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Salov V. — Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++: New Trading and Money Management Concepts
Salov V. — Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++: New Trading and Money Management Concepts

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Название: Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++: New Trading and Money Management Concepts

Автор: Salov V.


"A very in-depth reference for programmers that should serve well into the future. The code herein lends itself well to other syntactically similar programming languages such as Java, PHP, and C#."
—Ralph Vince

The goal of trading is to make money, and for many, profits are the best way to measure that success. Author Valerii Salov knows how to calculate potential profit, and in Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++, he outlines an original and thought-provoking approach to trading that will help you do the same.

This detailed guide will show you how to effectively calculate the potential profit in a market under conditions of variable transaction costs, and provide you with the tools needed to compute those values from real prices. You'll be introduced to new notions of s-function, s-matrix, s-interval, and polarities of s-intervals, and discover how they can be used to build the r- and l-algorithms as well as the first and second profit and loss reserve algorithms. Optimal money management techniques are also illustrated throughout the book, so you can make the most informed trading decisions possible.

Filled with in-depth insight and expert advice, Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++ contains a comprehensive overview of trading, money management, and C++. A companion CD-ROM is also included to help you test the concepts described throughout the book before you attempt to use them in real-world situations.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Экономика и финансы/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 288

Добавлена в каталог: 17.12.2007

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