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Angell D. — The Filmmaker's Guide to Final Cut Pro Workflow
Angell D. — The Filmmaker's Guide to Final Cut Pro Workflow

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Название: The Filmmaker's Guide to Final Cut Pro Workflow

Автор: Angell D.


This is the comprehensive guide to affordable film postproduction workflow using Final Cut Pro, Cinema Tools, and Pro Tools. Shedding light on workflow and the interrelationship of these software packages, Angell also takes time to focus on cost saving and efficiency, helping the low-budget, independent filmmaker as well as students trying to take their skills to the professional level.

Final Cut Pro Film Workflow will help you:
* Understand capturing picture when shooting on film or digital video
* Work within sound edit workflows
* Better grasp NTSC and PAL video format environments
* Understand Timecode and the file architecture in Final Cut Pro, Cinema Tools, and Pro Tools

Featuring example workflows from low budget films and step-by-step workflow for use in Cinema Tools, this is the sure-fire guide for taking your film to the next level.

* A practical guide to a complete film postproduction workflow that integrates FCP, Cinema Tools and Pro Tools
* Describes a low-cost workflow that can be used for 35mm film, High Definition digital, or DV/Red Camera
* Appendices detail all current video formats and timecode formats with descriptions and uses, and example workflows from low budget films

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 280

Добавлена в каталог: 17.01.2008

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