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Franklin G.F., Workman M.L., Powell J.D. — Digital Control of Dynamic Systems |
Предметный указатель |
Prefilters 465
Pressurized flow box 699
Prewarping 194
Process noise 47 389 396
Proportional control 24
PTOS 600
PTOS, discrete 603
PTOS, extended 61
Pulse response 90
Quantization 3 426 458
Quantization, rms error 433
Quantization, steady-state error 430
Quantization, worst case error 428
Quantized signal 3
Radial projection 309
Ragazzini and Franklin 470
Ragazzini's method 264
Random neighborhood search 635
Random variables 713
Reciprocal root properties 372
Rectangular rules 189
Rectangular rules, stability 193
Recurrence equation 74
Recursive least squares 506
Reduced-order estimators 299
Reference input 2 48 310
Reference input, effect on zeros 317
Reference input, following 334
Regulation 2
Regulator 281 371
Regulator, design 302
Resolution 9
Resonances 458
Resonant peak 32
Riccati equation 367
Riccati equation, algebraic 371
Ripple 5 180
Rise time 20 32
Robust 2 214 463
robust design 463
Root locus 222
Root locus, computer-aided 28
Root locus, continuous 24
Root locus, discrete 222
Root locus, symmetric 373 396
Root selection 287
Root selection, estimator 294 304
Root sensitivity 438
Roundoff error 426
Roundoff error, stochastic analysis 433
Roundoff of parameters 437
Routh 96
Runout 664
s-plane design 169
s-plane to z-plane 127 222
Sample and hold 157
sample rate 59
Sample rate, lower bound 450
Sample rate, selection 214 449
Sampled-data systems 3
Sampled-data systems, block diagram analysis 170
Sampled-data systems, definition 155
Sampling period 2 59
Sampling theorem 5 163 450
Satellite attitude control 102 689
Scaling in the z-plane 138
Sector analysis 573
Sensitivity 2 23 245 461
Sensitivity constraints 255 256
Sensitivity performance 248
Sensitivity reduction 463
Sensitivity stability robustness 252
Sensor 2
Sensor, delay 338
Sensor, noise 47 399 465
Separation principle 302 462
Settling time 20
Shorted turn 658
Sidman, M.D. 530
Similarity transformations 709
Simulation 545
Smoothness 451
Specifications, frequency domain 32 243
Specifications, s-plane 213
Specifications, sensitivity 245
Specifications, time-domain 20 213
Specifications, z-plane 222
Spectral density 722
| Spectral estimation 492
Stability 16 22 93
Stability margins 36 243
Stability robustness 249
Stability, BIBO 94
Stability, Nyquist's criterion 238
Stability, Routh's criterion 96
Stability-augmentation 463
Standard deviation 716
State 12
State space 6 101
State space equivalents, backward rule formula 200
State space equivalents, bilinear rule formula 200
State space equivalents, forward rule formula 200
State space equivalents, trapezoid rule formula 200
State space, continuous design 41
Stationarity 93
Steady-state error 23 35 213 259
Stengel 394 397
Step response 18
Stochastic least squares 510
Stochastic processes 719
Successive loop closure 470
Sweep method 366
Symmetric root locus 373 396
System identification 6 479
System type 23 213
T/2 delay 63
Temperature control 694
Tethered satellite 275
time constant 16
Time correlation 393
Time delay 99 298 337 452 694
Time optimal control 599
Time shift 138
Time-varying optimal 364
Track density 650
Trankle and Bryson 311
Transfer function 12 78
Transform methods 6 211
Trapezoid Rule 78 200
Truncation 426
Truxal's rule 226
Tustin's method 192
Tustin's method, prewarping 194
Tustin's method, state space formula 200
Type, 0 23 213 225
Type, 1 213 225
Undamped natural frequency 17
Uniform distribution 714
Unit pulse 120
Unit step 120
van Loan 107 115 455
Variance 521 716
Variation of parameters 105
Vector gain margin 246
Velocity constant 23 213 225
Velocity constant, Bode frequency response 259
Voice coil motor 655
Warping 193
Weighted average access time 653
Weighted least squares 386
Weighting matrices 364
Weighting matrices, selection 400
Whitbeck and Didaleusky 470
White noise 397
Worst case error bound 428
Worst steady-state error 430
z-plane, damping 128
z-plane, design 211
z-transform 5 79
z-transform properties 137 701
z-Transform properties, convolution 138
z-Transform properties, inversion 140
z-Transform properties, linearity 137
z-Transform properties, scaling 138
z-Transform properties, time shift 138
z-Transform, exponential response 121
z-Transform, table of 702
z-Transform, unit pulse 120
z-Transform, unit step 120
Zero Order Hold 59 160
Zero Order Hold, equivalent 203
Zero-pole matching 200
zeros 16 81
Zeros, effect of 129
ZOH 59 156
ZOH equivalent filter 203
ZOH, delay 166
ZOH, frequency response 167
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