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Bowman R. — Visual Basic.Net: Your Visual Blueprint for Building Versatile Programs on the .NET Framework
Bowman R. — Visual Basic.Net: Your Visual Blueprint for Building Versatile Programs on the .NET Framework

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Название: Visual Basic.Net: Your Visual Blueprint for Building Versatile Programs on the .NET Framework

Автор: Bowman R.


This text introduces the development of applications for Windows computers and the Internet using Visual Basic .NET. The author takes the reader through the process of using the Development Studio, writing advanced Windows applications, and developing Web application. No familiarity with Visual Basic programming is assumed. The CD-ROM contains the source code used in the book, an Adobe Acrobat version of the text, and some evaluation version programs useful for working with the text's examples. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 352

Добавлена в каталог: 30.12.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Fixed 3D      61
Fixed Dialog      42
Fixed Single      61
Fixed ToolWindow      46
flush      113
for loops      102—103 106 178
freeware      314
Games      3
Garbage collection      2
GDI+      3 277
GDI+, basic graphics      11
Global Assembly, Cache      312
Global Assembly, Class      311
Graphical user interface (GUI)      2
Graphics      28 32 122 140 143
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)      53
Graphics, curves      151
Graphics, draw      145
Graphics, ellipses      148
Graphics, GDI+      11
Graphics, object      141 144 156
Graphics, path      154—155
Graphics, pie      150
Graphics, string      153
help      7
Help, service interface      270—273
Host requirements      230
HTML, client-side      230
HTML, code      240 272 294
HTML, controls      230
HTML, format      236
HTML, hyperlink      250
HTML, Web control library      298
HTTP      132 204 273
HTTP, protocol      231
Hungarian notation      31
Hungry Minds      315
Hungry Minds, user agreement      318—319
Hyperlinks      51 236 251
Hyperlinks, control      237
hyperlinks, HTML      250
Icon files (ICO)      53
icons      29
Icons, alignment      81
Icons, draw      147
Icons, event viewer      263
Icons, large      70
Icons, message box      44
Icons, padding      80
Icons, small      70
IDE (Integrated Development Environment)      2 29—30
If statement      91 98–99
IIS      see “Internet Information Services (IIS)”
implementation      8 9
Implementation, interface      174—175
Implementation, interfaces      172
Imports      190—191
Indentation      12 57
Inherit, class      177 182—183
Inherit, form      194—195
Insert Separator      36
Install      314
Install, customize      310—313
Install, Visual Studio .NET      4—5
Install, wizard      313
Installer, add      265
Installer, create      310—311
Installer, service      264
Intellisense      88
INTERFACE      8 28
Interface, definition of      172—173
Interface, implementation      172—175
Interface, service help      270—273
Interface, tab      78—79
Interface, visual      28
Internet Information Services (IIS)      3 230 260
IP*Works.NET      315
Java      2 8
JIT      22
labels      23 28 33 66
Labels, controls      51 152 236
Labels, Text      51
landscape      127
LBOUND      108
LEADTools      315
Library, free-threading      11
Library, reference      292—293 299
Library, Web control      298—299
Line, breaks      13
Line, draw      148—149
Line, join      144—145
Line, pen      144
Line, vectors      147
Line, write      113
linear gradient      143
Linger, Option      133
Linger, State      133
Linger, Time      133
Loops, code      85 105
Loops, create      102—103
Loops, Do      104—105
loops, for      102—103 106
loops, For Each      139
Loops, statement      104
MainMenu      28 36 38
Margin      127
Math commands      11
Maximize, box      26 46
Maximize, button      42
Maximum      64
Maximum, Box      42
Maximum, Size      26 41—42
Memory      2 (see also “RAM”)
memory, management      10
Memory, objects      8
Menus      26 28
Menus, add      36—37
Menus, bars      36
menus, context-sensitive      38—39
menus, customizing      6
menus, Debug      301—302
Menus, Development Studio      6
Menus, dynamic changes      37
Menus, editor      36
menus, File      47
Menus, hide      37
Menus, Item      37
Menus, main      28 36 38
Menus, Open      47
menus, pop-up      312
menus, shortcut      313
menus, View      7 25
Message, authentication      11
Message, box      44 45
Message, error      22 23 54 80 81 244
Message, queues      11
Microsoft Access      3
Microsoft books      5
Microsoft dialog box      43
Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)      22
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)      230 260
Microsoft Office      293
Microsoft SQL Server      3
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET      2 24
Microsoft Win32      306
Microsoft Windows Application      48
Microsoft Word      40 56
Minimize Box      26
Minimize button      42
Minimum      64
Minimum, Box      42 46
Minimum, Size      27 41—42
Mouse, button      29
Mouse, down      136 290—291
Mouse, enter      27 33 291
Mouse, hover      27 33
Mouse, leave      27 33 291
Mouse, move      27 136
MSDN      4
MSDN, CD-ROM      5
MSDN, integrated help systems      6
MSDN, library      7 262
msgbox      44—45
MSI setup      311
MSIL      22
N-Tier Programming      204
Namespace      190—191
Namespace, create      192—193 278
Namespace, root      193
Namespace, types      11
NotifyFilter      115
Object-Oriented, Concepts      8
Object-Oriented, Programming (OOP)      8 30
Object-Oriented, terms      26
Option, controls      58—59 240
Option, list control      242
Oracle      3
overload      180—181
Override      182
Overwrite      149
Paint      32—33
Paint, event      150 290—291
Paint, form      137
Paint, Form1      152
Panels      49 61
Panels, control      78
PaperSize      125 127
PaperSource      127
Parent form      46
Path, create      154
Path, graphics      155
Path, pens      155
PDF files      316
Peek      112
pens      190
Pens, create      144 148
Pens, curves      151
Pens, Dim      144
Pens, object      144
Pens, overwrite      149
Pens, parameters      150
Pens, path      155
Photoshop      40
PictureBox      136—137
Pies, draw      150
Pies, fill      150
Pies, graphics      150
Point      41
Point, arrays      148
Point, objects      140 151
POLYGONS      148
Pool thread      199
Pop-up, button      50
Pop-up, menu      312
Pop-up, windows      40
Primitives      148
print      11 42
Print, AllowPaper      126
Print, color      125
Print, default      123
Print, margins      122
Print, page setup      122
Print, paper size      125
Print, Preview      128—129
PrintDialog      122
PrintDocument      122—128
Printer      see also “Print”
Printer, allow      126
Printer, dialog box      124—125
Printer, margins      127
PrinterResolution      127
PrinterSettings      125—127
PrintPage      127
Private keywords      10
Private method      181
Private operators      161
Private statement      162
PRIVATE variables      186
ProgIDs      10
Programming concepts      18
Programming multi-thread      11
Properties      9 235
Properties, Accept Button      26
Properties, Accessibility      30
Properties, AllowPaper      126
Properties, Anchor      34 60—61
Properties, attributes      117
Properties, AutoScale      26
Properties, AutoScroll      26
properties, autoSize      51
properties, BackColor      30
properties, BackgroundImage      26 30 50 60
Properties, block      162—163
Properties, CancelButton      26
Properties, caption      30
Properties, CenterScreen      41
Properties, Clip      140
properties, color      138
Properties, ColorDepth      52
properties, ContextMenu      39
Properties, counter      162
Properties, Credentials      131
Properties, data link      207
properties, default      212 282—287 299
Properties, definition of      164—165
Properties, DialogResult      42
Properties, Dock      60—61
Properties, Dock.Anchor      34
Properties, DpiX      140
Properties, DpiY      140
Properties, edit      28 30
Properties, expression      213
Properties, Extension      116
properties, Filter      120
Properties, FixedDialog      42
Properties, FlatStyle      50
properties, FormBorderStyle      26 42
properties, Height      52
Properties, Image      50
Properties, ImageAlign      50
Properties, ImageIndex      50
Properties, ImageList      50
Properties, images      52
properties, Item      178—179
properties, Length      116
Properties, LinkArea      51
Properties, LinkVisited      51
Properties, Location      26 41
properties, MaximizeBox      26
Properties, MaximumSize      26 41—42
Properties, Menu      26
properties, MinimizeBox      26
Properties, MinimumSize      27 41—42
Properties, Modal      27
properties, Name      31
Properties, Opacity      27
Properties, OwnedForms      27
properties, pages      43
properties, PrintRange      125
properties, public      284
1 2 3 4
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