Groups, plane point 467—473
Groups, plane point, distribution of, among the space point-groups 472 473
Groups, point 467—473
Groups, space 2 3 54 467
Groups, space point 467 472 473
Groups, space point, restricted 469
Groups, space, theory of 2
Groups, translation 466
Gypsum, precision back-reflection Weissenberg photographs of 443
Hadding 394 402
Hexagonal cell, volume of 352
Hexagonal centering 70 71
Hexagonal centering, extinctions due to 71
Hexagonal coordinate system 68
Hexagonal crystals, directions for selecting and interpreting photographs of 498—504
Hexagonal indices, transformation to 68 69
Hexagonal lattice, multiply primitive 69
Hexagonal system, interplaner spacing formula 103
hkl 129
hkl, definition of 9
Identical transformation 21 22
Identification, of glide planes 89
Identification, of screw axes 89
Identification, of space group 89
Identity period 154 175 176 385 386 491 492
Identity period, degenerate 74
Identity period, determination of 93—98
Identity period, diffraction 74
Identity period, in twins 211 212
Identity period, of glide planes 71—74
Identity period, of screw axes 80
Identity period, translation 7
Inclination angle chi ( ) 137
Inclination angle mu ( ), equal cone 304—306 338 339
Inclination angle mu ( ), equi-inclination 293—295
Inclined x-ray beam, moving film photographs taken with 296—311
Inclined x-ray beam, Weissenberg instrument for use with 252 253 284—295
Indeterminateness, of index 162—165
Indeterminateness, of symmetry 165
Index indeterminateness 162—165
Index transformation 12—24
Index triple 129
Index, reflection 129
Indexing, graphical 160
Indexing, of equi-inclination Weissenberg photographs 280—283
Indexing, of flat-cone Sauter photographs 315—321
Indexing, of normal-beam Sauter photographs 315
Indexing, of oscillating-crystal photographs 193—201
Indexing, of rotating-crystal photographs 136 137 157—162
Indexing, of symmetry-true photographs 210
Indexing, reflections from crystals with large cells 198—201
Indexing, with aid of lattice row template 280—283
Indices, assignment of 98 100—106
Indices, mixed 68
Indices, of a direction 7
Indices, of a plane 9
Indices, of a plane, transformation of 12—24
Indices, of a point 7
Indices, unmixed 68
Instrumental constants of the Weissenberg method 222 225
Intensities, of diffraction spots 470
Intensities, of reflections 49 54—56 104
Intensities, of reflections, computation of 55
Intensity computations, diffraction 55
Intensity correction factors 55
Intensity, false distribution of 470
Intensity, of scattered radiation 29
Interaxial angle 36 37
Interaxial angle, from reflection goniometer 158
Intercepts of a rational plane 7—10
Interlinear spacing of the square lattice 109
Interplaner spacing d 102—105 393
Invariance of reciprocal lattice row shape 272—280
Inverse matrix, rules for forming 24
Inverse transformation 22—25
Inverse transformation, matrix of 22—25
Inversion center 472 473
Isometric cell, volume of 351
Isometric crystals, directions for selecting and interpreting photographs of 495 496
Isometric system, interplaner spacing formula 103
Kettmann 397 413
Kettmann's extrapolation 409—411
Lattice axes, transformation of 10—28
Lattice centering 60
Lattice constants, determination of 358 364—392
Lattice constants, eliminating error in 394—434
Lattice constants, precision determination of 393—434
Lattice direction, indices of 7
Lattice elements, determination of 369 370
Lattice grid as a coordinate system 6
Lattice points, in a unit cell 172
Lattice points, in the tore of reflection 172
Lattice row spacings 386
Lattice row template, indexing with 275 280—283
Lattice stacks, symmetrical 486
Lattice theory 4—28
Lattice, body-centered 66 67 75
Lattice, centered 63
Lattice, end-centered 65 66
Lattice, face-centered 67 68 75
Lattice, line 4 5
Lattice, misuse of term 5
Lattice, parallelogram 114—116
Lattice, point 4 5 7
Lattice, polar 107
Lattice, projection of 489—491
Lattice, reciprocal 107—127
Lattice, rectangular 112—114
Lattice, space 4 5
Lattice, square 108—112
Lattice, uncentered 63 64
Laue equations 41 62
Law of Sines 363
Layer cone 94 95
Layer line photographs 151—155
Layer line screen 210 291 301 313 314 321 322 340 344
Layer line screen, effective radius of 294 295
Layer line screen, settings 293—295
Layer line spacing 385 386
Layer lines 94 95 154
Layer lines of the first kind 154
Left- and right-handed motif 73
Level offsets method 375—377
Limiting sphere 132
Line lattice 4 5
Line lattice, projection of 489
Line space-lattice 4 5
Line-group 467 488
Lineage structure in crystals 472
Linear absorption coefficient 181
Linear constants, of direct cell 385—388
Linear constants, of reciprocal cell 371
Loci, of all recorded diffraction spots 94
Loci, of orders of diffraction 33
Lorentz and polarization factors 55
Low-quartz, zero level de Jong and Bouman photograph of 334
Low-tridymite, fourth level equi-inclination Weissenberg photograph of 257
Low-tridymite, rotating-crystal photograph of 147
Magnification factor for de Jong and Bouman method 337—340
Mallard 107
Mapping of polar coordinates on a Weissenberg film 242—244 261—264
Marcasite, space pattern of atoms in 1
Mass absorption coefficient 181
Matrix multiplication 16—20
Matrix, determination of transformation 13—16
Matrix, example of 20 21
Matrix, inverse, rules for forming 24
Matrix, of inverse transformation 22—25
Matrix, of plane index transformation 15
Matrix, of the transformation 11
| Maxima, diffraction 35 37 38
Meionite, symmetry-true photograph of 209
Mixed indices 68
Modified law of sines 363
Modulus of transformation 26—28
Monochromatic radiation 46 55
Monoclinic cell 351
Monoclinic cell, determination of angular constants of 380 461 462
Monoclinic cell, precision determination of axial ratio and angular constants of 461 462
Monoclinic crystals, directions for selecting and interpreting photographs for 497 498
Monoclinic crystals, identification of symmetry elements of 82 89
Monoclinic system, interplaner spacing formula 103
Morphology, correlation of, with reciprocal lattice 290
Motif 1 47 49
Motif, right- and left-handed 73
Motif, shape of 2
Mounting and adjusting crystal in rotating-crystal method 182—186
Moving film methods 296 331
Moving film methods, introduction to 214 220
Moving film methods, mechanisms for 216 218
Moving film methods, with x-ray beam inclined 296—311
Moving film methods, with x-ray beam inclined, anti-equi-inclination case 301
Moving film methods, with x-ray beam inclined, equal-cone case 304—306
Moving film methods, with x-ray beam inclined, equi-inclination case 296 301
Moving film methods, with x-ray beam inclined, flat diffraction-cone case 302—304
Moving film methods, with x-ray beam inclined, general-inclination case 296 299 306—311
Moving film methods, with x-ray beam inclined, normal-beam case 296 299
Multiply primitive cell 75 122 123
Multiply primitive hexagonal lattice 69
n-fold rotor 467
n-layer Weissenberg photographs 227
n-layer Weissenberg photographs, compaction and extension of spots on 227—229
Net patterns 476—479
Net stacks 486—489
Net, diamond 61 478 479 489
Net, equilateral triangular 478 479
Net, parallelogram 478
Net, rectangular 478 479 489 491
Net, rhombus 478
Net, square 478 491
Net, trigonal 478
Niggli 468 470
Non-primitive axial system 64
Non-primitive cell 62 364
Non-primitive lattices, extinctions due to 60—65
Normal-beam photographs 296 299
Normal-beam photographs, de Jong and Bouman method 341
Normal-beam photographs, equation for reflection angle in 284
Normal-beam photographs, rotating-crystal method 134 149
Normal-beam photographs, Sauter method 314 315
Normal-beam photographs, Weissenberg method 230—250
Normal-beam photographs, Weissenberg method, examples of 250 308
Normal-beam photographs, Weissenberg method, forms of reciprocal lattice rows in 246—249
nth layer line 95
nth level of the reciprocal lattice 160
nth order diffraction wave 30 33 34
Numerical structure factor tables 55
Oblique cell, geometry of 347—363
Oblique cell, reciprocal of 347—363
Oblique cell, volume of 347—352
Offsets, level, method of 375—377
Omega ( ) definition of 216
Omega ( ) definition of, separations, method of 372 373
Optimum crystal size 179—182
Order of reflection 129
Orders of diffraction 30 33 34
Orders of diffraction, fractional 34
Orders of diffraction, loci of 33
Orientation of cell 369
Orientation of crystal, in rotating-crystal method 92 102 104—106 151 155—157
Orientation of crystal, in Weissenberg method 288 289
Orthogonal cell, definition of 351
Orthogonal cell, volume of 351
Orthorhombic cell, volume of 351
Orthorhombic crystal 60
Orthorhombic crystal, directions for selecting and interpreting photographs for 496 497
Orthorhombic normal class 56
Orthorhombic system, interplaner spacing formula 103
Oscillating-crystal photographs 188—213 214
Oscillating-crystal photographs, determination of crystal lattice type from 476
Oscillating-crystal photographs, determining symmetry from 204—211
Oscillating-crystal photographs, examples of 200 202 203 204
Oscillating-crystal photographs, indexing of 193—201
Oscillating-crystal photographs, mechanism for oscillating the crystal 188—193
Parallel radiation, absorption error for 402—404
Parallelism and concentricity adjustments 292
Parallelogram lattice 114—116
Parallelogram net 478
Parallelogram-centered alternating stack 488
Pattern, centered 64
Pattern, crystal 1 47 54
Pattern, space 1 3
Pectolite, equi-inclination Weissenberg photographs of 228 280 281
Pectolite, rotating-crystal photograph of 228
Pectolite, zero level de Jong and Bouman photograph of 334
Peters' tables 452
Phase difference, wavelength 30
Phases of scattered waves 53
Phi ( ), definition and use of 398 399 421—423 447
Phi ( ), definition of 135 368
Phi ( ), determination of, from Weissenberg photographs 233—245 265—267
Physical errors 399
Pinacoidal spacings 119 120
Pinhole system 397—399
Pinhole system, design of 166 167 285 287 288 438 439
Plane index transformation, matrix of 13
Plane lattice array of atoms, diffraction by 34—38
Plane lattice, diamond 61
Plane lattice, projection of 491
Plane net patterns 476—479
Plane net patterns, equi—inclination Weissenberg projection of 481—486
Plane net stacks 486—489
Plane pattern, centered 76
Plane point-groups 467—473
Plane point-groups, distribution among the space point groups 472 473
Plane point-groups, recognition of, in equi-inclination Weissenberg photographs 470—472
Plane, glide 60 71—80 82 89
Plane, indices of 9
Plane, rational 62 73
Plane, reflection 82 89 90
Plane, right- and left-handed 73 74
Plane, symmetry 74
Plane-groups 2 467—473
Planning a run 455—460
Point group 467—473
Point lattice 4 5 7
Point space-lattice 4 5
Point, indices of 7
Point-position patterns 479
Polar coordinates, mapping on a Weissenberg photograph 242—244 261—264
Polar lattice 107
Polarform ratio, Goldschmidt 362 363
Polarization factor 55
Polya 468
Powder method 393 394 435 436
Precision back-reflection Weissenberg method 436—453
Precision back-reflection Weissenberg method, examples of photographs taken by 442 443
Precision determination of lattice constants 393—465
Primitive cell 5 6 28 61 62 364
Primitive cell, volume of 123—124
Projection, of a line lattice 489
Projection, of a plane lattice 491
Projection, of a space lattice 491
Quadruply primitive cell 5 6 28 61
Quartz, low-, zero level de Jong and Bouman photograph of 334
Radiation, absorption of 176—182
Radiation, Characteristic 151 176
Radiation, choice of 171 174—178
Radiation, convergent 193
Radiation, diffracted 36 41