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Taylor G., Kleeman L. — Visual Perception and Robotic Manipulation: 3d Object Recognition, Tracking and Hand-Eye Coordination
Taylor G., Kleeman L. — Visual Perception and Robotic Manipulation: 3d Object Recognition, Tracking and Hand-Eye Coordination

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Название: Visual Perception and Robotic Manipulation: 3d Object Recognition, Tracking and Hand-Eye Coordination

Авторы: Taylor G., Kleeman L.


As autonomous robots expand into the service domain, new solutions to the challenge of operating in domestic environments must be developed. Widespread adoption of service robots demands high robustness to environmental change and operational wear, and minimal reliance on application specific knowledge. As such, rich sensing modalities such as vision will play a central role in their success. This book takes steps towards the realization of domestic robots by presenting an integrated systems view of computer vision and robotics, covering fundamental topics including optimal sensor design, visual servoing, 3D object modelling and recognition, and multi-cue tracking, with a solid emphasis on robustness throughout. With in-depth treatment of both theory and implementation, extensive experimental results and comprehensive multimedia support including video clips, VRML data, C++ code and lecture slides, this book has wide appeal to both theoretical and practical roboticists and stands as a valuable teaching resource.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 218

Добавлена в каталог: 30.12.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Active sensing      31
Active vision      7 18—21 131 177
Airflow sensor      762 163 163
Attributed graph      72 72
Biclops stereo head      20 46 46 147 147 177—178
Bootstrapping      52
CAD models      24 58
Camera calibration matrix      17
Colour filtering      93 92—94 131 149
Computer vision      3 22—25
Connectivity      62 94 132 149
Convexity      63 66 66—67 72
Covariance matrix      68 186 187
Curvature, Gaussian      59 63 82
Curvature, mean      59 63 82
Curvature, principal      59 62—66
Edge detection      18 48 96 94—97 149
Ego-motion      21 86 109
Euler angles      13—15 92 129
Feature detection      98 98
Gaussian curvature      see “Curvature”
Gaussian image      60 59—61 63 64 70
Gaussian image, extended Gaussian image      59
Gaussian sphere      59
Generalized Cylinders      25 58
Geometric primitives      25 57 58 83
Geometric primitives, fitting to range data      67—71
Grasp, planning      23 151 199—203
Grasp, power      151 152 201
Grasp, precision      151 152 199
Grasp, stability      151 154
Grasp, verification      170
Homogeneous vectors      11—13
Human-machine interaction      4 150 155
humanoid robots      2 2—3 747
Hysteresis      195
Image gradient      95
Interpolation      49
Kalman filter      see “Tracking”
Kinematic control      25 115
Kinematic model      27 117 126—127 204
latency      109 195
Levenberg — Marquardt algorithm      42 45 68—70 134
Light stripe scanning      7 33 31—56 147 153
Light stripe scanning, calibration      44—46
Light stripe scanning, error analysis      35—36 52—54
Light stripe scanning, robustness      33—35 49—52 154
Mean curvature      see “Curvature”
MINPACK      see “Levenberg — Marquardt algorithm”
MMX      149
Morphological filtering      47 132 149
normal      see “Convexity” “Gaussian
Normal of a line      95
Normal of a plane      68
Normal of range patch      61
Object classification      7 25 58 71—73 153 175
Object modelling      24 57 58
Object modelling, polygonal models      73—75 89
Object recognition      7 23—25
Obstacle avoidance      117 151 203
Occlusions      77 96 105—108 117 138—139
Odour sensor      762 164—165
Orientation histogram      60
Outlier rejection      45 48 94
Pin-hole camera      16 16—22 40—42 180 189
Plucker matrix      179
Pose      15 91 128
Pose, estimation      121—126 193—194
Principal curvature      see “Curvature”
Projection matrix      17 21
Projection matrix, pseudo-inverse      22 181
Projective rectification      20—22 123 191
Puma robot arm      747 148
Puma robot arm, kinematic model      204
Quaternions      13—15 92 129
Radial distortion      18 17—18
Range data      see “Light stripe scanning”
Range data, colour registration      32 49
Range data, creases      61
Range data, discontinuities      49 61 77
Range data, segmentation      58 61—62 75—80
real-time performance      6 169
Rectilinear stereo      21 40 123 180 191
Reprojection error      122 193
Robot vision      see “Computer vision”
Segmentation      5 23
Segmentation, region growing      59 62 82
Segmentation, split-and-merge      59
SSE/SSE2      149
Stereo reconstruction      19 92 121 123 189—192
Surface type      63 59—67
Surface type, curvature vs. non-parametric      80—82
Surface type, parallelization      149
Surface type, window size      83
Task, planning      151 199—203
Task, specification      5 150
Template matching      98
Texture cues      98 97—101
Tracking, active cues      727 120—121 134
Tracking, Kalman filter      29 91—92 127—130 185—187
Tracking, multi-cue      85—113
Tracking, multi-cue, selection vs. integration      87
Tracking, particle filter      113
Tracking, robustness      85 87 120 127 173
Trajectory planning      151 752 203 203
Velocity screw      15 91 119
Visual servoing      26—30 116—118 779
Visual servoing, accuracy      27 29 116 120 136—137
Visual servoing, calibration      123—127 131 134 139—142
Visual servoing, controller design      118—120
Visual servoing, dynamic effects      169
Visual servoing, hybrid position-based      115—144 154
Visual servoing, position-based vs. image-based      28
Visual servoing, robustness      117 120 138—139
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