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Stark J. — Web Publishing with PHP and FileMaker 9
Stark J. — Web Publishing with PHP and FileMaker 9

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Название: Web Publishing with PHP and FileMaker 9

Автор: Stark J.


Whether you are a FileMaker developer who is new to web publishing, a web developer who is new to FileMaker, or a complete beginner looking to put your data online, this book is for you.

In Part I, you learn the basics of how web publishing works and how to write your own HTML and PHP. In Part II, you learn how to build a FileMaker database and install and configure the FileMaker Server to host the database. In Part III, you learn how to put it all together to create web pages that talk to your database and allow people to view the data and, if you like, modify it. Throughout the book, publishing a FileMaker Product Catalog to the web is used as an example. Each chapter builds on the previous chapter. When you are done, you will have a working website!

Detailed information on how to…

Master web publishing
Read and write basic HTML
Read and write basic PHP
Build a FileMaker database
Install and configure FileMaker Server
Publish your FileMaker data to the web
Work with portals and container fields
Repurpose your FileMaker layouts on the web

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 264

Добавлена в каталог: 30.12.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Tables, fields, ID fields, setting up      55—58
Tables, fields, on layouts, minimizing      213—214
Tables, fields, stacking order, setting      192
Tables, fields, table fields versus layout fields      58
Tables, layouts, altering related records in portals      156—161
Tables, layouts, creating      57 59
Tables, layouts, creating portals      141—144
Tables, layouts, creating related records in portals      150—155
Tables, layouts, fields on, minimizing      213—214
Tables, layouts, result layouts, specifying      214
Tables, layouts, stacking order of fields, setting      192
Tables, layouts, status area      59
Tables, layouts, updating websites via      189—209
Tables, layouts, viewing data in portals      146—150
tables, records      49
Tables, records, adding related records      144—146
Tables, records, altering related records in portals      156—161
Tables, records, creating      59 115—121
Tables, records, creating related records      150—155
Tables, records, deleting      59 121—127
Tables, records, deleting related records      164—166
Tables, records, drill down links, creating      107—109
Tables, records, drill down pages, creating      110—112
Tables, records, editing      59 127—135
Tables, records, editing related records      161—164
Tables, records, finding      59—61 103—107
Tables, records, moving between      59
Tables, records, retrieving all      95—100
Tables, records, sorting      100—103
Tables, related tables, adding related records      144—146
Tables, related tables, adding to databases      138—139
Tables, related tables, altering related records in portals      156—161
Tables, related tables, creating portals      141—144
Tables, related tables, creating related records      150—155
Tables, related tables, creating relationships      139—141
Tables, related tables, viewing portals      146—150
tables, renaming      51
Tags (HTML), <a>      22
Tags (HTML), <body>      20
Tags (HTML), <br>      23
Tags (HTML), <form>      28—29
Tags (HTML), <h#>      21
Tags (HTML), <head>      20
Tags (HTML), <hr>      21
Tags (HTML), <html>      19
Tags (HTML), <img>      20—21
Tags (HTML), <input>      28—29
Tags (HTML), <p>      22
Tags (HTML), <table>      25—26
Tags (HTML), <td>      26
Tags (HTML), <th>      25
Tags (HTML), <title>      19—20
Tags (HTML), <tr>      25
Tags (HTML), defined      9
Tags (HTML), overview of      18—29
Templates, HTML template method      100
Testing FileMaker Server installation      77
Testing PHP installation      32
Text field type      52
Text fields, finds on      60
Text fields, storing image URLs in      168 175—188
TextMate      228
Theme page (PHP Site Assistant)      83
Three Machines configuration      68
Time field type, checking for      198
Timestamp field type      53
Timestamp field type, checking for      199
TOs (Table Occurrences)      139
Troubleshooting opening PHP files      32
tuning      See performance tuning
Two Machines (Alternative) configuration      68
Two Machines configuration      68
Type attribute (<input> tag)      28
Uniform Resource Locators      See URLs
Updating file options      65
Updating websites via layouts      189—190
Updating websites via layouts, Detail view example      202—209
Updating websites via layouts, List view example      190—202
Uploaded data, filtering      217—221
Uploading databases      77—80
Uploading HTML documents to web servers      12
Uploading images to web servers      178 180—188
URL fields, adding to databases      176
Urlencode( ) function      174
URLs (uniform resource locators), explained      12—13
URLs (uniform resource locators), image URLs, storing in text fields      168 175—188
URLs (uniform resource locators), query strings      29
validate( ) method      235—238
Validating uploaded files      218—219
Value attribute (<input> tag)      29
variables in PHP      33—34
variables, initializing      119
Viewing FileMaker data      95
Viewing FileMaker data, creating drill down links      107—109
Viewing FileMaker data, creating drill down pages      110—112
Viewing FileMaker data, finding records      103—107
Viewing FileMaker data, retrieving all records      95—100
Viewing FileMaker data, sorting records      100—103
Viewing portal data      146—150
Web addresses      See URLs
Web pages      See also HTML documents
Web pages, defined      7
Web pages, dynamic web pages      14—15
Web pages, publishing, steps for      8—12
Web Publishing Core, error logs      229
Web Publishing Engine (WPE)      68
Web Publishing Engine (WPE), error logs      229
Web publishing, defined      7—8
Web publishing, methods for, Extensible Markup Language (XML)      93—94
Web publishing, methods for, Instant Web Publishing (IWP)      92—93
Web publishing, methods for, Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)      93
Web publishing, methods for, static web publishing      91—92
web root directory      12
Web Root Directory, storing connection information      221—223
Web server      68
Web server processes, defined      11
Web servers, defined      8
Web servers, error logs      229
Web servers, obtaining      10—11
Web servers, renting      67
Web servers, uploading HTML documents to      12
Web servers, uploading images to      178—188
Web Viewer Setup dialog box      187
Web Viewers, inserting      177—179
Website backends      See databases
Websites, Detail view example      202—209
Websites, List view example      190—202
Websites, updating via layouts      189—190
whitelists      218
Whitespace, in HTML      23
Worker machines      69
WPC (Web Publishing Core), error logs      229
WPE (Web Publishing Engine)      68
WPE (Web Publishing Engine), error logs      229
Write operations      115
Write operations, creating records      115—121
Write operations, deleting records      121—127 164—166
Write operations, editing records      127—135 161—164
XML (Extensible Markup Language)      93—94
XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations)      94
XSS (cross-site scripting attacks)      219—221
[ ] (square brackets), PHP array operator      36
\ (backslash), PHP escape character      43
‘ ’ (single quotes), PHP string manipulation      34
“ ” (double quotes), PHP string manipulation      34
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