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Graves K. — CEH: Official Certified Ethical Hacker Review Guide |
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Hard Drive Killer Pro programs tool 96
Hardening methods 6
Hardening methods, Linux 181
Hardening methods, web servers 140—141
Hardware firewalls 189
Hardware keyloggers 78—79
Harris Stat tool 52
Hashed passwords 75
hashing algorithms 69—70
Heap-based buffer overflows 154
Hiding data 84—85
Hiding files 83—84
HIDSs (host-based IDSs) 188
Hijacking authentication 142 144
Hijacking session See session hijacking
Hk.exe utility 80
Honeyd honeypot 191
honeypots 190—191
Honeypots, exam essentials 191
Honeypots, review questions 192—194
Host-auditing tools 124
Host-based IDSs (HIDSs) 188
hotfixes 140
Hping2 tool 51
HTTP, authentication 144
HTTP, tunneling techniques 54
HTTPort tool 54
HTTrack tool 52—53
Human-based social engineering 32—33
Hunt program 128
Hybrid attacks 77 145
Hyena tool 56
ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) 24
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) scanning 44
ICMP Shell program 190
Icmpenum tool 51
IconPlus tool 97
Identity theft 33
IDLE scans 49
IDS See intrusion detection systems (IDS)
IIS Unicode exploits 139—140
IKS (Invisible KeyLogger Stealth) Software Logger driver 79
ImageHide program 84
Impersonation 32
Infection, virus 100
Information gathering 5
Information gathering, Google search engine for 20
Information gathering, methodology 21—22 22
Information theft 9
Injection command 142—143
Injection, session hijacking 125 128
Injection, SQL See SQL injection attacks
Inside attacks 3 4 33
Instant Source tool 143
Inter Process Communication share (IPC$) 57
Internal assessment tests 205
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) scanning 44
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 24
Internet spoofing 111
Intranet spoofing 111
Intrusion detection systems (IDS), DoS attacks 124
Intrusion detection systems (IDS), evading 189
Intrusion detection systems (IDS), exam essentials 191
Intrusion detection systems (IDS), port scanning 43
Intrusion detection systems (IDS), review questions 192—194
Intrusion detection systems (IDS), types 188—189
Intrusion phase in DDoS attacks 123
Intrusion prevention systems (IPS) 45 188
Invisible KeyLogger Stealth (IKS) Software Logger driver 79
Inzider tool 98
IP Network Browser tool 58
IP Restrictions Scanner (IRS) tool 112
IP spoofing 54
IP Watcher tool 128
IPC$ (Inter Process Communication share) 57
IPEye tool 50
IPS (intrusion prevention system) 45 188
IPSecScan tool 50
Iris sniffer 109
IRS (IP Restrictions Scanner) tool 112
ISS Internet Scanner 207
John the Ripper tool 69
Jolt2 tool 121
Juggernaut sniffer 128
KerbCrack tool 69
Kernel-level rootkits 81
Kernels, Linux, compiling 179—180
Kernels, Linux, modules 180—181
Keyloggers 78—79
Keys, cryptography 197
Keystroke loggers 78—79
KFSensor IDS 191
KingPingicmpenum tool 51
Kismet tool 162
Knark rootkit 181
L0phtCrack tool 69
Lan Manager hashing 69—70
LAND attacks 121
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) 59
Leaving marks 206
Legal issues, hacking 13—14
Legal issues, penetration testing 206
Legion tool 69
LetMeRule tool 96
Library-level rootkits 81
Lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) 59
Linux 177—178
Linux Kernel Modules (LKMs) 180—181
Linux, basics 178—179
Linux, exam essentials 182
Linux, hardening methods 181
Linux, kernel compilation 179—180
Linux, kernel modules 180—181
Linux, review questions 183—185
LNS.exe tool 84
Local exploits 2
Local network hacks 12
Logons, redirecting 70—72 71
Logs, clearing 86
Logs, keyloggers 78—79
Logs, monitoring 73
Loki tool 94
MAC addresses, ARP poisoning 110
MAC addresses, flooding 111
MAC addresses, spoofing 9 162—163
MAC Changer tool 113
Macof tool 112
Mail attachments 34
Mail exchange (MX) record type 27
MailTracking.com tool 29
Maintaining access phase 6
Makestrm.exe utility 83
malware 99
Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks 75
Manipulation 31—32
Masquerading 163
Masters in DDoS attacks 123
Masters Paradise Trojan 93
MBSA (Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer) 207
Message Digest 5 (MD5) algorithm 82 197
Metasploit framework 140 208
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) 207
Misconfiguration weaknesses 3
MITM (man-in-the-middle) attacks 75
Mixed mode security 161
Modules, Linux 180—181
Monitoring Event Viewer logs 73
MP3Stego tool 84
Mstream tool 122
Multipartite viruses 100
| MX (mail exchange) record type 27
N-Stalker Web Application Security Scanner tool 140
Name server (NS) record type 27
NBName tool 72
NBTdeputy tool 72
NeoTrace tool 29
Nessus Vulnerability Scanner 191 207
Net start _root_ command 82
Net stop _root_ command 82
NetBIOS Auditing Tool 56
NetBIOS, DoS attacks 72
NetBIOS, enumeration 57
NetBus 2 Trojan 93
NetBus tool 95
NetBus Trojan 93
Netcat Trojan 96
Netcraft tool 52
Netcraft website 53
NetINTERCEPTOR firewall 113
Netscan Tools Pro 2000 51
NetStumbler tool 162
network diagrams 52—53
Network-auditing tools 124
Network-based IDSs (NIDSs) 188
Network-ingress filtering 124
Networks, address ranges 27
Networks, scanning 43
Networks, wireless See wireless hacking
NIDSs (network-based IDSs) 188
Nmap tool 46—48
Nonelectronic password attacks 78
NOP (No Operation) instructions 155
NS (name server) record type 27
nslookup tool 23 59
NT Lan Manager (NTLM), hashing 69—70
NTFS, file streams 83—84
NTFS, viruses 100
NTInfoScan tool 69
NULL scans 46 49—50
null sessions 56—58
Offline NT Password Resetter method 70
Offline password attacks 77
Online password attacks 74—75
Online scams 34
Open Nmap scans 46
Operating systems, fingerprinting 52
Operating systems, weaknesses 3
Operational security 171
Outside attacks 3 4
Overflows, buffer See buffer overflows
Overt channels 94
Owning the system 5
Packet Crafter tool 112
Packet injection 125 127—128 127
Packet-sniffers 188
Packet-tracking tools 28 28
Pandora's Box kit 97
Passive attacks 3 4 74—75
Passive reconnaissance 5
Passive session hijacking 126
Passive sniffing 109
Passive stack fingerprinting 52
Password-cracking techniques 68—69
Password-cracking techniques, countermeasures 72—73
Password-cracking techniques, Lan Manager hashing 69—70
Password-cracking techniques, SMB redirection 70—72 71
Password-cracking techniques, web-based See web-based password cracking techniques
Password-cracking techniques, Windows 2000 70
Passwords, automated password guessing 76
Passwords, change intervals 73
Passwords, nonelectronic attacks 78
Passwords, offline attacks 77
Passwords, online attacks 74—75
Passwords, SNMP 58
Passwords, types 74—75
patch management 140
Penalties of unauthorized hacking 13
penetration testing 8 203—204
Penetration testing, automated tools 207—208
Penetration testing, deliverables 208
Penetration testing, exam essentials 208
Penetration testing, legal framework 206
Penetration testing, overview 204—205
Penetration testing, review questions 209—211
Penetration testing, steps 205—206
Perimeter hardware firewalls 189
Perimeters in penetration testing 206
Permissions, escalating 79—80 206
Phases, ethical hacking 4—6
phishing 32 34—35
Phonesweep tool 51
Physical security 169—170
Physical security, accountability for 172
Physical security, breach incidents 170—171
Physical security, categories 171
Physical security, exam essentials 172—173
Physical security, factors 172
Physical security, need for 171
Physical security, review questions 174—176
Physical-entry attacks 12
Ping of Death attacks 121
Ping sweeps 44—45
Pinger tool 45
Pointer (PTR) record type 27
Poisoning, ARP 110
Poisoning, cookie 142—143
Poisoning,DNS 111—113
Polymorphic viruses 100
pop-up windows 34
port numbers, well-known 43
port scanning 43 45—46
Port-monitoring tools 98
Posing 32
Post-attack phase in penetration testing 206
PrcView tool 98
Preparation phase in security evaluation plans 11 11
Private keys 197
privilege escalation 79—80 206
Progenic Mail Trojan Construction Kit 97
Proxy servers in attacks 53
Proxy servers, DNS poisoning 111
Proxy Trojans 94
PsExec program 80
PSH flag 50
PTR (pointer) record type 27
Public key cryptography 196
Public keys 197
pwdump2 tool 71
QualysGuard scanner 207
Queso tool 52
Raina, Kapil 31
Rate-limiting network traffic 124
RATs (Remote Access Trojans) 92 94
Rattling the doorknobs 5
RC4 algorithm 197—198
RC5 algorithm 197—198
Read community strings 58
Read/write community strings 58
Reconnaissance phase 5
Record types, DNS 27
Redirection, SMB 70—72 71
Remote Access Trojans (RATs) 92 94
Remote dial-up network hacks 12
Remote exploits 2
Remote network hacks 12
Remote TCP Session Reset Utility 128
replay attacks 75
Retina scanner 207
Reverse social engineering 33
Reverse WWW shell 190
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