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Filiol E. — Computer Viruses: from theory to applications |
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Absolute isolability 76
Adleman, Leonard 4
Anti-antiviral fighting, polymorphism 190
Anti-antiviral techniques, polymorphism 118
Anti-antiviral techniques, stealth 118
Anti-antivirale techniques 117
Antiantiviral fighting, stealth 188
Antiviral detection, behavior monitoring 162
Antiviral detection, code emulation 163
Antiviral detection, file integrity checking 161
Antiviral detection, heuristic analysis 160
Antiviral detection, scanning 157
Antiviral detection, search for viral signatures 157
Antiviral detection, spectral analysis 158
Antiviral fight 4 151
Antiviral fight, computer hygiene 164
Antiviral fight, computer hygiene rules 151 153
Antiviral fight, dynamic techniques 162
Antiviral fight, efficiency 153
Antiviral fight, scanning 157
Antiviral fight, search for viral signatures 157
Antiviral fight, static techniques 156
Antiviral fight, undecidability 52
Antiviral protection 151
Antiviral protection, behavior monitoring 162
Antiviral protection, code emulation 163
Antiviral protection, computer hygiene 164
Antiviral protection, computer hygiene rules 151 153
Antiviral protection, dynamic techniques 162
Antiviral protection, efficiency 153
Antiviral protection, file integrity checking 161
Antiviral protection, heuristic analysis 160
Antiviral protection, reliability 152
Antiviral protection, scanning 157
Antiviral protection, search for viral signatures 157
Antiviral protection, spectral analysis 158
Antiviral protection, static techniques 156
Antiviral protection, trust 152
Antiviral techniques, integrity checking 4
Antiviral techniques, scanning 4
Antivirus, analyse heuristique 217
Antivirus, behavior monitoring 162
Antivirus, code emulation 163
Antivirus, dynamic mode 156
Antivirus, fighting antivirus 117
Antivirus, file integrity checking 161
Antivirus, heuristic analysis 160
Antivirus, integrity checking 4
Antivirus, scanning 4 157
Antivirus, search for viral signatures 157
Antivirus, spectral analysis 158
Antivirus, static mode 156
Antivirus, viral database 158
Applied cryptanalysis see virus 368
Automata, cellular 19 21
Automata, configuration 21
Automata, finite 20
Automata, propagation function 22
Automata, subconfiguration 21
Automata, transition function 22
Automata, universal computability 27
Automata, universal constructor 26
Automate, self-reproducing 19
Automaton, Byl's self-reproducing 33
Automaton, Byl's self-reproducing automata 35
Automaton, Langton's self-reproducing 161
Automaton, Langton's self-reproducing loop 31 34
Automaton, Ludwig's self-reproducing 34
BadTrans see worms 369
bash 186
Behavior monitoring see antivirus 162
BIOS 174 349
Bios, POST 356
Bios, structure 351
Bios, working 351
Buffer overflow 85 258 262 267
Burks, Arthur 8 19
Byl, John 33
Caligula see virus 368 372
Carrier 70
Cellular automata 8
Codd automata 37
Codd, Edgar 31
Code emulation see antivirus 163
Cohen, Fred 4 41
companion see virus 207
Computer charter 166
Computer hygiene rules 151 153
Computer hygiene, rules 164
Computer infection program 41 66
Computer infection program, benignant 70
Computer infection program, carrier 70
Computer infection program, conception, design 96
Computer infection program, contagious 70
Computer infection program, detectability level 96
Computer infection program, dropper 70
Computer infection program, lure 102
Computer infection program, non self-reproducing 98
Computer infection program, pathogenic 70
Computer infection program, simple 98
Computer infection program, Trojan horse 70 71 100
Computer infection program, virulent 70
Computer infection programs 82
Computer infection programs, benign 71
Computer infection programs, disseminating 71
Computer infection programs, logic bomb 99
Computer infection programs, malicious 71
Computer infection programs, simple 71
Computer virus 3
Core Wars 40
Cost of a viral attack see virus worms 163
Decidability issue 52
Decidable relation 13
Dropper 70 84
File integrity checking see antivirus 161
Forrest's model 92
Function, characteristic function 16
Function, decidable 16
Function, index of a recursive 15
Function, recursive 12
Function, total 12
Functions, k-place partial 12
Functions, recursive primitive 12
Goedel numbering 13
Goedel, Kurt 12
Halting problem 43
Herman's theorem 35
Heuristic analysis see antivirus 160
Hoax 165
hoaxes 139
IBM 166
Icons, chained 112
Icons, companion viruses 112
Icons, transparent 112
Infected set 75
Infection marker 86
Integrity checking see antiviral techniques antivirus 4
Interpreted language see virus 185
Isolation model 75
Isolation model, absolute isolability 76
Joke 165
jokes 139
Kleene recursion theorem 17 71
Kleene, Stephen 17
Langage, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 186
Langton's loop 32
Langton, Christopher 31
Language, Awk 190
| Language, Bash 186
Language, perl 190
Language, VBScript 186
Largest viral set 48
Logic bomb, definition 99
Logic bomb, detection 154
Logic bomb, trigger 99
Logical bomb 173
Loop 32 161
Ludwig, Mark 116
Lure 102 173
Lure program, detection 154
Macro-virus see virus 186
Macro-viruses see virus 127
Magic lantern see worms 368
malicious programs 3
malware 3 41 46 69 82
Malware attack, how to react 167
Malware, conception, design 96
Malware, detectability level 96
Malware, legal aspects 172
Malware, non self-reproducing 98
Malware, simple 71 98
Malware, Trojan horse 100
Manhattan project 39
MD5 161
Morris Jr, Robert T. 260
Overinfection 188
Partial function 12
PocketPC virus, see virus 85
Polymorphism 41 44 188 190
Polymorphism, definition 118
Polymorphisme 4
Programming language, Pdf 127
Programming language, Postscript 127
Programming language, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 128
Psychological manipulation 293
Quine 114
Recursive enumerability 16
Recursive function 9 11
Retrovirus see virus 137
Safety, definition 117
Scanning see antiviral techniques antivirus 4 see antiviral antiviral antiviral 156
Scripts see virus 185
Security, definition 117
Self-reproduction 8 24
SHA-1 161
Singleton viral set 49
Smallest viral set 48
Social engineering 84 87 140 144 145 293
Spectral analysis see antivirus 158
Stealth 188
Stealth, definition 118
Sun Microsystems 166
Symbian cellular phones worm see worms 85
Total function 12
Trigger see logic bomb 99
Trojan Horse 70 71 173 328
Trojan horse, Back Orifice 101
Trojan horse, client module 100
Trojan horse, definition 100
Trojan horse, detection 154
Trojan horse, keyloggers 102
Trojan horse, Netbus 101
Trojan horse, Padodor 102
Trojan horse, Phage 85
Trojan horse, Scob 102
Trojan horse, server module 100
Trojan horse, SubSeven 101
Turing machine, control function 9
Turing machine, Halting problem 43
Turing machine, read/write head 9
Turing machine, tape 9
Turing machine, universal 13
Turing Machines 8
Turing, Alan M. 4
Ultra project 39
Universal computability 27
Universal computer 27
Universal constructor see automata 26
Universal viral machine 55
UNIX Companion.a 250
VCL 139
Viral cardinality 55
Viral computability 54
Viral detection 59
Viral detection, complexity 72
Viral eradication 60
Viral evolution 47
Viral evolutivity 54
Viral payload 196
Viral set 45
Viral signature 188
Viral signature, discriminating 157 188
Viral signature, frameproof 157 188
Viral signature, non-incriminating 157
Viral signature, properties 157
Viral singleton 44
Viral toolkit 139
Virale signature, non-incriminating 188
Virulence 93
virus 3
Virus 1099 87
Virus and recursive functions 17
Virus, absolutely isolable 76
Virus, action chart 86
Virus, anti-detection routine 86
Virus, appender 104
Virus, Apple II 40
Virus, AppleDOS 3.3 40
Virus, applications 324 329
Virus, applications, applied cryptanalysis 368
Virus, applications, automated compression 330
Virus, applications, automated encryption 335
Virus, applications, bypassing integrity checking 253
Virus, applications, bypassing of the RPM signature checking 254
Virus, applications, environmental cryptographic key generation 342
Virus, applications, fighting against crime 340
Virus, applications, military 338
Virus, applications, password wiretapping 255
Virus, armoured virus 136
Virus, BAT-like 185
Virus, behavioural virus 133
Virus, BIOS 349
Virus, Bios virus 130
Virus, boot structure virus 131
Virus, boot virus 130 131
Virus, Brain 40 132 134
Virus, Caligula 372
Virus, Century 89
Virus, cih 82 88—90 99 109 130 174 349 356
Virus, code interlacing 106
Virus, Coffee Shop 89
Virus, Cohen's 1108 virus 63
Virus, Cohen's contradictory 59
Virus, Cohen's experiments 61
Virus, Colors 89 174
Virus, combined 369
Virus, combined viruses 135
Virus, compagion viruses 110
Virus, compagnons, UNIX Companion.a 250
Virus, companion 207
Virus, companion, vcomp ex 210
Virus, companion, vcomp ex v1 221
Virus, companion, vcomp ex v2 149 230
Virus, companion, vcomp ex v3 238
Virus, companion, X21 210
Virus, companion, X23 237
Virus, Concept 78 124
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