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Biglieri E. — Coding For Wireless Channels (Information Technology Series: Transmission, Processing, and Storage) |
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A posteriori probability 76
Adaptive coding and modulation 15
Alarnouti code 351 353 354 373 375
Bandwidth 38
Bandwidth, equivalent noise 47
Bandwidth, Fourier 46
Bandwidth, Shannon 46 51 194
BCJR algorithm 134 138 257 264 267 285
BCJR algorithm, for binary systematic codes 137
Beamforming 331
Belief propagation 267
BICM 225
BICM, capacity 228
Bit error rate 45
Bound, Bhattacharyya 44
Bound, Chernoff 89
Bound, Singleton 104 120
Bound, union 43
Bound, union-Bhattacharyya 66
Capacity delay-limited 333
Capacity of memoryless channels 388
Capacity of MIMO channels 14
Catastrophicity 161 168
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 401
Channel 38.5
Channel, -outage capacity 86
Channel, additive white Gaussian noise 39
Channel, AWGN 11 12 21
Channel, AWGN, bandlimited 53
Channel, binary symmetric 387 388
Channel, binary symmetric, capacity 388
Channel, block fading 100 176 327 335
Channel, block fading, regular 334
Channel, capacity 50
Channel, capacity, constellation-constrained 56 94
Channel, capacity, ergodic 115
Channel, capacity, zero-outage 115
Channel, continuous, entropy 389
Channel, continuous-time 20
Channel, cutoff rate 391
Channel, discrete-time 20
Channel, entropy, conditional 386
Channel, entropy, input 385
Channel, entropy, joint 385
Channel, entropy, output 385
Channel, equivocation 386
Channel, ergodic 32 85 101 305 311 328
Channel, ergodic, capacity 85
Channel, fading 11
Channel, fading, capacity 92 96 98
Channel, fading, Rayleigh 84
Channel, flat in frequency 31
Channel, flat in time 31
Channel, frequency flat, slow 84
Channel, frequency-selective 20 351
Channel, impulse response 20
Channel, infinitely noisy 388
Channel, inversion 106
Channel, linear 20
Channel, memoryless 39
Channel, MIMO 302
Channel, MIMO, capacity 305 308 310—312 314 316—325 338 392 393
Channel, MIMO, completely correlated 306
Channel, MIMO, reciprocity 310 322
Channel, MIMO, rich scattering 306
Channel, MIMO, separately correlated 306 323
Channel, MIMO, uncorrelated keyhole 307
Channel, mutual information, instantaneous 86 325
Channel, narrowband 84
Channel, noiseless 388
Channel, non-time-selective, frequency-selective 20
Channel, non-time-selective, non-frequency-selective 21
Channel, nonergodic 32 85 86 306 325
Channel, overspread 32
Channel, Rayleigh fading 91
Channel, reliability function 391
Channel, Rice 307
Channel, space-selective 31
Channel, state information 12 87 95 106 307 335 338 343 356 392
Channel, stationary memoryless 129 255 284 385
Channel, time-invariant 20
Channel, time-selective 20 30
Channel, time-selective, frequency selective 21
Channel, transition function 385
Channel, underspread 32
Channel, wireless 11
Chi-square pdf 113 175
Cholesky factorization 337 365 404
Code, algebraic 67
Code, binary 42 67
Code, block 40
Code, capacity-approaching 10
Code, concatenated 10
Code, convolutional 10 158 165 194 350
Code, convolutional, best known 177
Code, convolutional, nonlinear 208
Code, convolutional, punctured 177
Code, convolutional, state diagram 159
Code, convolutional, tail biting 183
Code, convolutional, trellis 159
Code, convolutional, trellis termination 181 182
Code, diversity 13
Code, Hamming 73 241
Code, in a signal space 4
Code, in the signal space 40
Code, LDPC 10 243 274
Code, LDPC, irregular 274
Code, parallel concatenated 248
Code, random 8
Code, Reed — Muller 145 362
Code, Reed — Solomon 10 109
Code, repeat-accumulate 248
Code, repetition 6 72 126 246 247
Code, single-parity-check 72 143 246 247
Code, space-time 15 344 350
Code, space-time, linear 354
Code, space-time, trellis 356
Code, systematic 71 127 255
Code, trellis, factor graph 246
Code, turbo 10 248 281
Code, universe 74 75
Code, word 4 40
Code, word, future 141
Code, word, past 141
Code, word, state 141
Coding, error-control 6
Coding, error-correcting 6
Coding, gain 11 57 91 188 194
Coding, gain, asymptotic 58
Coherence, bandwidth 30
Coherence, distance 30
Coherence, time 30
Concatenation, parallel 281 291
Concatenation, serial 282 291
Constellation, dimensionality 40
Constellation, distance-uniform 63
Constellation, geometrically uniform 62 64 65
Constellation, multidimensional 199
Constellation, Voronoi-uniform 63
Decoder, SISO 284 295
Decoding, algebraic 5
Decoding, iterative 10
Decoding, MAP 236
Decoding, soft 5
Decoding, symbol MAP 76
Decoding, symbol-by-symbol 7
Delay, constraint 101 105 331
Delay, operator 162
Delay, spread 30
Demodulation 539
| Demodulation, coherent 84
Demodulator 38
Differential, decoding 201
Differential, encoding 200—202
Distance, Bhattacharyya 41
Distance, enumerator function 66
Distance, Euclidean 13 40 42 74 347
Distance, Euclidean, minimum 41 45
Distance, free 188 222
Distance, Hamming 13 41 42 73 74
Distance, Hamming, block 103
Distance, Hamming, minimum 41 91
Diversity 109
Diversity, code 91
Diversity, combining 111
Diversity, combining, equal-gain 116
Diversity, combining, maximal-ratio 112
Diversity, combining, selection 117
Diversity, delay 350
Diversity, frequency 111
Diversity, polarization 110
Diversity, space 110
Diversity, time 111
Doppler shift 23
Doppler spread 30
Efficiency, bandwidth 48 49 194
Efficiency, power 48 49 67 69 188
Encoder, catastrophic 168
Encoder, convolutional 164 197 248
Encoder, minimal 168
Encoder, polynomial 167
Encoder, systematic 166 168
Encoder, TCM 196
Encoder, turbo 282
entropy 384
Entropy, continuous channels 389
Error probability 12 39 42 44 49 210 295 391
Error probability, bit 39 45
Error probability, block-fading channel 102
Error probability, fading channels 88
Error probability, in TCM 209 210
Error probability, of convolutional codes 169
Error probability, pairwise 13 66 170 345
Error probability, pairwise, MIMO channel 418
Error probability, symbol 7
Error probability, word 7
Error, detection 72
Error, event 169 210 222
Error, floor 289 290
Error, state diagram 222
Euclidean distance 211
Euclidean distance, criterion 348 349
EXIT chart 292 295 296
Extrinsic message 256 285 292 296
Factor graph 236 237
Factor graph, cycles 238 243 251 261
Factor graph, normal 238—241
Fading 22 24
Fading, figure 29
Fading, frequency-selective 30
Fading, models 26
Frobenius norm 102 344 404
Gain, diversity, in MIMO systems 14 304 347 368 369
Gain, rate, in MIMO systems 14 304 368 369
Galois field 74
Gauss — Chebyshev quadrature rule 417
Gauss-Jordan elimination 71 402
Gaussian random vector 409
Gaussian tail function 44 418
Generator matrix 68 127 164 168
Geometric uniformity 62 217
Hadamard inequality 393 403
Hamming, block distance 176
Hamming, distance, minimum 289
Hamming, weight 170
Hard decision 5
Information, measure 384
Information, mutual 387
Information, outage 86
Information, rate 38
Interference, intersymbol 303 351
Interference, multiple-access 303
Interleaver 10 98 248 281 285 290
Intrinsic message 256 284
Iverson function 238 240 241 244 262 263
Jensen inequality 93
Labeling, Gray 46 227
Labeling, quasi-Gray 227
Labeling, Ungerboeck 227
Laplace inversion formula 417
MAP rule 76
Marginalization 8 236
Matrix, column-uniform 216
Matrix, definite 402
Matrix, determinant 399
Matrix, diagonal 402
Matrix, hermitian 402
Matrix, orthogonal 402
Matrix, QR decomposition 405
Matrix, random 412
Matrix, random, eigenvalues 412
Matrix, rank 400
Matrix, row echelon form 402
Matrix, row-uniform 216
Matrix, scalar product 403
Matrix, singular-value decomposition 405
Matrix, spectral decomposition 405
Matrix, symmetric 402
Matrix, trace 399
Matrix, uniform 216
Matrix, unitary 402
Matrix, Wishart 412 413
Max-sum algorithm 262
Modulation 38
Modulation, binary antipodal 114
Modulation, multilevel 10
Modulation, multiresolution 16
Moment generating function 416
Moore — Penrose pseudoinverse 358 406
Multipath propagation 12 22
Nakagami pdf 29
Orthogonal design 353 354 374 375
Outage, capacity 326 333
Outage, probability 86 105 325 326 331 333
Parity-check matrix 71 128 240 243
Path loss 21
Power constraint, long-term 331 332
Power constraint, short-term 331
Pseudo-noise sequence 33
PSK, asymmetric 65
PSK, binary 201
PSK, M-ary 47
PSK, octonary 65
PSK, quaternary 42 64 65 78
QR decomposition 405
Random vector, circularly symmetric 411
Random vector, complex Gaussian 41
Random vector, proper complex 410
Rank-and-determinant criterion 346 349
Rayleigh, fading 12
Rayleigh, pdf 27 84
Rayleigh, pdf, normalized 27
Receiver, interface, in MIMO 358 363
Receiver, interface, in MIMO, D-BLAST 366 374
Receiver, interface, in MIMO, iterative 367
Receiver, interface, in MIMO, MMSE 359 360
Receiver, interface, in MIMO, V-BLAST 363—365 367 374
Receiver, interface, in MIMO, zero-forcing 359 360
Region, decision 43
Region, Voronoi 43
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