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Vince J. — Vector Analysis for Computer Graphics |
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Addition, quaternions 188
Addition, vectors 4
Algebra, complex numbers 183
Algebra, vectors 247
Angle/ angles between a line and a plane 114
Angle/ angles between planes 113
Angle/ angles between vectors 25
Associative law, vectors 247
Axial system, change of 54
Back-facing polygon 42
Barycentric coordinates 160
Bezier quadratic patch 207
Bump Mapping 231
Column vector 12
Commutative law, vectors 34
complex numbers 182
Complex numbers as rotators 187
Complex numbers, conjugate 184
Complex numbers, graphical interpretation 185
Complex numbers, magnitude 184
Cosine/ cosines 186
Cramer’s Rule 162 176
Cross product, vectors 27
Direction cosines 52
Distributive law vectors 34
Dot product 22
ellipse 138
Ellipsoid 149
Equation/ equations, circle 133
Equation/ equations, ellipse 138
Equation/ equations, ellipsoid 149
Exponential 186
Gimbal lock 179
Hamilton 28 188
Inside a polygon 69
Inside a triangle 166
Inside a volume 112
Interpolation 48
Interpolation, linear 48
Interpolation, quaternions 49
Interpolation, spherical 49
Interpolation, vectors 48
Intersection/ intersections 129
Intersection/ intersections, line and a circle 133
Intersection/ intersections, line and a cone 158
Intersection/ intersections, line and a cylinder 152
Intersection/ intersections, line and a plane 144
Intersection/ intersections, line and a sphere 146
Intersection/ intersections, line and a triangle 160
Intersection/ intersections, line and an ellipse 138
Intersection/ intersections, line and an ellipsoid 149
Intersection/ intersections, line segments 97
Intersection/ intersections, lines 130 142
Intersection/ intersections, planes 175
Light sources 225
Lighting calculations 225
Line/ lines, equation Cartesian form 65
Line/ lines, equation general form 68
Line/ lines, equation parametric form 61
Line/ lines, equidistant from two points 93
Line/ lines, intersecting 94 130
Line/ lines, intersecting a circle 133
Line/ lines, intersecting a cone 158
Line/ lines, intersecting a cylinder 152
Line/ lines, intersecting a plane 144
Line/ lines, intersecting a sphere 146
Line/ lines, intersecting a triangle 160
Line/ lines, intersecting an ellipse 138
Line/ lines, intersecting an ellipsoid 149
Line/ lines, perpendicular to a vector 74
Line/ lines, reflecting of a line 123
Line/ lines, reflecting of a plane 126
Line/ lines, segment 94
Line/ lines, segments intersecting 97
Line/ lines, skew 140
Linear interpolation 48
Local reflection models 227
Magnitude, vector 13
mobius 160
Normal vector 33
Offset map 234
Perp 44
Perpendicular vectors 44
Perspective projection 213
Plane 101
Plane between two points 120
Plane equations from three points 104
Plane equations, Cartesian 101
Plane equations, parametric form 103
Plane, perpendicular to a line 106
| Plane, through two points 108
Plane/ planes 175
Plane/ planes, angle between 113
Plane/ planes, intersecting 175
Plane/ planes, touching a sphere 171
Point on a line, nearest to a point 81
Point/ points, reflected in a line 86
Position vector 19
Product/ products, scalar 22
Product/ products, vector 27
Projection 213
Projection, fish-eye 223
Projection, perspective 213
Quadratic Bezier patch 207
Quaternions 188
Quaternions as rotators 190
Quaternions, addition 188
Quaternions, complex conjugate 192
Quaternions, definition 189
Quaternions, Hamilton’s rules 188
Quaternions, interpolation 49
Quaternions, inverse 195
Quaternions, magnitude 193
Quaternions, matrix 197
Quaternions, multiplication 189
Quaternions, norm 193
Quaternions, rotating a vector 195
Reflection/ reflections 86 123
Reflection/ reflections, line off a line 123
Reflection/ reflections, line off a plane 126
Reflection/ reflections, point in a plane 118
Rendering 225
ROLL 221
Rotating a vector 179
Scalar product 22
Scalars 1
Shading 230
Shading, Gouraud 230
Shading, Phong 231
Shortest distance 140
Sine 186
Sine, rule 49
Space, partitioning 2D 69
Space, partitioning 3D 110
Sphere intersecting a plane 167
Sphere touching a plane 171
Sphere touching a triangle 172
Spherical interpolation 49
straight lines 61
Subtraction, vectors 4
Surface normals 33
Touching 172
Transformations, change of axes 55
Transformations, perspective 213
Transformations, pitch 221
Transformations, roll 221
Transformations, yaw 221
Triple products 36 41 249
Unit vector 17
Vector/ vectors 11
Vector/ vectors, addition 4
Vector/ vectors, algebra 14 34
Vector/ vectors, Cartesian 11
Vector/ vectors, column 12
Vector/ vectors, derivative 201
Vector/ vectors, differentiation 201
Vector/ vectors, direction 3
Vector/ vectors, dot product 22
Vector/ vectors, interpolating 48
Vector/ vectors, length 13
Vector/ vectors, magnitude 13
Vector/ vectors, non-collinear 7
Vector/ vectors, normal 204
Vector/ vectors, notation 2
Vector/ vectors, perpendicular 44
Vector/ vectors, position 19
Vector/ vectors, product 22
Vector/ vectors, rectangular 18
Vector/ vectors, representation 11
Vector/ vectors, rotating about an axis 179
Vector/ vectors, scalar product 22
Vector/ vectors, scalar triple product 36
Vector/ vectors, scaling 6
Vector/ vectors, spherical interpolation 49
Vector/ vectors, subtraction 4
Vector/ vectors, unit 17
Vector/ vectors, vector product 27
Vector/ vectors, vector triple product 36 41 249
Volume, parallelpiped 37
Volume, tetrahedron 42
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