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Hellberg Ch., Boyes T., Greene D. — Broadband Network Architectures: Designing and Deploying Triple Play Services
Hellberg Ch., Boyes T., Greene D. — Broadband Network Architectures: Designing and Deploying Triple Play Services

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Íàçâàíèå: Broadband Network Architectures: Designing and Deploying Triple Play Services

Àâòîðû: Hellberg Ch., Boyes T., Greene D.


The Definitive Guide to Designing and Building Triple-Play/Multi-Play Networks

Service providers are increasingly focused on delivering “triple-play” bundles that incorporate Internet, video, and VoIP services–as well as “multi-play” bundles containing even more advanced services. Broadband Network Architectures is the first comprehensive guide to designing, implementing, and managing the networks that make triple-play services possible.

Hellberg, Greene, and Boyes present their field-tested industry best practices and objectively evaluate the tradeoffs associated with key up-front architectural decisions that balance the complexities of bundled services and sophisticated traffic policies. Broadband Network Architectures not only documents what is possible on this rapidly changing field of networking, but it also details how to divide Internet access into these more sophisticated services with specialized Quality of Service handling.

Coverage includes

· An in-depth introduction to next-generation triple-play services: components, integration, and business connectivity

· Triple-play backbone design: MPLS, Layer 3 VPNs, and Broadband Network Gateways (BNGs)/Broadband Remote Access Servers (B-RAS)

· Protocols and strategies for integrating BNGs into robust triple-play networks

· Triple-play access network design: DSLAM architectures, aggregation networks, transport, and Layer 2 tunneling

· VLAN-per-customer versus service-per-VLAN architectures: advantages and disadvantages

· PPP or DHCP: choosing the right access protocol

· Issues associated with operating in wholesale, unbundled environments

· IP addressing and subscriber session management

· Broadband network security, including Denial of Service attacks and VoIP privacy

· The future of wireless broadband: IMS, SIP, and non-SIP based fixed mobile convergence and wireless video

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.12.2007

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CO (Central Office), Ethernet DSLAMs      118
CO (Central Office), POTS access to DSLAM      64
CO (Central Office), residential and SME dynamic service provisioning      445
CoA (Change of Authorization)      413 457 480
Coarse Wave Division Multiplexing (CWDM)      327
Code Division Multiplexing (CDM)      371
Collection, statistics      488
command-line interface      See CLI
Commands, address-pool-name      410—411
Commands, bandwidth      313
Commands, ip address-Pool local      409
Commands, ip helper-Address      416
Commands, peer default ip address pool      411
Commands, set dhcp relay      416
Common carrier status      350
Common Open Policy Service (COPS)      461
Communications Act of 1934      9
Comparing wholesale broadband networks      283—286
Compatibility, addresses      414
Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs)      9
Components, wireless broadband      372—377
Concurrency rate      40
Confidentiality      481
Configuration, automatic pool      412
Configuration, BNG, connections      406—427
Configuration, BNG, DHCP      412—419
Configuration, BNG, local address pools      407—411
Configuration, BNG, remote address pools      411—412
Configuration, Cisco IOS      410—411
Configuration, classification, Cisco IOS      305
Configuration, classification, Juniper JUNOS      304
Configuration, Juniper JUNOSe      408—410
configuration, networks      423—426
Configuration, triple-play networks      67—68 117
Configuration, triple-play networks, DSLAM aggregation      122
Configuration, triple-play networks, Ethernet DSLAMs      118—122
Configuration, triple-play networks, high-availability broadband access      170—181
Configuration, triple-play networks, highly available core networks      106—115
Configuration, triple-play networks, MPLS backbones      68—79
Configuration, triple-play networks, multicast protocols in      79—96
Configuration, triple-play networks, running MPLS on BNGs      96—106
Congestion      329
Connections, BNG      97—99
Connections, BNG, configuring      406—427
Connections, BNG, DHCP      412—419
Connections, BNG, DSLAMs      38
Connections, BNG, local address pools      407—411
Connections, BNG, remote address pools      411—412
Connections, business connectivity      59—63
Connections, CAC      300
Connections, PPP      187. See also PPP
Constant bit rate      See CBR
Constrained Shortest Path First (CSPF)      87
Control plane security      486—488
Control words      129
Controllers, middleware      460
Copper, history of networks      3—6
Copper, loop unbundling      248
Copper, network reticulation      234—235
COPS (Common Open Policy Service)      461
Core networks, highly available      106—115
Core networks, IMS      385
Core networks, properties      143
Core protocols      111 112
CoS (Class of Service)      289
Cosine      19
CPE (Customer Premises Equipment)      39 158
CPE (Customer Premises Equipment), DiffServ      299
CPE (Customer Premises Equipment), G.DMT      223
CPE (Customer Premises Equipment), troubleshooting      172
Credentials, VoIP security      475—478
credits      306
Crosstalk      221
CSCF (Call Session Control Function)      386
CSD (Circuit-Switched Data)      367
CSPF (Constrained Shortest Path First)      87
Customer Edge      See CE
Customer Premises Equipment      See CPE
CWDM (Coarse Wave Division Multiplexing)      327
D-Servers (Distribution servers)      43
DA (Destination address)      71
Daisy-Chained DSLAMs      119—120
DAR (Dynamic Adaptive Routing)      293
dark fiber      145
Data encoding, D.GMT      223—225
Data modulation, D.GMT      225
Data rates, applications      31
Data services      55—63
databases, users      447
Datagrams, prioritization      294
DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks      488
DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications)      366
Dedicated LNS load balancing      283
Delivery, multicast using VPLS      92—96
Delivery, P2MP LSPs for      85—86
Delivery, SDP      159
denial of service attacks      See DoS
Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM)      145 327
Department of Defense (DoD)      444
Deployment, DHCP      215
Deployment, IPv6      436—441
Deployment, IPv6, DHCP      439
Deployment, IPv6, L2TP      440—441
Deployment, IPv6, PPPoE      436—439
Deployment, native IP multicast      79—85
Deployment, QoS      289—290
Deployment, QoS, classification      306
Deployment, QoS, determining need for      290—294
Deployment, QoS, marking      306
Deployment, QoS, prioritization concepts      294—300
Deployment, QoS, queuing      313—318
Deployment, QoS, rate-limiting      306—313
Deployment, QoS, router forwarding architectures      342—346
Deployment, QoS, scheduling      318 342
Deployment, RSVP-TE LSPs      108
Deployment, VLANs      168
designated router (DR)      81
Designing triple-play networks      67—68 117
Designing triple-play networks, DSLAM aggregation      122
Designing triple-play networks, Ethernet DSLAMs      118—122
Designing triple-play networks, high-availability, broadband access      170—181
Designing triple-play networks, high-availability, core networks      106—115
Designing triple-play networks, MPLS backbones      68—79
Designing triple-play networks, multicast protocols in      79—96
Designing triple-play networks, running MPLS on BNGs      96—106
DESS (Directory-Enabled Service Selection)      457
Destination address (DA)      71
Detection, BFD      97 110 213
Detection, failure      110
Detection, fault (ethernets)      176
Detection, G.DMT      226
Detection, IDS      See IDS
Detection, SFD      487
Determining need for QoS      290—294
Devices, intServ      296
Devices, MRF      388
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)      14 185 196—207
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), addresses      414—417
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), advantages of      211—213
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), BNG      206
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), disadvantages of      213—216
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), IPv6 deployment      439
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), LAN addressing      427—428
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), negotiation      455
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), PPP address assignment using      412—419
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), relay-proxy      204—206
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), selecting      207—216
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), servers      417
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), static addresses      417—419
DHNR (Dynamic Nonhierarchical Routing)      293
Dial-up provider-Hosted L2TP architecture      263
Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP)      297
DiffServ (Differentiated Services)      289 296—299
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT)      366
Digital Local Exchange (DLE)      247
Digital mobile video broadcast      396
Digital rights management (DRM)      51—53
Digital Subscriber Line      See DSL
Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer      See DSLAM
Digital Video Broadcast, Satellite (DVB-S) standard      41
Digital Video Broadcast-Handheld (DVB-H)      396
Digital Video Broadcasting-Handheld (DVB-H)      397—398
Directory-Enabled Service Selection (DESS)      457
Disadvantages of DHCP      213—216
Disadvantages of PPPoE      209—211
Discovery, VPLS topology      177—181
Discrete Multitone (DMT)      6 220
Distributed BNGs      356—357
distributed denial of service attacks      See DDoS
Distributed forwarding      344
Distributed multicast edges, running      352—355
Distributed video clusters      48
Distribution routes      423—426
Distribution servers (D-servers)      43
DLE (Digital Local Exchange)      247
DMH (Dual-Mode Handset)      391
DMT (Discrete Multitone)      6 220
DoD (Department of Defense)      444
DoS (denial of service) attacks      192 470—473 481
Downstream carriers      231
DR (designated router)      81
DRA (Dynamic Rate Adaptation)      228
DRM (Digital Rights Management)      51—53
Dry copper loops      9
Dry pair      9
DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point)      297
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)      3
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), architecture      21—29
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), bit stream access      249—259
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), early termination      12
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), history of networks      6—8 10
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), Layer 2      22
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), port identification      276—277
DSL Forum (DSL-F)      8 19—20
DSL-F (DSL Forum)      8 19—20
DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer)      11 117
DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer), BNGs      38
DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer), centralized BNGs      351
DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer), daisy-chained      119—120
DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer), Ethernets      14 118—122
DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer), history of networks      11—14
DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer), hub-and-spoke      120—121
DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer), POTS access to      64
DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer), pseudowires      123—144
DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer), rate-limiting L2TP      264
DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer), subtended      119—121
DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer), traditional transport      145—146
DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer), transport models      121
DSLAM-To-BNG authentication      272—274
Dual-Mode handset (DMH)      391
Dual-mode radios      366
Dual-stack BNG models      437
duty cycles      401
DVB-H (Digital Video Broadcast-Handheld)      397—398
DVB-S (Digital Video Broadcast) standard      41
DWDM (Dense Wave Division Multiplexing)      145 327
Dynamic Adaptive Routing (DAR)      293
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol      See DHCP
Dynamic Nonhierarchical Routing (DHNR)      293
Dynamic PIM joins      100
Dynamic Rate Adaptation (DRA)      228
Dynamic services, edges      357
Dynamic services, provisioning      445—450
Dynamic user session control, residential and SME dynamic service provisioning      445—450
Dynamic user session control, service provisioning flow      451—467
E-DCH (Enhanced Dedicated Channel)      401
EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol)      186
Early DSL termination      12
Early Packet Discard      See EPD
Early user access implementations      16
ECI Telecom      8
Edge routers, distributed multicast, running      352—355
Edge routers, redundancy      114—115
EF (Expedited Forwarding)      297
Efficiency, routing tables      422
Efficiency, traffic routing      153
Electrical characteristics of SHDSL      237—239
Electrical characteristics of VDSL      230—232
Elements, services      446—450
Enabling DHCP relays on JUNOSe      416
Encapsulation, Ethernets      231
Encapsulation, OSI Model      444
Encoding G.DMT      223—225
Encryption, video      51—53
End-To-End VoIP      64—66
Endpoints, CAC      300
Engines meditation      447
Engines, rating      447
Engines, SPE      449
Enhanced Dedicated Channel (E-DCH)      401
Enhanced Internet access      62
Entities, IMS      385
EPD (Early Packet Discard)      308
Error correction, G.DMT      226
ERX-Address-Pool-Name = pool1      409
Ethernets, BFD      110
Ethernets, DSLAMs      14 118—122
Ethernets, DSLAMs, aggregation      122
Ethernets, DSLAMs,daisy-chained      119—120
Ethernets, DSLAMs,hub-and-spoke      120—121
Ethernets, DSLAMs,subtended      119—121
Ethernets, DSLAMs,transport models      121
Ethernets, encapsulation      231
Ethernets, fault detection      176
Ethernets, GELS      154
Ethernets, high-availability access architecture      175—176
Ethernets, interconnects      253—256
Ethernets, metro      175
Ethernets, pseudowires      123—144
ETSI (European Technical Standards Institute)      237
Evolution of DSL architecture      21—29
Evolution of DSLAM      11—14
Evolution of service      15—20
Exchanges, messages (VPLS)      149
EXP (Experimental) fields      302
Expedited forwarding      See EF
Experimental (EXP) field      302
Explicit tracking      102
Extensible Authentication Protocol      See EAP
Fabric      344
Failover, nondeterministic      109
Failure detection      110
Far-End Crosstalk      See FEXT
Fast reroute local protection      109
Fault detection, Ethernets      176
FBF (Filter-Based Forwarding)      71
FCC (Federal Communications Commission)      9
FDD (Frequency Division Duplexing)      221
FDF (Fiber Distribution Frame)      145 172
FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing)      220
FEC (Forward Error Correction)      226
FEC (Forwarding Equivalence Class)      95
FECN (Forward Explicit Congestion Notification)      298
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)      9
FEXT (Far-End Crosstalk)      221
Fiber Distribution Frame (FDF)      145
Fields, Diffserv      297
Fields, EXP      302
Fields, giaddr      415
Fields, IP prioritization      294
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