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Morris B., Davies Ch., Day W. — The Symbian OS Architecture Sourcebook: Design and Evolution of a Mobile Phone OS
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Íàçâàíèå: The Symbian OS Architecture Sourcebook: Design and Evolution of a Mobile Phone OS
Àâòîðû: Morris B., Davies Ch., Day W.
Àííîòàöèÿ: The current Symbian Press list focuses very much on the small scale features of Symbian OS in a programming context. The Architecture Sourcebook is different.
It's not a how-to book, it's a 'what and why' book. And because it names names as it unwinds the design decisions which have shaped the OS, it is also a 'who' book. It will show where the OS came from, how it has evolved to be what it is, and provide a simple model for understanding what it is, how it is put together, and how to interface to it and work with it. It will also show why design decision were made, and will bring those decisions to life in the words of Symbian's key architects and developers, giving an insider feel to the book as it weaves the "inside story" around the architectural presentation.
The book will describe the OS architecture in terms of the Symbian system model. It will show how the model breaks down the system into parts, what role the parts play in the system, how the parts are architected, what motivates their design, and how the design has evolved through the different releases of the system.
Key system concepts will be described; design patterns will be explored and related to those from other operating systems. The unique features of Symbian OS will be highlighted and their motivation and evolution traced and described.
The book will include a substantial reference section itemising the OS and its toolkit at component level and providing a reference entry for each component.
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2007
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 630
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 31.12.2007
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GIF format 170 188
Gilb, Tom 337
Global Positioning System (GPS) 11
Global static variables 48 72
GMXML 160 552
GNU tools 25 342
Google 458
GPRS 5 15—16 203 215—216 220—231 236 322—323 381 440 505 513—514 547
GPRS/UMTS QoS PRT component 243—244 513—514
GPS (Global Positioning System) 11
Graphical User Interface see GUI
Graphics Device Interface (GDI) component 184—186 191 285 363—364 443—444 482 513
Graphics Effects component 52—53 55 123 124 131—132 514
Graphics Services Block 54—55 115 118 142 165—171 177—191 482 488—489 495 512—514 517—518 537—541
grid 132 514
Grid component 52—53 124 131—132 514
GSM (Groupe Speciale Mobile phones) 4—6 11 15—16 56 62 136 143 171 201 203—205 215—216 220—231 236 287 376 379—386 401 440—443 500 515 526—527
GSM Utilities component 136 143 171 201 229—230 515
GSMU 229 515
GUI (Graphical User Interface) 11 28—37 43—53 57 61 65—68 73—74 111—119 121—132 269 287 309—310 320—329 334—335 352—353 369 371—375 397—427 435 478—563
GUI (graphical user interface), big interfaces 420—422
GUI (graphical user interface), concepts 397—427
GUI (graphical user interface), definition 399—400
GUI (graphical user interface), development tips 420—425
GUI (graphical user interface), device families 31—37 67—68 128 320 410—420
GUI (graphical user interface), multiple GUI operating system 400—402
GUQOS 243 513—514
hackers 459
HAL_EKA2 272 438 564
handheld computers 29
handwriting recognition 124 310
Hardware 9 11 25 30 55—56 113—119 207—208 371—377
Hardware Interface Layer see also Kernel Services and Hardware Interface Layer
Hardware, complexity 9 11 367—396 420—422
Hardware, concepts 294—299
Hardware, disks 12 44 274 395—396
Hardware, protea project 25
Harrison, Richard 460—461
Hash library 268
Haskell 98
Hayes modem control 220—221 379 381
HBufC 78—81
HCI 251 484
HCI Framework component 251—252 323 515
Healey, Nick 461
Heap 42 76—81
Heap descriptors see also descriptors; HBufC
Heap descriptors, concepts 78—80
Help component 140 156 322 515—516
Henry, Morgan 437—439 466—468 574
Hewlett Packard (HP) 17 20 21—22 38 68
HLPMODEL 156 515—516
Holland see Netherlands
Hollywood factory, software development 460
Hong Kong 4
HotSpot technology 304 306 315—316
HTML 141 158 395 509—510
HTTP 53 136 147—149 161—163 235—236 310 323 516—517
HTTP Filter Plug-ins component 136 147—149 161—163 516
HTTP Protocol Plug-ins component 136 147—149 161—163 516
HTTP Transport Framework component 53 136 147—149 161—163 516—517
HTTP Utilities Library component 136 147—149 161—163 517
Huffman compression 260
Human aspects, software 90 457—459
Hutton, Ian 373 396 408—410 417 575
i-mode 10
I/O 39
IBM 43 404
ICL... 187 517
Idioms, Symbian OS 56—57 71—82 256 257 260 333 347 353—354 447 463—464
Idle processes 60
If-then-else constructs 103
Image Conversion Library component 180—181 187—188 517
Image Conversion Library Plug-ins component 180—181 187—188 518
IMAP4 MTM component 136 143 145 158—159 388—391 518
Immutable descriptors, concepts 78—79
Implementation inheritance, concepts 345
Infrared links 77 169 171 192 194 199—201 205—206 208 213—214 229—230 245—253 368 376—377 381 520
Inheritance, concepts 93—94 95—100 344—345 347—352 363—364
Inheritance, object-oriented approaches 81 93—108 344—345 347—352 363—364
INHOOK6 242 519
INI files 265
INSOCK 241 518—519
Instantiation 62—63
Integration factors 420—421
Intel 29 338 342
Inter-thread communications (ITCs) 58
Interfaces principles, object-oriented approaches 92—100
InternalAll 477
Internalize 71
InternalTechnology 477
Internationalization factors, software development 469—470
Internet 5 9 11 16 29 142—143 146—149 161—163 168 208 212 376—377 482 487 502 513 516—519
Internet Sockets component 241 518—519
Internet, virtualized browsing 212
Interpreted languages 101 450
Interprocessor communications (IPCs) 58—60 262—263 284 289—290 307—308
Interrupts 280 287—291
Inverted pyramid of reuse, layered models 113—114
IP Event Notifier component 242 519
IP Hook component 233 241—242 519
IP-based data networks 3G (third generation) networks 5
IPCPR 243 496—497
IPCs (interprocessor communications) 58—60 262—263 284 289—290 307—308
iPod 399
IPsec 239 520
IPSec component 15—16 203—204 231—235 239 322—323 520
IPSEC6 498—499 see also Core IPSec PRT component
IPv4/v6 16 231—242 322—323 557
IrCOMM 248
IrDA 201 208 245—253 520
IrDA CSY component 201 208 252—253 520
IrDA PRT component 252—253 520
IrOBEX 248 250 321
IrTranP 248
ISO9000 457
ISPs 216 230
Italy 3—5
ITCs (inter-thread communications) 58
Iterative-development practices, software 457—458 468—469
Jackson, Peter 24—25 39—41 58 69—70 79 334 362—363 377 406 462—463 464 469—470 575
JAD files 194 196
Japan 4—5 16 36—37 68 122 135 178 285 319 326 328 401 457
jar files 194 196 268
Java 16 46 53—54 71 88 91—96 98—102 118 123 127 172 268 301—317 349—350 401—402 425 446—447 450—451 483 521—523 526—530 548—549 570—571
Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition see Java ME Layer
Java IO component 315 521
Java Lang component 315 521
Java ME Layer 54 112 118 133 301—317 323—329 483 521—523 526—530 548—549 570—571
Java ME Layer, architecture 306—311
Java ME Layer, CDLC 301—316
Java ME Layer, component collections 311—317
Java ME Layer, concepts 54 118 133 301—317
Java ME Layer, configurations 301—302
Java ME Layer, conflicts 302—303 304—305
Java ME Layer, design goals 302—303
Java ME Layer, evolution 303—306
Java ME Layer, historical background 303—306
Java ME Layer, MIDlets 302—317 323—329 521—522 527—528
Java ME Layer, MIDP 118 301—316 323 328—329 526—528
Java ME Layer, overview 112 118 301—306
Java ME Layer, profiles 301—302 311—313
Java ME Layer, requirements 302
Java ME Layer, SystemAMS (Application Management Software) 307—308 310
Java MIDlet Installer component 150—163 521—522
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 301
Java Utilities component 302 315 522
Java, historical background 91 106—108 118 303—306
Java, object-oriented approaches 88 91 93 95—96 98—102 106—108 349—350
Java, success 107—108
Java, Virtual Machine (JVM) 54 106—108 118 301 305—309 315—316
JAVA.IO 315 521
JAVA.LANG 315 521
Java.util 315 522
JavaPhone 305
JDK 304—305
JIT (Just In Time) compilers 309
JPEG format 188
JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 301
JTAG 294—295
JTWI 1.0 component
Just In Time (JIT) compilers 309
JVM (Java Virtual Machine) 54 106—108 118 301 305—309 315—316
Kay, Alan 102
Kernel 25 45—49 55—56 57 63—64 166—168 186 209 255 258—259 270—299 323—329 333 363—366 369—375 435 436—440 522—523
Kernel Architecture 2 component 55—56 118 285—299 522—523
Kernel Services and Hardware Interface Layer 55—56 111—119 185 279—299 323—329 369—375 479—566
Kernel Services and Hardware Interface Layer, component collections 295—299
Kernel Services and Hardware Interface Layer, concepts 55—56 111—115 118 185 279—299 369—375
Kernel Services and Hardware Interface Layer, design goals 281—283 288—289
Kernel Services and Hardware Interface Layer, overview 115 118 279—283
Kernel Services and Hardware Interface Layer, roles 279—283
Kernel Services and Hardware Interface Layer, singleton component collections 284—285
Kernel Services and Hardware Interface Layer, Symbian OS component reference 479—566
Kernel Services and Hardware Interface Layer, variant collection 298—299
Kernel, concepts 45—49 55—56 57 63—64 166—168 186 255 258—259 279—299 323—329 333 363—366 369—375 435 436—440
Kernel, EKA1 55—56 64 118 259—260 280—282 283—284 287—288 291 293—294 325 326 327 363—364 372
Kernel, EKA2 55—56 63—64 118 259—260 280—282 283—299 325—329 363—364 365 371—375 436—440 503 522—523
Kernel, graphics system 186
Kernel, nanokernel 286—299
Kernel, object-oriented approaches 333 363—366
Kernel, roles 49 166—167 255 279—283 288—294
Ketola, Pekka 420
Key Store component 177 523
Keyclickref plug-in 182—183 189
Keys 68 127—132 173—174 491
KEYSTORE 177 523
Korea 220
L suffixes 76 80—81
L2CAP 252
Lamarr, Hedy 5
LANs 216 233—234
laptops 38—41
Layers 52—56 111—119 476—572
Layers, concepts 52—56 111—119
Layers, guidelines 113—114
Layers, inverted pyramid of reuse 113—114
Layers, Symbian OS component reference 476—572
LCDUI Plug-in component 308 309—310 316 523
LCDUIB 316 523
LDDs (logical device drivers) 55—56 118 253 280—281 289 290 292 295—297 479 506—507 525—526 538 564
Lead product concept, Symbian OS 434
Leaks, memory 76—77 79—80 106
Leave 76—77 447
Leaving functions 56—57 72—73 75—77 343—344
Legacy API 53 137 140 477
Lenovo 122
Levin, David 419—420
LFFS 511
lg 122
Libraries 29 48 49 53 55 58—59 62 71 76 82 127—129 165—166 167 171—177 185 196 210 225 229—230 255—277 479 488 565 572
License Categorizations, Symbian OS component reference 476—572
licenses 27—31 47 50—52 67—68 121—122 140 145 180—181 222 249 281—282 304 313—314 319 385—386 400—401 435—436 443 475 495 529—530
Likon 16
Lindholm, Christian 37 377
Linux 16 37 52 55 63 179 193 258 283 401 445
Lisp 92
Literals, concepts 79—80
Locale Support component 284—285 328—329 524
Locale Support component, lOCE32... 285 524
Locale Support component, lOGENG 176 508
Locale Support component, logical device drivers (LDDs) 55—56 118 253 280—281 289 292 295—297 479 506—507 525—526 538 564
Locale Support component, lotus 1-2-3 69
Locale Support component, lotus Notes 463—464 468
Lubbock Variant component 298—299 524
LUBBOCK_EKA2 298 524
M (abstract interface) classes, concepts 81 349
M-Router component 192 197—198 530—531
M3GIO 314 530
Macromedia 122 402
Mainframe computers 39—40
Maintenance needs, software 430—436 455—456
malloc 173
malware 80 84
Manifest constants, concepts 81—82
Markets, mobile phones 373—375
Markets, shares 422
Marks & Spencer 17
Matsushita 466
MBM format 188
MBuf Manager component 211 213 219 325 524—525
MBUFMAN 219 524—525
MC400 laptop 38—42 402—403 463
McIlroy, Doug 455
MCoeView 125
MDF... 277 see also Media . . .
ME9.2 522
media cards 174 177
Media Device Framework component 267 276—277 290 296—297
Media Device Framework Plug-ins component 276—277
Media Drivers component 180 296—297 525
Media Players 302
MEDUSII... 296 525
Memory 11 25 58 76—77 79—80 288—289 291—292 294—295 298—299 338 488
Memory Management Unit (MMU) 25 288—289 291—292 294—295 298—299 338 488
Memory Model 289 291—294
memory sticks 174 177
Memory, concepts 58 76—80
Memory, leaks 76—77 79—80 106
memory, virtual memory 58
Message Store component 53 158—159 525
Message Suite release, EPOC 29—30
Message Type Modules (MTMs) 143 144—163 224 388—394 446 490 518 529 534 568
Meta-classes 102—103
Metrowerks 81 323
Meyers, Scott 346
Micro hard-drives 12
Microkernel 49 55 57 63—64 166—168 255—258 283 286—287
Microkernel, concepts 57 63—64 166—168 255—257 283 286—287
Microsoft Windows 6 16—18 37 43 48 51—52 63 73—74 81 179 193 258 283 288 292 298—299 342 357 404 503
Microsoft Windows, CE 17—18 32—33 391 401 416—417 421
Microsoft Windows, mobile 16 179 401 445
Microsoft, .NET 91 100 108
Microsoft, C# 91 100—101 108
Microsoft, Excel 69 157—158 322
Microsoft, nokia 28
Microsoft, Word 69 157—158 322
Middleware 88 111 118
MIDI Driver component 267 276 296—297 525—526
MIDlets 302—317 323—329 425 521—522 527—528
MIDP 526—528
MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile) 118 301—316 323 328—329 526—528
MIDP Device Control component 54 313 526
MIDP File GCF component 302 310—315 526
MIDP GSM Security Recommended Policy component 311 313 526—527
MIDP IO component 313 527
MIDP LCDUI component 309—310 312—313 527
MIDP MIDlet component 311—313 527—528
MIDP PIM component 311 314 528
MIDP RMS component 311 312—313 528
MIDP2 118 305—306 313 314—315 328 527—528