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Hassell J., Campbell T. — Windows Vista: Beyond the Manual
Hassell J., Campbell T. — Windows Vista: Beyond the Manual

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Название: Windows Vista: Beyond the Manual

Авторы: Hassell J., Campbell T.


Windows Vista: Beyond the Manual is a comprehensive guide to installing, configuring, exploiting, and using the richest Microsoft client operating system on the market. It guides you through the complexities of configuring and running a successful Windows Vista client computer. It also takes an in-depth look at the wealth of features and functions comprising the various flavors of the software.

Windows Vista provides a range of new capabilities and features, many of which are apparent through a totally redesigned interface, and many more that are hidden just beneath the surface. With the help of Windows Vista: Beyond the Manual, IT professionals and home PC enthusiasts alike will become expert users, taking full advantage of the myriad functions and features that make up this release. Noted authors Jonathan Hassell and Tony Campbell pack this book full of their own experience, plus hundreds of hints, tips, and walkthroughs, making it an indispensable companion that won't waste your time.

It's a one-stop shop for geeks and knowledgeable users getting to know Windows Vista.
The authors walk you through practically every useful function.
All versions of Windows Vista are covered and analyzed, and recommendations are offered.
The book devotes a section to next-generation Media Center.
A complete "Where Am I" guide is included for new Vista users.
Domain integration and unattended installation are also covered in detail.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 504

Добавлена в каталог: 31.12.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
diagnostic tools      450
dial-up connections      229
Digital cameras, importing images from      329
digital media      10
Digital rights management (DRM)      277
Digital signatures, Software Explorer and      414
Digital TV, setting up      367
dir command      138
directories      See folders
Directory service accounts, setting up      236
DirectX 10      12
Disable Automatic Restart on System Failure      448
Disable Driver Signature Enforcement      448
disabling      See enabling/disabling
Disc time remaining on DVDs      349
disk drives      94
Disk drives, indexing and      106
Disk drives, NTFS and      419
disk partitions      148
DISKPART command      46 148
Display settings, customizing      69—76
Displaying computer details      90
Displaying folder contents      138
DNS (Domain Name System)      189 192
Documents      See files
domain controllers      82
Domain Name System (DNS)      189 192
Domain policies, vs. local policies      82
Domain profiles      425
domains      55 246 381
dots per inch (dpi)      59
Downloads, Movie Maker      299
Downloads, Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor      20
DPI (dots per inch)      59
drivers      69 74
Drivers, RTP protection for      407
Drivers, updating, creating restore points and      127
Drivers, WinPE and      45
DRM (Digital Rights Management)      277
Drvload command      46
Dual-boot systems, System Restore and      454
DVD hardware formats      346
DVD Maker      11 299 345—361
DVD Maker, configuring      349
DVD Maker, device selection and      348
DVD Maker, photo slide shows and      339
DVD Maker, temporary storage location for      350
DVD projects, creating      351
DVD projects, customizing      356
DVD projects, files, adding to      347
DVD writers      26
DVDs, AutoPlay applet and      115
DVDs, burning      286 299 355
DVDs, MPEG-2 format and      345 356
DVDs, publishing movies to      319
Dvr-ms files      277
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)      189 193
Ease Of Access Center      91 116
Editing movie footage      301 309
Effective Permissions tool      163
Effects, in movie footage      302 312
EFS (Encrypting File System)      4 15
electronic program guide (EPG)      363 369
Electronic Program Guide (EPG), making the most of      374
Electronic Program Guide (EPG), network connections and      365
Email      See also Windows Mail
Email, emailing photos and      340
Email, international, managing      246
Email, migrating      47
email, searching      106
Email, Windows SideShow and      78
Emerging markets, Windows Vista edition for      3
Enabling/disabling, add-on programs, Internet Explorer and      230
Enabling/disabling, attachment blocking      248
Enabling/disabling, BitLocker      171 175
Enabling/disabling, boot options      448
Enabling/disabling, Internet Explorer/Windows Mail icons      99
Enabling/disabling, Protected Mode      225
Enabling/disabling, recently accessed applications/files on Start menu      93
Enabling/disabling, remote access      205
Enabling/disabling, Run command      99
Enabling/disabling, Secure Desktop      381
Enabling/disabling, user accounts      380
Enabling/disabling, Welcome Center      89
Encrypting File System (EFS)      4 15
encryption keys      168
Encryption, BitLocker and      167 171
Encryption, files and      108
Encryption, folders and      104
Entertainment Software Rating Board      12
EPG (electronic program guide)      363 369
EPG (Electronic Program Guide), making the most of      374
EPG (Electronic Program Guide), network connections and      365
Event log      385 428
Event subscriptions      442
Event Viewer      439—443
Events      427 440
Extenders      366
Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML)      18
external commands      136
F (Full control) permissions      158 421
Fast-user switching      238
FAT/FAT32 partitions, converting to NTFS      420
Favorites folder, grouping Internet Explorer tabs under      221
Favorites menu      99
Fax printers      261
Fax servers      260
Faxes, sending/receiving      257—263
Feature icon      93
Feed headlines      77
Feeds, subscribing to      223
File extension mappings      95
File formats, Media Player and      284
File formats, movie projects and      301
file permissions      420
File System      157—165
File system, Encrypting File System and      4 15
File system, importing photos from      329
File system, security templates and      385
Files and Settings Transfer Wizard      15 47—53
Files, adding to DVD projects      347
Files, backing up/restoring      118 121 164
Files, configuring      104
files, copying      138 147
files, displaying      138
Files, indexing      104 106 108
Files, migrating      47 90
Files, Preview pane and      153
Files, previous versions of      164
Files, recently accessed      92
Files, selecting via checkboxes      103
Filtering files/folders and      108
Filtering junk email      243—248
Filters, Movie Maker and      318
Final cut      317
Find feature, Registry Editor and      433
Firefox      218
Firewall protection      14 118 122 389—404
Firewall protection, best practices for      424
Firewall protection, Meeting Space and      252
Fix controls      335
Fix Red Eye option (Photo Gallery)      336
Flip      7 66
Flip 3D      7 63 68
FM receiver cards      26
Folder Options applet      116
Folders, backing up/restoring      118
Folders, classic view of      103
Folders, configuring      103 104
folders, copying      138
folders, customizing      116
Folders, displaying contents of      138
Folders, migrating      47
Folders, new folder structures/elements and      149—155
Folders, permissions and      420
Font size, adjusting      59
Fonts applet      116
ForwardEvents log      439
Full control (F) permissions      158 421
Full disk encryption      4 15
Full screen mode, for Media Player      273
Full-volume encryption keys (FVEKs)      168
gadgets      7 56 61
Gadgets, list of      77
Gadgets, Windows Sidebar and      76
Gadgets, Windows SideShow and      78
Game Controllers applet      116
gaming      10
Gaming graphics, performance and      28
Generalization      41
GIANT AntiSpyware      406
GINA (graphical identification and network authentication)      56
Glass effect      6
gpedit.msc      418 427
Graphic equalizer (Media Player)      272
Graphical identification and network authentication (GINA)      56
Graphics cards      69 74
Graphics, performance and      28
Group By option (Photo Gallery)      325
Group Policy, audit policies and      427
Group Policy, Windows Firewall and      425
Group Similar Taskbar Buttons option      65
Grouping, files/folders and      108
Handouts area, Meeting Space and      254
Hard drives, BitLocker protection for      167—175
hard drives, partitioning      169
Hard drives, performance and      28
Hardening Internet Explorer      231
Hardening Windows Service and      15
Hardware installaing, creating restore points and      127
hardware, requirements for      19—29
HDV (high-definition video) format      299
Help and support      91 95
Hidden files/folders      104
High-definition video (HDV) format      299
Hive      432
HKLM (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)      431 434 437
HKU (HKEY_USERS)      431
Home Basic edition      3 32 299
Home Premium edition      3
Home Premium edition, licensing and      32
Home Premium edition, Movie Maker and      299
Home Premium edition, PC purchasing and      25
Home theater, Media Center for      363—377
hops      145
Host ID      190
Hosts      190
icons, customizing      58
Icons, notification area and      64
Icons, padlock icon, network projectors and      215
ICS (Internet Connection Sharing)      203
ICS host computer      203
identities      238
IE      See Internet Explorer
Image copies      147
image files      16 37 45
Images      See also pictures
Images, capturing/importing      329
images, creating      42—44
Images, deleting      331 328
Images, deploying      44
Images, Photo Gallery and      323—343
ImageX      42—45
ImageX command      147
Importing audio      307
Importing digital media      301
Importing images/videos      329
Importing movie footage      303—308
Importing pictures      307
Inbound rules, Windows Firewall and      396
Indexing files      104
Indexing files, increasing scope of      106
Indexing files, index location and      108
Indexing Options applet      116
Inheritance, files/folders and      161
Installing Windows Vista      31—53
Installing Windows Vista, deployment and      15 35—47
Installing Windows Vista, licensing and      31
Installing Windows Vista, single computer installation and      33
Instant Search      See searching
Interface of Windows Vista      5
Internal commands      136
International messages, managing      246
Internet connection      90 199—204
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)      203
Internet Explorer 7      14 116 217—233
Internet Explorer 7, customizing      224
Internet Explorer 7, hardening      231
Internet Explorer 7, migrating settings for      47
Internet Explorer 7, Protected Mode and      14 218 225 232
Internet Explorer 7, recommended settings for      232
Internet Explorer 7, RTP protection for      407
Internet Explorer 7, setting as default browser      229
Internet Explorer icon      92
Internet Explorer icon on Quick Launch toolbar      63
Internet Explorer icon, disabling      99
Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)      189
Internet Protocol version 6 (TCP/IPv6)      195
Internet service providers (ISPs)      190 193 199
Internet zone      225
IP addresses      189—192
ipconfig command      144
IPsec      404
IPv4 settings      189
IPv6 settings      195
ISCSI Initiator applet      116
Isolation rules, Windows Firewall and      401
ISP account details      200
ISPs (Internet Service Providers)      190 193 199
junk mail filtering      14 243—248
Keep the Taskbar on Top of Other Windows option      65
Keyboard applet      116
L (List folder contents) permissions      158 421
LANs (local area networks)      204 229
Laptops, Media Center and      365
Laptops, Windows SideShow and      78
Last Known Good Configuration      448
Library button (Media Player)      272 287
Library folders (Media Player)      274
Library item properties      334
Library sharing      331
licenses      31 364
Links toolbar      66
List folder contents (L) permissions      158 421
List Folder/Read Data permissions      159 422
Lite-touch deployment      47
Living-room PCs, Media Center and      365
LoadState      53
local area networks (LANs)      204 229
Local Computer Policy      79—87
Local Policies      130 131 385
Local Security Policy management console      130
Lock the taskbar option      64 65
Locking Flip/Flip 3D      68
locking taskbar      64 65
Locking your computer      95
Log off      96
1 2 3 4 5
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