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Gross H.G. — Component-Based Software Testing with UML |
Предметный указатель |
Test, stub 27
Test, target definition 95
Test, two stages 232
Test, verdict 172
Test, weight 149
Testability 135 152
Testable component 131
Tester component 123 268 280
Tester component, alternatives 156
Tester component, C 190
Tester component, C++ 193
Tester component, criteria 153
Tester component, customization 231
Tester component, design 146
Tester component, heavy test 149
Tester component, invocation sequence 176
Tester component, Java 193
Tester component, lighter test 149
Tester component, realization 169
Tester component, specification 169
Tester component, test weight 149
Tester component, tester component, optimal design 148
Tester component, variation 152
Tester component, volume 152
Testing 81
Testing and test control notation 219
Testing criteria, black box 77
Testing criteria, white box 75
Testing interface 123 131 134 267 280
Testing interface, alternatives 136 140
Testing interface, assert all 145
Testing interface, C 188
Testing interface, C++ 191
Testing interface, design 141
Testing interface, IBITError 281
Testing interface, IBITErrorNotify 281
Testing interface, IBITQuery 281
Testing interface, IBITRegister 281
Testing interface, ingredients 138
Testing interface, inheritance 155
Testing interface, is-in-state 144
Testing interface, Java 191
Testing interface, nested components 155
Testing interface, optimal design 140
Testing interface, realization 167
Testing interface, set-to-state 141
Testing interface, specification 167
Testing interface, state setup 131
Testing interface, state validation 131
Testing interface, usage 140
Testing profile 112 172 224
Testing profile, arbiter 117
Testing profile, behavior 113
Testing profile, behavioral concepts 118
Testing profile, concepts 112 113
Testing profile, mapping to UML 115
Testing profile, structural concepts 113
Testing profile, structure 112
Testing profile, SUT 117
Testing profile, test architecture 115
Testing profile, test behavior 172
Testing profile, test case 117 172
Testing profile, test component 116
Testing profile, test configuration 116
Testing profile, test context 116
Testing profile, test objective 118 172
Testing profile, test observation 172
Testing profile, UML structure 115
Testing profile, validation action 172
Testing profile, verdict 172
Testing, architecture 164
Testing, artifact 74
Testing, component 131 169
Testing, concepts 74
testing, documentation 165
Testing, model 184
Testing, stereotype 185
Testing, technique 74
Throughput 255
Timing analysis 260
Timing analysis, approaches 263
Timing analysis, constructive 260
Timing analysis, dynamic 263
Timing analysis, problems 261
Timing analysis, static 263
Timing analysis, validation 260
Timing behavior 258
Timing contract test 280
Timing measurement 267
Top-down decomposition 229
Top-down development 21
| Transition 9
Transition coverage 100
Translation 53—55 181 193
TTCN-3 219 224
UML 73
UML Components 23
UML, activity diagram 35
UML, activity model 36
UML, anchor symbol 164
UML, class diagram 39
UML, implementation 55
UML, interaction diagram 35
UML, interaction model 37
UML, meta-model 7
UML, normal object form 55
UML, object diagram 39
UML, profile 55
UML, structural model 33 39
UML, testing profile 112 172 215 224
UML, tools 73
UML, usage model 67
UML, use case model 30 31 33
Unified Modeling Language 7 73
Usage model 30
Usage modeling 80
Usage Profile 130
Use case definition 31
Use case diagram 80
Use case template 32 34 85 89
Use case template, testing 84
User requirement 257
V-model 27 50
Validation 27 73
Validation action 172
Validation timing analysis 260
Variability identification 67
Variant stereotype 29 65 185
Variant system 183
Vending machine 24
Vending machine, activity diagram 106
Vending machine, activity model 36
Vending machine, algorithmic model 48 50 51
Vending machine, behavioral model 45 46 101
Vending machine, cash component 29
Vending machine, collaboration diagram 110
Vending machine, containment 195
Vending machine, containment diagram 86
Vending machine, containment hierarchy 28 57
Vending machine, containment model testing 96
Vending machine, containment testing 96
Vending machine, containment tree 91
Vending machine, context realization 29 30
Vending machine, cooling component 29
Vending machine, decision model 64
Vending machine, decomposition 26
Vending machine, dispenser component 26
Vending machine, display component 29
Vending machine, embodiment 189 192
Vending machine, functional model 41
Vending machine, initial state 141
Vending machine, insert coins 141
Vending machine, interaction model 38 48 52 53
Vending machine, key pad component 29
Vending machine, operation specification 43
Vending machine, realization 147
Vending machine, refinement 194
Vending machine, sequence diagram 108
Vending machine, state model 45
Vending machine, state table 46
Vending machine, state transition table 102
Vending machine, structural model 35 39 41 49 94
Vending machine, structure 94
Vending machine, testing containment 86
Vending machine, testing interface 144
Vending machine, testing model 86
Vending machine, translation 195
Vending machine, usage model 33 67 81
Vending machine, use case 34
Vending machine, use case diagram 33 81
Vending machine, use case model 31 33
Verification 73
Waterfall model 27 50
WCET 269 272
Web Services 209
White box coverage 75
White box testing 75
Worst-case execution time 269
Worst-case execution-time analysis 272
Wrapper component 59
XML 209
xUnit framework 215
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