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Albanese J.S. (ed.) — Combating Piracy |
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Adams, J.S. 56
Ajzen, I. 59—60
Akers, R.L. 55 61—62
Albanese, Jay vii 1 9 173
Alliance against Counterfeiting and Piracy 17
Argentina 50
Ariovich, L. 47 48
Arrow, K.J. 75
Asia 154—155 156—157
Bahamas 50
Bastian, Lisa 1
Beccaria, C. 54
Bentham, J. 54
Beresford, Annette 73 173
Berne Convention 106
Bessen, J. 75
Boldrin, M. 75 82
Borland, J. 83
Brazil viii 23 50
Burgess, R.L. 61
Business Software Alliance 85 102
California vii 140
Canada 83—84
Carr, C. 110
Carruthers, B.G. 47 48
CD Piracy 56—57 102—103
Cheng, H.K. 52.65
China viii 23 50 77—78 85
Christensen, A.L. 49 52 54 61 67
Coblenz, M. 111
Coca-Cola 81
Cohen, L.E. 48 58
Computer crime 8 138—139
Coombe, R.J. 81
Copyrights, definition viii 98 234
Copyrights, law 46—48
Copyrights, prosecutions 28
Cornwell, L. 58
Counterfeiting 101—102 109—110 140—141
Counterfeiting, Software vii—viii 102 140
Court TV 172
Credit card fraud 6
Cressey, Donald 5
Crime prevention 7—9 63—66 168—171
Davis, J.R. 54
Desilels, Christian 73 173—174
Deterrence 54—56 111
Detroit 2
Digital Millenium Copyright Act 163—164
Digital piracy 101—102 109—110 140—141 147
Ding, Hou Wu 80
Dusollier, S. 46
DVD piracy 20—40 137
Egypt 50
Eining, M.M. 49 52 54 61 67
Emmert, F. 116—117
Endeshaw, A. 46
Epstein Edward Jay 32—35
Equity theory 56—58
Ethics 58—59
European Union 50 154—155 156—157
Evenson, R.E. 74—75
Federal Bureau of Investigation 1 16 84 86 88 110 139 146—147 157—158 171
Feist Publications v. Rural Tel. Serv. 76
Felson, M. 48
Film piracy 13—41 103 171
Fishbein, M. 59
Foley Bros. v. Filardo 84
Forney, Matthew viii
Fox, Paul 4
Fraud vi 1—11
Fraud, Arrests 4
Fraud, Credit card 6
Fraud, Definition 1
Fream, A.M. 62
Gardham, Duncan 6 9
Gasaway, L.N. 46
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 114—115
Getlan, M. 115
Gibbs, J. 55
Gillette Company 2
Gilligan, C. 69
Glass, R.S. 56—57
Gopal, R.D. 63
Gottfredson, Michael 48
Green, J.T. 110
Guerrero-Cusomano, J. 45 49
Haantz, Sandra 73 174
Hagan, J. 53
Harrington, S. 55 57
Hartford Fire Ins. Co. v. California 84
Herman, A. 81
Hetzer, W. 14
Hicks, U. 115
Hinduja, S. 50 51 53
Hirschi, Travis 48
Holder, Eric 13
Hollinger, R.C. 53.56 62
Horn, J. 35
Horowitz, Irving Louis x
Hsieh, U. 111—112
i-Safe America, Inc. 172
Iceland 25—26
Immigration and Customs Enforcement 84 140
India viii 5
Indonesia 1 50
Industrial property 87—88
Intellectual Property Rights Center 84—85 110
Intellectual property theft, causes 45—69
Intellectual property theft, definition vii—viii 14 45—46 73 96 133—134
Intellectual property theft, economic issues 75—76 95 100—101 136—137
Intellectual property theft, film piracy 13—41 104 171
Intellectual property theft, law 46—48 111—113 159—161
Intellectual property theft, law enforcement 177—179 139—141 149—150 161—167
Intellectual property theft, offender demographics 52—54
Intellectual property theft, political theories 76—78
Intellectual property theft, prevention 45—69 168—171
Intellectual property theft, prosecution 87—90 140—141 149—151 161—167
International Intellectual Property Alliance 85—86
Interpol 88 99—100 114 119
Israel, Chris viii
Jardini, Nancy 2
Jones, T.M. 58
Kane, John 73 174
Kanwar, S. 74—75
Kastenmeier, W. 118
Kay, F. 53
KaZaA 25
Kirby, Carrie 4
Klein, Naoim 82
Klepper, S. 60
Korea 50
Krehs, Brian 2
Kuwait 50
Lanza-Kaduce, L. 56
Larceny 4—5 47—48
Learning theory 61—63
Lebanon 50
Lee, H.K. 80
Lerner, P.J. 46
Lessig, L. 46
Levine, D.K. 81 82
| Leyden, J. 26
Lithuania vii
Locke, John 77
Los Angeles 21
Los Angeles Police Department 78
Luckenbill, D.F. 45 49 51 64—65
Maher, M.K. 49 55 65 68
Malaysia 23 29 80
Malcolm, John 18—20 24
Maskin, E. 75
Mason, J.D. 110
Mattel 82
Mazer v. Stein 75—76
McIllwain, Jeffrey Scott 13 175
McIntosh, Mary 7
McKenzie, S. 115
MediaSentry 25
Mexico 21 23 31
Miller, S.L. 45 49 51 64—65
Money laundering 78—79
Monroe, Jana 111
Moohr, G.S. 46
Morocco 2
Motion Picture Association 16—20 34 49 103 109
Motion Picture Association of America vii 18—20 33 48 64 85
Motivans, Mark 26—27
Nagin, D. 60
Napster 47 64
Nasheri, Hedieh 95 175
National Institute of Justice ix 37 95
National White Collar Crime Center 74 87
New York City 20
New Zealand 85
Niemeyer, K. 118
Nigeria 78
O'Brien, J.A. 53 58
Oddi, A. 116
Operation Safehaven vii
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 86—87 103—105
Organized crime 16 20—40 89—90
Ortiz-Buonafina, M. 53
Ostergard, Robert 76—77
Oz, E. 59 67
Pakistan 23 50
Paraguay 23 50
Paris Convention 108
Parker, D.B. 57
Patents 97 135—136
Paternoster, R. 60
Patry, W. 46
Peer-to-Peer networks 163 170—171
Pennsylvania vii
Pharmaceuticals 105
Philippines 50
Piquero, A. 60
Piquero, Nicole Leeper 45 60 174
Polakowski, M. 47
Poltorak, A.I. 46
Possamai, Mario 8
PricewaterhouseCooper's 100
Prosecutions 26—29
Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Organizations Act 112
Rangel-Ortiz, R. 115
Reasoned Action, Theory 59—61
Recording Industry Association of America 47 48 66 83 85
Reid, R.A. 55
Reiss, A.J. 54
Riskind, Jonathan viii
Romer, P. 75
Ronkainen, I.S. 45 49
Russia viii 23 50
Sacco, V.F. 53
Safes 5
Sanders, G.L. 63
Schneider, S. 47
Schuck, Amie 8
Seale, D.A. 47—48 53—55 60
Sen, A. 77
Shell, G. Richard 83
Shim, LP. 55 58
Simpson, P.M. 53. 64
Simpson, S.S. 60
Sims, R.R. 52—53 59 63 65 67
Sirno, S. 112
Skinner, W. 62
Software and Information Industry Association 102
Software piracy 1 52 102
Solomon, S.L. 53 58
Spertus, Jim 19—20 22 24—25
St. Louis vii
Starein, Wolfang 110
Stern, B. 79
Stim, R. 45
Story, A. 46
Street Law 172
Sutherland, Edwin 61 78
Swinyard, W.R. 59
Taiwan 23 50
Task Force on Intellectual Property 14 27 133—172
Taylor, G.S. 55 58
Teegan, J.H. 50 65
Thailand viii 2 23
Thompson, J.M. 49 55 65 68
Thong, J.Y.U. 47
Tibbetts, S. 60
Tilburg, Chad 19—20 24
Tomlin, D.H. 110
Trade secrets, definition viii 138
Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Properly Rights 50 106—107 109 114—115 120
Trademarks, definition viii 98 134
Trademarks, prosecutions 28
Tsakikis, J. 53
Turkey 50
U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics 1 26 66
U.S. Customs and Border Protection 86
U.S. Department of Justice 24 26 68 80 86 100 110 133—172
U.S. Department of Justice, Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section 27 137—138 145—146
U.S. Department of Justice, Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property Unites 136—137 141—145
U.S. Department of States 88—89
U.S. General Accountability Office viii
U.S. Postal Inspection Service 140
U.S. Trade Representative 49—50 102
Ukraine vii
United Kingdom 77
United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute 0
Video game piracy 23—24
Vietnam 85
Volokh, E. 46
Von Hippel, E. 83 Von Krogh G. 83
Wall, April 73 175
Warchol, Greg 2
Warez groups, vii 23—26 29
Waterman, Shawn viii
Welton, R.E. 47
White-collar crime 73—93
Wood, W.A. 56—57
World Customs Organization 114 119
World Intellectual Property Organization 45—46 52 85 88 96 98 106—107 109 119
World Trade Organization 15 49—50 85 115
Yap, C. 47
Yen, A.C. 46
Zeithaml, V. 47
Zureik, E. 53
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