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Ghosh S.K. — Visibility Algorithms in the Plane
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Название: Visibility Algorithms in the Plane
Автор: Ghosh S.K.
Аннотация: A human observer can effortlessly identify visible portions of geometric objects present in the environment. However, such computations of visible portions of objects from a viewpoint involving thousands of objects is a time-consuming task even for high-speed computers. To solve such visibility problems, efficient algorithms have been designed in computational geometry over the last three decades. This book presents some of these visibility algorithms in two dimensions. Specifically, basic algorithms for point visibility, weak visibility, shortest paths, visibility graphs, link paths and visibility queries are all discussed. Several geometric properties are also established through lemmas and theorems.
With over 300 figures and hundreds of exercises, this book is ideal for graduate students and researchers in the field of computational geometry. It will also be useful as a reference for researchers working in algorithms, robotics, computer graphics and geometric graph theory. Readers need only a background in algorithms and data structures for understanding this book, and some algorithms from the book can be used in a first course in computational geometry.
Рубрика: Computer science /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2007
Количество страниц: 350
Добавлена в каталог: 30.12.2007
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Kahan, S. 221
Kahn, J. 9
Kameda, T. 44
Kant, G. 173
Kapoor, S. 137 138 165 170
Karp,R.M. 5
Katz, M. J. 170
Kavitha, T. 254
Ke, Y. 102
Keil, M. 12 195
Kernel of a polygon 4 15 17 21 38 44
Kilakos, K. 173 201
Kim, J. 135
Kim, S. 50
Kirkpatrick, D. 8 173 262 264 269 272 274 277 282 288 291 292
Kite 260
Klawe, M. 8 9
Klee, V. 9
Klein, R. 49 105 107 108 110 115 117 135
Kleinberg, J. 135
Kleitman, D. 9
Klenk, K. 258 259
Kozen, D. 146 194 195 276
Kranakis, E. 221
Krasnosel’skii, M. A. 4
Kriegel, K. 9
Krizanc, D. 221
Kumar, K. 171 172 174 178 183 185 186
Kuratowski, C. 201
Langetepe, E. 135
Latombe, J. C. 1 2 44
LaValle, S. M. 44
Lazard, S. 253
Least common ancestor 82 111 140 281
Lee, D. T. 7 10 14—16 38 43 48 51 58 82 85 106 107 115 124 137 138 146 167 170 173 220 221 223 224 231 249 251 252 256 259 269 271—273 277 282 286 291 293
Lee, J. 44 135
Lee, R. C. T. 170
Lee, S. 8
Leeuwen, J. V. 284 286
Leiserson, C. E. 5
Lekkerkerker, C. G. 190
Lempel, A. 196
Lenhart, W. 219 238
Lennes, N. J. 6
Leven, D. 48 49 53 65 82 106 110 112 113 139 143 224 240 256 257 264 279 288
Lin, A. K. 10 48 58 173 272
Lin, D. 44
Lin, S. Y. 172—174 214 217
Lingas, A. 12 219 254 259
Link distance 258
Link, center 220 238 240 242 254
Link, diameter 219 238 242
Link, distance 218 223 232 238
Link, longest 219
Link, path 218 221 224 231 254 293
Link, radius 220 238 242
Link, sequence 244 245 289
Lipton, R. 292
Lopez-Ortiz, A. 135
Lowest segment 276
Lozano-Perez, T. 2 51 136
Lubiw, A. 9 172 173 183 185 195 256 257 267
Lueker, G. 191 194 195
MacDonald, G. 173 253
Maheshwari, A. 8 43 49 50 54—56 68 72—74 80 87 103—105 124 174 215 218 220 221 226 229 244—246 248 254 259 291 292
Maheshwari, S. N. 137 138 165
Maximal clique 191 194 198 200
Maximal outerplanar graph 172
Maximal planar graph 205
Maximum, clique 174 184 208 214 216
Maximum, dominating set 174
Maximum, hidden vertex set 173 214 216
Maximum, independent set 173
McDonald, K. 259
McKenna, M. 170
Meertens, L. 221
Mehlhorn, K. 8 24 86 147 256 259
Metric 170 259
Minimal visibility cell 270—272
Minimum, convex nested polygon 220
Minimum, dominating set 174
Minimum, edge guard problem 10
Minimum, link path 218 221 224 231 238 240 254 258 289 292 293
Minimum, nested convex polygon 242 245 248 251
Minimum, nested non-convex polygon 248 252
Minimum, nested polygon 220 254
Minimum, non-convex nested polygon 220
Minimum, point guard problem 10
Minimum, rectilinear link path 221
Minimum, set-covering problem 10
Minimum, vertex cover 174
Minimum, vertex guard problem 10
Minor of a graph 173 201
Mitchell, J. S. B. 15 107 138 165 169 170 218—221 231 258 259
Mitra, P. 259
Montuno, D. Y. 8 173
Moran, S. 170
Motwani, R. 11 44 256
Mount, D. M. 8 67 137 138 146 236 237 274 277
Mukhopadhyay, A. 49—51 57 73 95 107 115 120 122 123 171 173 178
Munro, J. I. 12 256 257 267
Murty, U. 202
Narasimhan, G. 49 50 57 73 106 107 115 120 122 123 221 259
Necessary condition 172 180 183 184 186 190 193
Neighbor of a vertex 189
Nilsson, B. J. 221
Notation, 246
Notation, 246
Notation, 246
Notation, 17
Notation, 58
Notation, 243
Notation, 58
Notation, 69
Notation, 209
Notation, 152
Notation, 153
Notation, 175
Notation, 234
Notation, 153
Notation, 153
Notation, 287
Notation, 288
Notation, 287
Notation, 288
Notation, 281
Notation, 281
Notation, 232
Notation, 151
Notation, 275
Notation, 115
Notation, 208
Notation, 202
Notation, 201
Notation, 115
Notation, 206
Notation, 192
Notation, 284
Notation, 215
Notation, -free 201
Notation, 201
Notation, 202
Notation, 192
Notation, 226
Notation, 234
Notation, 73
Notation, 73
Notation, 226 290
Notation, 235
Notation, 234
Notation, 275
Notation, 275
Notation, 275
Notation, 153
Notation, 195 246 275
Notation, 195 246 275
Notation, 275
Notation, 246
Notation, 228 289
Notation, 63
Notation, 59
Notation, 58
Notation, 58]
Notation, 274
Notation, 280
Notation, 279
Notation, 275
Notation, 222
Notation, 17
Notation, 267
Notation, 287
Notation, 231
Notation, 275
Notation, 275
Notation, 275
Notation, 38
Notation, 5
Notation, 274
Notation, 16
Notation, 255
Notation, bd(P) 16
Notation, C 268
Notation, depth(d) 280
Notation, E 137
Notation, find(k) 276
Notation, GT 261
Notation, height(d) 281
Notation, K 242
Notation, k(G) 202
Notation, L 188
Notation, link(k) 277
Notation, MG 213
Notation, MLP(s,t) 221
Notation, O(f(n)) 5
Notation, P(d) 280
Notation, Q' 251
Notation, R 188
Notation, RSP(s,t) 259
Notation, SP(s,t) 51
Notation, span 182
Notation, SPLIT 155
Notation, SPT{s) 82
Notation, T(P) 82
Notation, U 287
Notation, V(pq) 58
Notation, V(q) 13
Notation, 206
Noy, M. 173 201
NP-hard 10
Ntafos, S. 12
Occluding path 187
Opposite type 25—29
Order of rotation 146
Order, partial 274
Order, topological 276
Order, total 274
Oriented matroid 173
Orthogonal representation 276
Outward convex 52
Overmars, M. H. 12 137 221 284 286
O’Rourke, J. 2 5 6 9 10 14 15 49 66 137 146 172 173 205 220 233 242 250 273 289 291 292
Pair, closest visible 170
Pair, invisible 175 180 187 206
Pair, minimal invisible 176
Pair, potential 68
Pair, separable 177
Pair, visible 175 180 207
Pal, S. P. 8 44 49 50 54—56 68 72—74 80 87 103 105 124 174 215
Park, S. 44
Perfect vertex elimination scheme 189
Peshkin, M. A. 2
Peters, J. 259
Piatko, C. 220 221
Pinter, R. 8
Pisupati, S. 171 174 178 185
Planar point location 262 269 275 282 292
Planar subdivision 262 267 273 292
Plane sweep 8 236 293
Pnueli, A. 196
Pocchiola, M. 137 138 257
Pocket 124—134
Pocket, left 267
Pocket, right 267
Polar angle 31 36
Pollack, R. 169 219 238
Polygon 2
Polygon with holes 2 31 66 146 161 165 231
Polygon, c-oriented 221
Polygon, convex 4 39 170 242 245 248
Polygon, critical 74—82
Polygon, cutting theorem 279
Polygon, funnel-shaped 172
Polygon, largest convex 208
Polygon, nested 220 242 248
Polygon, non-winding 14
Polygon, palm 103
Polygon, pruned 23
Polygon, rectilinear 9
Polygon, similar 217
Polygon, simple 2
Polygon, smallest perimeter 166
Polygon, spiral 172 187 195 253
Polygon, staircase 172
Polygon, star-shaped 4 15 17 21 38 43 249
Polygon, tower 172 195 200 205
Polygon, y-monotone 7
Polygonal subdivision 220
PRAM, CREW 5 43 103 169 254 293
PRAM, EREW 5 43—44
Prasad, D. 44
Preparata, F. P. 5 7 15 38 39 43 51 82 85 92 96 138 148 149 167 224 231 251 252 255 272 282 285 286 291 293
Projection function 245 246 289
Projection point, backward 243 246
Projection point, forward 243 246 291
Proper order 25—29
Pursuer 44
Query problems 255
Queue, concatenable 64 285
Queue, merge 64 285
Queue, split 64 285
Raghavan, P. 256
Raghunathan, A. 11
Rajan, V. T. 104 226 229 244—246 254 291 292
Ramachandran, V. 5
Ramos-Alonso, P. 12
Rank 274 276
Rappaport, D. 173 209
Rawlins, G. 11
Ray shooting 255—256 259—267 293
Reckhow, R. 11
Rectilinear, link center 221
Rectilinear, link diameter 221
Rectilinear, link path 221 254
Rectilinear, nested polygon 221
Rectilinear, path 259
Rectilinear, polygon 9 11 172 221 254 259
Rectilinear, shortest path 170
Reflection, diffused 44