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Kovalick A. — Video Systems in an IT Environment: The Essentials of Professional Networked Media
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Íàçâàíèå: Video Systems in an IT Environment: The Essentials of Professional Networked Media
Àâòîð: Kovalick A.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Audio/Video (AV) systems and Information Technology (IT) are colliding. Broadcasters and other AV professionals are impacted by the transition to IT components and techniques. This is the first book to focus on the intersection of AV and IT concepts. It includes technology reviews and the tools to understand and evaluate key aspects of hybrid AV systems. Twelve chapters encompass a broad range of information including: IT integration, AV networking, storage systems, file and metadata formats, software platforms, reliability, element management, security, workflow improvement, AV technology, transition issues, and real-world case studies. Each chapter weaves together IT and AV techniques providing the reader with actionable information on the issues, processes and principles of seamless AV/IT systems integration.
* Explains Tapeless Workflows
* Packed with 225 illustrations
* Supported with 11 Appendixes covering interesting and diverse topics
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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.12.2007
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.NET remoting 211
.NET, Active Server Pages 213
.NET, ActiveX Data Objects 213
.NET, description of 18 213—214
.NET, J2EE interoperability with 217
1080 477
2N computation 513—514
32-bit architectures 222
3:1:1 484
480 477
4:1:1 484—485
4:2:0 484—485
4:2:2 484—485
4:4:4 484—485
4:4:4:4 484—485
525 476—477
576 476
625 476—478
64-bit architectures 222
720 477
8B/10B line coding 525—526
AAF see “Advanced authoring format”
Accounting Management 403t
Active picture area 478f
ActiveX Data Objects 213
Address filtering 42
Address mapping, for virtualization 104
Advanced authoring format, definition of 339
Advanced authoring format, edit-in-place methods 340 340f
Advanced authoring format, file interchange 340—341
Advanced authoring format, import/export methods 340 340f
Advanced authoring format, MXF and, similarities between 341
Advanced authoring format, operations provided by 339
Advanced authoring format, reference implementation 341—342
Advanced Televisions Systems Committee (ATSC) 489
AES see “Audio Engineering Society”
AES/EBU audio link 493
Aggregate array I/O rates 123—125
Analog broadcast standards 488—489
Analog signals, composite video 485—488
Analog signals, description of 469—470
Analog signals, digitization of 470f
Analog signals, YPrPb 483
Analog-based systems, description of 3 469—471
Analog-based systems, illustration of 26f
Ancillary data 29 31t 492f
antivirus software 377 384—385
Application clients, definition of 50
Application clients, description of 39—40 97
Application functionality 21—22
Archive storage, devices for 136
Archive storage, holographic 140
Archive storage, magnetic tape systems for 136—138
Archive storage, massive array of inactive discs 139—140
Archive storage, optical systems for 138—139
Archive storage, overview of 135—136
Arrays, access density of 121
Arrays, description of 100
Arrays, file striping effects on 124—125
Arrays, hard disk drive 241 242f
Arrays, RAID 240—244
Arrays, storage 114—118
Arrays, striping 124—125 252
Aspect ratio 479f 479—480
Asynchronous data links 75
Asynchronous serial interface (ASI) 66
ATA hard disk drive, AV applications 151
ATA hard disk drive, failure rate analysis for 237—238
ATA hard disk drive, I/O convergence 152—153
ATA hard disk drive, overview of 16—17
ATA hard disk drive, SCSI hard disk drive vs. 150—152
ATA hard disk drive, serial attach 147—153
ATA hard disk drive, service life of 238—239
audio 493 501 502
Audio Engineering Society 46
Automatic telephone system 9—10 10f
AV application client 50
AV bit rate reduction, overview of 499—501
AV bit rate reduction, techniques for 501—502
AV bit rate reduction, video compression 501
AV connectivity 174—175
AV data, direct-to-storage real time access to 24
AV data, methods of moving 24—26
AV data, streaming 24
AV delay 29 31t
AV lip-sync 28 30
AV media client, class 1 51
AV media client, class 2 51—52
AV media client, class 3 52—54
AV media client, class 4 54
AV media client, description of 50
AV probe 407—408
AV processing 30 31t
AV processor 43
AV production projects 356—367
AV signals 90—92
AV storage 30 31t
AV stream taps 411
AV stream, description of 24
AV stream, monitors 418
AV systems, law of inertia applied to 1
AV systems, motivation toward 4
AV systems, performance metrics for 28—30 30t—31t
AV systems, traditional 30—31t 34
AV systems, workflows for auxiliary data 362—363
AV systems, workflows for classes of 359—362
AV systems, workflows for definition of 356
AV systems, workflows for description of 28—29
AV systems, workflows for methods 356—363
AV systems, workflows for practices necessary for 363—365
AV systems, workflows for tools 362
AV timing 25—27
AV/IT systems, design parmeters, top 10 465
AV/IT systems, FAQ concerning 463
AV/IT systems, hybrid 27f
AV/IT systems, infrastructure, forces that enable 5 6f
AV/IT systems, performance metrics for 28—30 30t—31t 32—35
AV/IT systems, schematic diagram of 462f 462—463
AV/IT systems, transition to 26
Availability 228—229
AVC see “H.264”
Avert period, of security prevention 376
Bandwidth, aggregate connection 537
Bandwidth, changes in 7
Bandwidth, controlled 306
Bandwidth, Fibre Channel 160—161
Bandwidth, QoS 69—70
Beowulf clusters 520
blade servers 98—99 545—547
Block size 114
Broadcast inventory management system 459
Buffer 181
Buffering 89—90 181
BWAV format 501—502
Byte striping 245—246
CA see “Certificate authorities”
Cache coherency 181
Cache efficiency 183
Cache hit 181
Cache in shared storage system 182f
Cache location 181
Cache, AV data 182—183
Cache, buffer vs. 181
Cache, definition of 181
Cache, description of 173
Case studies, KQED 448—451
Case studies, PBS 451—457
Case studies, Turner Entertainment Networks 457—461
Cell chip 12
Centralized computing 192 208
Centralized enterprise reporting stations 416—418
certificate authorities 396
CFS see “Clustered file systems”
Chroma, decimation 483—485
Chroma, signal 486—487
CIM see “Common information model”
CIM Object Manager 428
Circuit routing 277f
Client local caching 260—261
Client transactions 112—114
Client(s), application, definition of 50
Client(s), application, description of 39—40 97
Client(s), edge 261
Client(s), media see “Media clients”
Client(s), remote 261
Client(s), servers vs. 195
Client/server systems, description of 193—196 208
Client/server systems, features of 195—196
Client/server systems, scalability of 196
Cluster computing 98 520
Cluster(s), definition of 517
Cluster(s), RAID 250—252
Cluster(s), scaling of 251—252
Clustered file systems, description of 79 105—106 156 179
Clustered file systems, distributed file systems vs. 109
Clustered file systems, networked attached storage with 176
Clustered file systems, storage area networks with 168
Clustered file systems, virtualization vs. 110—112
Color burst 486
Commercial off the shelf 444—445
Common information model 427—428 428f
Common Internet File System 171
Component, color difference signals 482
Component, Y’CrCb signal 483
Component, Y’PrPb signal 483
Composite video signal 481 485—488
Compound growth rate of storage density 14
Compressed domain processing 498—499
Compression, methods of 45
Compression, packing density affected by 45
compression, video see “Video compression”
Computing power for video processing 10—11
Computing power, doubling trend in 8—9
Computing power, societal demand for 9
Computing, centralized 192 208
Computing, cluster 98 520
computing, distributed see “Distributed computing”
computing, grid see “Grid computing”
computing, peer-to-peer 205—208
Computing, SMP 521
Computing, utility 261 517 521
Computing, virtual 261
Concealment 67 263—264
Configuration Management 403t 433—434
Congestion management 307—308
Connected services framework 218
Connectivity, direct attached storage 147f
Connectivity, I/O 148—152 149t
Connectivity, storage 52
Connectivity, WAN, digital hierarchy 527
Connectivity, WAN, network 302—304
Connectivity, WAN, overview of 299—300
Connectivity, WAN, point-to-point form of 301
Connectivity, WAN, topologies 300—302
content management 348
Continuous file flow 359
Control layer 83
control plane 316—317 318—324 540—541
CORBA middleware platform 217 218f
COTS see “Commercial off the shelf”
COTS storage 127
CPUs, clock speed increases for 11
CPUs, computing power of 8—13
CPUs, doubling trend in 8—9
CPUs, future of 12—13
CPUs, parallel operation of 11
CPUs, specialized types of 12
CPUs, trillion operations per second by 11
CPUs, workflow improvements secondary to advancements in 12
Cryptography, digital signatures 397—399
Cryptography, encryption methods 389—392
Cryptography, history of 389
Cryptography, Kerberos 396—397
Cryptography, keys 392—396
Cryptography, overview of 388—389
Customer period, of security prevention 377
CXFS 110—111
DAS see “Direct attached storage”
Data center markup language 434—435
Data Encryption Standard 390—391
Data Essence Technology committee 49
Data layer 82
data plane 84 540
data rate see “Bandwidth”
Data routing 257 257f
Data seek 114—115
Data wheel file transfer 64—65
Data/user plane 325—326
Database connectivity 211—212
DCML see “Data center markup language”
DCT see Discrete cosine transform
Deinterlacing 496—497
Delay in QoS 69 305—306
denial-of-service attacks 370
DES see “Data encryption standard”
Descriptive metadata 331—332
Deterministic control 29 31t 320
Deterministic frame forwarding 280
Device management 405
DFS see “Distributed file systems”
Diffe-Hellman 386 396
DiffServ 310
Digital asset management 348
Digital broadcast standards 46 489—490
Digital Cinema Technology committee 49
Digital hierarchies 527—529
Digital raster image 475—476
Digital rights management 354—355
Digital signal processors 221
Digital signatures 397—399
Digitally based systems 3 26
Direct attached storage, connectivity examples for 147f
Direct attached storage, description of 85 143—146
Direct attached storage, protocols 146—148
Direct attached storage, SCSI 144—146
Direct attached storage, types of 147—148
Direct attached storage, USB 148 148f
Direct memory access, definition of 154
Direct memory access, remote 154—155
Direct R/W transaction 112
Direct to storage, concepts regarding 78—82
Direct to storage, description of 56
Direct to storage, real time access 24
Discrete cosine transform 506—507
Disk storage systems 100
Distributed computing, client/server class 193—196
Distributed computing, description of 193
Distributed computing, environment for 200f
Distributed computing, peer-to-peer computing 205—208
Distributed computing, service-oriented architecture 197—198
Distributed computing, Web services model see “Web services model”
Distributed file systems, clustered file systems vs. 109
Distributed file systems, description of 109
Distributed file systems, Microsoft 109
Distributed management task force 426
DMA see “Direct memory access”
DMTF see “Distributed management task force”