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Biafore B. — Visio 2007 Bible
Biafore B. — Visio 2007 Bible

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Íàçâàíèå: Visio 2007 Bible

Àâòîð: Biafore B.


# Completely updated for Visio 2007 and Office 2007, this comprehensive book will get experienced Visio users up to speed fast on new features and enhancements and will serve as a jumpstart for beginning Visio users
# Aimed at professionals in engineering, architecture, project management, software project management, application development, database management, network design and management, and other disciplines
# Shows how Visio gives users the power not just to draw shapes, but to diagram the ways the objects represented by the shapes relate to each other
# Explains how to integrate Visio drawings with other applications and customize stencils, templates, and shapes
# Reviews the various Visio uses for office productivity (drawings, charts, flowcharts, business processes, project management), in IT (databases, UML, software development, network diagrams), and in architecture and engineering

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2007

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 900

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.12.2007

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Toolbars, customized, sharing      713
toolbars, customizing      707 708—709
Toolbars, deleting      712
Toolbars, grouping commands      712
Toolbars, making changes to      711—713
Toolbars, modifying button images      713
Toolbars, modifying entry appearance      712—713
Toolbars, overview      12 13
Toolbars, renaming      711—712
Topic shape      367 368—369
Topology shapes      483
TQM Diagram template      314 334 754
Track markup mode      250—254
Tracking document changes      250—254
Transition shapes      438 440
Transparency control, for formatting imported graphics      186
Transparency fill formatting      147
Tree Connector shape      454
tree diagrams      256 263—265
Triangle shape      284
Triangular charts      284
Triggers category      413
Trim command      659
Trust Center and ActiveX controls      29
Trust Center, add-ins      29
Trust Center, Macro Settings      28—29
Trust Center, overview      27—28
Trust Center, security and privacy settings      27—29
Type A Question box      734
Types window      401 410
UML 2 class diagrams, static structure diagrams      434—435
UML activity diagrams      424 437—438
UML Activity stencil      437—438
UML Collaboration stencil      443
UML Component stencil      443–444
UML Deployment stencil      444—445
UML menu      425—426
UML Model Diagram template, defined      421—422 756
UML Model Diagram template, Documentation window      428
UML Model Diagram template, Model Explorer window      428
UML Model Diagram template, overview      423—426
UML Model Diagram template, Properties window      428
UML Model Diagram template, specifying model options      430
UML Model Diagram template, types of diagrams      423—425
UML Model Diagram template, UML menu      425—426
UML Model Diagram template, what it does      432
UML models, activity diagrams      437—438
UML models, adding and removing elements by using Model Explorer      430—431
UML models, choosing diagrams      423—425
UML models, creating      432—433
UML models, displaying information by using shapes in UML stencils      431
UML models, organizing with packages      427 429
UML models, overview      426—432
UML models, reverse-engineering code into      445—447
UML models, specifying element properties      432
UML models, troubleshooting relationships      435—436
UML models, updating drawing shapes      426
UML models, use case diagrams      424 436—437
undoing actions      83—84
Unicode      248
Unified Modeling Language (UML)      421 422
Union command      654—655
Units, measurement, changing on rulers      67
Units, measurement, modifying in CAD drawings inserted into Visio      581—582
Units, measurement, setting default      501
Units, measurement, specifying for drawing pages      42 501—502
Units, measurement, specifying for scaled drawing dimensions      506
Units, measurement, U.S. versus metric      19 496—497
Units, measurement, Visio versus CAD      578
Unlocking, CAD drawings      583
Unlocking, groups      90
US Units (measurement unit)      19 496—497
Use case UML diagrams      424 436—437
Use Case UML shape      437
User data sources      224
User-defined cells field      115
Uses UML connector      437
Vacancy shape      290
Value Stream Map template      5 333 755
Valve List predefined report      612
Valves and Fittings stencil      604
Valves and fittings, as process engineering component category      608 612
Vanishing Points, adding to 3-D block diagrams      266
Variable grids      68
VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)      719 721
VDX file format      24
Vector markup language (VML) file format      190 191
Vector-based metafiles      182
Vehicles stencil      536 544
Vertical Measure shape      595
Vertices      637
Viables, as COM element      451 452
Video Surveillance stencil      543
View categories, Database Properties window      404
Viewer, Visio      242—243
Visio 2002 formats      24
Visio Extras stencils      741—742 759
Visio for developers      716—721
Visio Viewer      242—243
Visio, activating      730—731
Visio, adding and removing components      732
Visio, additional information resources      720—721
Visio, automating      716—721
Visio, concept overview      7—11
Visio, configuring Open and Save options      25—26
Visio, creating Document Workspace      244—246
Visio, drawing tools      90
Visio, features no longer available in 2007 version      5
Visio, finding help      733—739
Visio, importing Outlook appointments into Visio calendar      186—187 346—347
Visio, installing      725—732
Visio, interface      12—16
Visio, maintaining      731—732
Visio, new features in 2007 version      4—6
Visio, programming      716—721
Visio, relocated features in 2007 version      6
Visio, repairing      732
Visio, saving files      23—26
Visio, version issues      21
Visio, what it is and isn’t      6—7
Visual Basic      445 447
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)      719 721
Visual C#      445
Visual C++      445 446
Visual Studio .NET      445
VML (vector markup language) file format      190 191
VSD file format      24
VSS file format      24
VST file format      24
VSX file format      24
VTX file format      24
Wall Height shape data field      529
Wall Justification shape data field      529
Wall Length shape data field      528
Wall Segment shape data field      529
Wall shapes      524—525 526 527—528
Wall Thickness shape data field      528
Walls, Doors, and Windows stencil      524 550
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, adding doors to      530—531
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, adding openings      530—531
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, adding windows to      530—531
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, changing appearance      528—529
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, changing color      529
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, changing thickness      528—529
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, connecting      527 528
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, converting spaces into      524—526
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, modifying doors      531—532
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, modifying openings      531—532
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, modifying properties      528—529
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, modifying windows      531—532
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, overview      524
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, resizing      528
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, shapes, converting Space shapes to Wall shapes      525 526
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, shapes, creating new Walls      527—528
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, shapes, Wall Height data field      529
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, shapes, Wall Justification data field      529
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, shapes, Wall Length data field      528
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, shapes, Wall Segment data field      529
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, shapes, Wall Thickness data field      528
Walls, in architectural and engineering plans, ways to create      526—528
Walls, Shell, and Structure stencil      524 550
Warehouse-Shipping and Receiving stencil      536
Web page (HTML) file format      182
Web pages, choosing output format      189—191
Web pages, embedding drawings in      194—196
Web pages, embedding Visio Web pages in      194—196
Web pages, file formats      24
Web pages, files created by Visio for      195
Web pages, publishing options for      193—194
Web pages, saving drawings as      191—194
Web Site Map template      466—467 756
Web sites, Conceptual Web Site template      464—465
Web sites, creating conceptual diagrams      465—466
Web sites, displaying site maps across multiple pages      475—476
Web sites, finding broken links      476—477
Web sites, formatting maps      474—476
Web sites, generating site maps      467—468 469
Web sites, identifying problems      476—477
Web sites, mapping protected areas      469
Web sites, planning      464—466
Web sites, role of map diagrams      466—470
Web sites, role of Visio in modeling      471—474
Web sites, running map reports      477
Web sites, searching maps to find shapes      470
Web sites, updating      468
Web sites, viewing map diagram elements      470
Web sites, Web Site Map template      466—467
Weekly calendars, creating      342
Welding Symbols stencil      594 597
Windows and Dialogs stencil      461—462
Windows bitmap (BMP) file format      24 182
Windows metafile (WMF) format      182
Windows XP User Interface template, creating application windows      457—458
Windows XP User Interface template, defined      450 756
Windows XP User Interface template, overview      456
Windows XP User Interface template, prototyping wizards      458—459
Windows, Database Model Diagram template, Code window      401 413—414
Windows, Database Model Diagram template, Output window      394 399 401 402
Windows, Database Model Diagram template, Tables and Views window      398 399 401
Windows, Database Model Diagram template, Types window      401 410
Windows, in architectural and engineering plans, adding to walls      530—531
Windows, in architectural and engineering plans, modifying shapes      531—532
Windows, in architectural and engineering plans, setting default configuration      532
Windows, UML Model Diagram template, Documentation window      428
Windows, UML Model Diagram template, Model Explorer window      428
Windows, UML Model Diagram template, Properties window      428
Windows, Web Site Map model, Filter window      467 471—472
Windows, Web Site Map model, List window      466 471—472
Wizards stencil      458—459
Wizards, Automatic Link Wizard      206—207
Wizards, building      458—459
Wizards, Data Selector Wizard      203—205 381 382
Wizards, Database Export Wizard      222 231—232
Wizards, Import Data Wizard      557 563 564—565
Wizards, Organization Chart Wizard      292—299
Wizards, Refresh Data Wizard      208—210
Wizards, Refresh Model Wizard      399
Wizards, Reverse Engineer Wizard      394 395—398
Wizards, Space Plan Startup Wizard      552 555—557 563
WMF (Windows metafile) file format      182
Word balloons, adding to drawings      284—285
Work Flow Diagram template      5 314 329—330 755
Work flow diagrams      329—330
Work Flow Objects stencil      5 329
Work Flow Steps stencil      5 329
Working time, project      358
Workstation shape      535
XML file format      24 25 189
XML Web Service shape      5 481
XML Web Service support      716
XPS file format      25
Yearly calendars, creating      343
Zero point, rulers, changing      68
Zooming and panning from menus and toolbars      33
Zooming and panning, keyboard shortcuts      32
Zooming and panning, Pan & Zoom window      32—33
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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