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Lessig L. — Code: Version 2.0 |
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Federal Communications Commission See FCC
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) 266 305
Federated SSOs 50
Fifth Amendment 213
Filtering 254—255 256 258—260 386n47 387n57
Fingerprints / thumbprints 42
Finkelstein, Seth 245
Firefox 147
First Amendment: copyright and 186—187
First Amendment: effects of 18 20 115 116 121 186—187 214 294 386n45
First Amendment: times when ignored 315
First Amendment: “Madisonian” conception of 260
Fishkin, James 332
Ford, Richard 286
Fourteenth Amendment 167 286
Fourth Amendment See also specific court cases
Fourth Amendment: as constraint on regulation 213 214
Fourth Amendment: dignity / searches and 211—213 214
Fourth Amendment: historical background of 21 22 158—160
Fourth Amendment: latent ambiguities and 157—158 160—165
Fourth Amendment: search / burden and 22—23
Fourth Amendment: searches (“invisible”) of computers 21—22 23
Fourth Amendment: text of 158
Fourth Amendment: warrants and 21 22 158 159—160 370n8
Frankfurter, Felix 271
Free Culture (Lessig) 110
Free Software Foundation's General Public License (GPL) 148
Free speech See also Speech constraints; Speech regulation
Free speech: architectural significance 236 237 383n3 4
Free speech: country differences in 235—236 294
Free speech: credibility and 241—242
Free speech: protection / regulation modalities and 233 234 234—236 275
Free speech: values and 255 258 260 261 267—268
Free speech: “indecency” and 250
French Revolution and Paris architecture 127
Friedman, Milton 235
FTC (Federal Trade Commission) 266 305
ftp (file transfer protocol) 144 145
Future of Ideas, The (Lessig) 111
Gambling on Internet 15—16 23 69 307—308
Gandy, Oscar 219
GDPs of virtual worlds 108
Geist, Michael 62 305
General Public License (GPL) 148
Generative Internet (Zittrain) 74—76
Geographic identity 57—59
Geography as architectural constraints 127—128
George II / III, Kings 21
Georgetown University Law Review 249
Geoselect IP mapping service 58
Gibson, William 3
Ginsberg (“harmful to minors”) speech 250 257 258
Ginsberg v. New York 247 251
GNU / Linux 147—148 369n20 22
GNU project 147
Godwin, Mike 84
Goldsmith, Jack 58 298 301
Gomez, Jean-Jacques 295 297
Goodale, James 237—238
Google: advertising method 205
Google: China and 80 309
Google: Gmail records 204 205—206
Google: government demand for data 47 204—205
Google: privacy policy of 226
Google: “neutral” search principle of 70—80
Gore, Al 244—245
Gore, Bush v. 141
Government / regulation See also Sovereignty
Government / regulation (indirect), choosing indirect / direct methods 132 366n53 54
Government / regulation (indirect), democracy and 138
Government / regulation (indirect), overview 67—68
Government / regulation (indirect), problems with 132—137 138
Government / regulation (indirect), responsibility misdirection with 133—134
Government / regulation (indirect), segregation example 134—135
Government / regulation (indirect), violence on television 115—116
Government / regulation (indirect), White Paper on intellectual property 173—174
Government / regulation: digital IDs and 68—72
Government / regulation: examples 62—67
Government / regulation: exploiting commerce xiii xiv 72—73 77 80 81
Government / regulation: in China 79—80
Government / regulation: in Vernon Vinge story xii
Government / regulation: intervention conditions 338
Government / regulation: overview 61—62
Government / regulation: “East Coast Code” / “West Coast Code” 72—74 324 357n34
Grokster / Grokster 147
Guinier, Lani 286
Gyges 59
H-bomb designs 240
Hacker meaning 8
Hafner, Katie 101
Hansen, Chuck 240
Harter, Peter 150
Harvard Law Review 74
Harvard University 34 35 36 49
Health, Chip 245
Hellman, Martin 53—54
Helms, Shawn 54
Herz, J.C. 33
HEWAdvisory Committee on Automated Data Systems 227
Hodgson v.Minnesota 132
Holmes, Justice 5—6
Hoover, Herbert 270—271
Hostip.info and “geolocation” 59
Houri, Cyril 58
HTML (hyper text markup language) 47 145 146 369n17
HTTP (hyper text transfer protocol) 144 145
Hunt, Craig 144
Hunter, Dan 193
Hurst, Paul 53
Hustler 19
IBEX at Yale class 102 104—106
IBM and cryptography 71
ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) 306 321
iCraveTV 295—296 297
Identity See also “Cookies”; Cryptography; Identity layer
Identity layer: benefits / costs of 52—53
Identity layer: credential use with 50—51
Identity layer: description 50—53
Identity layer: identity theft and 51 52
Identity layer: privacy / data collection 226—227
Identity layer: sovereignty competition and 306 307
Identity layer: wallet (real-space) comparison 50—51
identity metasystem 50
Identity theft 41—42 50 51 52 58—59 69
Identity theft, states with legislation on 352n10
Identity: architectures and 45—54 50 51
Identity: authentication and 40 41 42—46 43
Identity: credentials and 40—41 42
Identity: definition / description 39—40
Identity: digital IDs 68—72
Identity: fraud / risk with 41—42 50 51 52 58—59 69
Identity: geographic identity 57—59
Identity: identity cards 68 356n24
Identity: SSO technology 49—50
IDs, digital 68—72
Independence Day 77
Industry Standard article / letter 136
Intellectual property rights / protection See also Copyright; Creative Commons license specific
Intellectual property rights / protection: as different from real / personal property 181—183
Intellectual property rights / protection: Constitution and 183—184 186—187
Intellectual property rights / protection: control and 183—185 196—197
Intellectual property rights / protection: copyright / patent / trademark and 372n6
Intellectual property rights / protection: incentives for creators and 183—185 374n33
Intellectual property rights / protection: real world vs. cyberspace (summary) 175
Intellectual property rights / protection: White Paper by Commerce Department 174 175
Internet See also Cyberspace
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 306 321
Internet engineering task force (IETF) 71 145
Internet Protocol addresses 43 46—47 58
Internet Protocol mapping services 58—59
| Internet Service Providers See ISPs
Internet: beginnings of 2 33 86
Internet: control / access 35—37
Internet: cyberspace vs. 9 83—85 283—284
Internet: description / features 74—76 83 111—112
Internet: generations of xiv—xv 7
Internet: layers of 143—145 368n10 12 13
Internet: monitoring use 55 56 205—206 380n6
Internet: “as not regulable” view ix xii 3 27 29 31—32 73
Internet: “ideal” of xiv 2—3 7 302—305
Interstate commerce authority 189 376n49
Intranet 352n9
Ipanema Technologies / Ipanema Systems 55
IProtectYou 55—56
IPv6 53
ISPs 46—47 68.
Jackson, Andrew 180
Jefferson, Thomas 182 198 348n12
Johnson, David 31 94 95 288 300—301
Johnson, Steven xv 220
Kapor, Mitch 24
Katsh, Ethan 125
Katyal, Neal 128
Katz v. United States 163—164
Kennedy, John F. 329
Kerberos 49
Kraemer, Shelley v. 134
Kundera, Milan 301
Laffer Curve for criminal law 131
LambdaMOO: democracy and 99—102
LambdaMOO: description of 97 102 113
LambdaMOO: sexual violence / community reaction 98—102 360n35
Lapin, Todd xiv
Lastowska, Greg 193
Law.cyber 102—106 113
laws See also Modalities of regulation; specific legislation
Laws: as regulator 5 122 123 124 125—127 340 342 344 345
Laws: costs from 123
Laws: definition / description of 11 340
Laws: other constraints and (overview) 123 123 126—127
Legislators: collective values and 320 322
Legislators: fundraising solution 331
Legislators: problems with (overview) 8 311—312 313 319—323 330—331
Lemley, Mark 328—329
Levine, Lawrence 194
Lewis, Peter 218
Lexis 94
Liability rule 229
Libertarianism 2 3 120 335—336 337 338 362n1
Liberty 120—121
Linux 147—148 369n20 22
Litman, Jessica 192 301
Local Code: The Constitution of a City at 42N Latitude (Sorkin) 345
Lott, Eric 194
Low Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act (1985) 132—133
Lyon, Matthew 101
Maddox, Tom xii xiii xiv
Maher v. Roe 132
malware 55 74—77 75.
Markets See Commerce
Markey, Ed 65
Marshall, Thurgood 129 322
Maryland v. Craig 166
Massively multiple online games See MMOGs; MMORPGs
MaxMind IP mapping service 58—59
McCain, John 266
McCullagh, Declan 245 335—336 338
McGeveran, William 230
Meares, Tracey 131
Merchant-sovereign model 287—290
Merkle, Ralph 176
Microsoft, China and 79
Microsoft, closed code / Windows 95 146
Microsoft, GNU / Linux and 147
Microsoft, identity layer and 50 51 52
Microsoft, Internet Explorer 147
Microsoft, Passport system 49—50
Mill, John Stuart 120
Minnesota, Hodgson v. 132
MIT 72
Mitchell, John 238 239
Mitchell, William 79 125
MMOGs See also specific MMOGs
MMOGs: borders story (poisonous flowers) 10—11 13—15
MMOGs: code and 14—15
MMOGs: definition / description 9 11—12 13 107—108
MMOGs: exit costs 289—290
MMOGs: statistics on use 12 107
MMORPGs See also Specific MMORPGs
MMORPGs: definition / description 9 12 107—108
MMORPGs: statistics on use 12 107
Mnookin, Jennifer 102
Modalities of regulation See also Architecture; Commerce; Laws; Norms
Modalities of regulation: differences between 343—345
Modalities of regulation: importance of understanding 345
Modalities of regulation: objective / subjective perspectives of 343—344 397n7 8
Modalities of regulation: overview 122—125 123 234—235 234 340—345
Modalities of regulation: trade-offs and 364n23
modular code 328—329
Moglen, Eben 236
Monitoring content 54—57
MOOs 12—13 113 348n6.
Morland, Howard 240
Moses, Robert 128
Mozilla technology 147 150 253
MSN 47 204
MUDs 12—13 97 348n6.
Nader, Ralph 128
Napoleon, Louis III 127
Napster 173
National Football League 296
National Science Foundation 321
National Security Agency (NSA) 206 380n13
Near v. Minnesota 239
Negroponte, Nicholas 330
Net95 35 36 72
Netscape 71 147 150
Network layer (Internet) 144—145
Network monitoring 56
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) 17
Network Solutions 321
Neuromancer (Gibson) 3
New York Times 19 218 237—238 239 240
New York v. United States 133 134 135
New Yorker 35
Newspapers 271
Nixon, Richard 333
Nmap software 56
NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) 17
Norms See also Modalities of regulation
Norms: as regulator 11 102 120 122 123 124 340—341 344 345
Norms: changing of 11
Norms: cost from 123
Norms: definition / description 120—121 123 340—341
Norms: escaping from 19 26—27
Norms: laws affecting 129 365n37
Norrath GDP 108
NSA (National Security Agency) 206 380n13
Nuclear waste regulation 132—133 134
Nunziato, Dawn 91
O'Brien, David 328—329
Oberholzer, Felix 337
Obscenity 245 385n32
Olmstead v. United States 157—158 160—163 164 214
Olmstead, Roy 158
On Liberty (Mill) 120
Open code See also specific programs / projects
Open code: as constraint on government power 139 150—151 152—153
Open code: description 139
Open code: in history of Internet 145—149
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