 70 71
Transformation, unimodular 27
Transformations in sequence 16—21
Transforming measurement to spacing 446—453
Translation group 466
Translation identity period 7
Translation, repetition by 2—4 6 8—10
Translation, unit 5 26
Triclinic cell, axial angle relations in direct and reciprocal cell 352—355
Triclinic cell, determination of angular constants of 383—385 462—464
Triclinic cell, volume of 347—351 356 357
Triclinic cell, volume of, geometric derivation 347—349
Triclinic cell, volume of, vector algebraic derivation 349—351
Triclinic crystals, directions for selecting and interpreting photographs for 504
Triclinic normal class 56
Triclinic system, interplaner spacing formula 103
Tridymite, low-, fourth level equi-inclination photograph of 257
Tridymite, rotating-crystal photograph of 147
Trigonal net 478
Triply primitive cell 5 6 28
Twins, determining identity periods in 211 212
Two-fold rotor 467
Uncentered lattice 63 64
Unimodular transformation 27
Unique orientation 367
Unit cell 2 5 6
Unit cell volume, lattice points in a 172
Unit cell, determining dimensions of 492—495
Unit cell, determining dimensions of, by rotating crystal method 155—157
Unit translations 5 26
Unmixed indices 68
Upsilon (T) definition of 137
Urea, n-level flat-cone Sauter photograph of 324
Urea, zero level Sauter photograph of 324
Valentinite, n-level flat-cone Weissenberg photograph of 303
Valentinite, n-level normal-beam Weissenberg photograph of 250
Valentinite, precision back-reflection Weissenberg photograph of 442
Valentinite, second level equi-inclination Weissenberg photograph of 256
Valentinite, zero level equi-inclination Weissenberg photograph of 256
Van Arkel 396 420
Viewing stand 185 186
Volume, changes with transformation 25—28
Volume, multiplication of 27
Volume, of cell 347—352
Volume, of direct and reciprocal cells 359—362
Volume, of hexagonal cell 352
Volume, of isometric cell 351
Volume, of monoclinic cell 351
Volume, of oblique cells 347—352
Volume, of orthogonal cells 351
Volume, of orthorhombic cell 351
Volume, of primitive cell 123 124
Volume, of rhombohedral cell 351
Volume, of tetragonal cell 351
Volume, of triclinic cell 347—351 356 357
von Goeler 396 420
von Laue 1
von Laue equations 41 62
von Vega's tables 452
Warren, B.E. 218
Wave envelopes 30
Wavefront, diffraction of 30
Wavelengths of x-rays 29
Wavelengths of x-rays, selection of 455—460
Wavelengths phase difference 30
Weerts 396
Weissenberg method 221—229
Weissenberg method, camera design 218 221 222 252 253 284—295 436—441
Weissenberg method, equi-inclination method 252—295
Weissenberg method, flat-cone method 301—304
Weissenberg method, mechanism for moving film 218 221 222
Weissenberg method, normal-beam method 230—250
Weissenberg method, precision back-reflection method 436—453
Weissenberg photographs 221—229
Weissenberg photographs, compared with Sauter and Schiebold photographs 325—330
Weissenberg photographs, comparison of, as taken by several methods 308
Weissenberg photographs, determining lattice constants from 368 371—375 377—385 387 388 390—392
Weissenberg photographs, distorted scale 225 275
Weissenberg photographs, equi-inclination method 252—295