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Adams E. — Break into the Game Industry: How to Get a Job Making Video Games (Career Series)
Adams E. — Break into the Game Industry: How to Get a Job Making Video Games (Career Series)

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Íàçâàíèå: Break into the Game Industry: How to Get a Job Making Video Games (Career Series)

Àâòîð: Adams E.


"Ernest Adams has been around the gaming block many times; his industry insights coupled with the developer war stories should give any aspirant that extra edge to break into the game industry." —Jason Della Rocca, Program Director, International Game Developers Association

Practical Advice for Landing the Job You Want!

Join the fun! Learn how to become part of the excitement and creativity of game development—one of the hottest and most profitable industries today. Author, game designer, and producer Ernest Adams takes you inside the game industry, then delivers an action plan for you to break in—even without any game industry experience. Get great career advice and learn the different jobs that are available. Whether you're a curious gamer, a student, or a career changer seeking immediate help, this handy guide provides the information and insider advice you need to land a job in the game industry.
* Learn how a game is built and published
* Understand and acquire the skills you need to get into the industry
* Discover the inner workings of the game business
* Get your foot in the door as a game tester or with other entry-level jobs
* Exercise your creativity as a game designer, artist, producer, or programmer
* Get the right education for the job you want
* Gain insightful advice from more than 20 industry professionals
* Includes hundreds of useful resources for job seekers

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 1st edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2003

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 330

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.12.2007

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Game industry, bundling games with computers      39
Game industry, console manufacturers      35—36
Game industry, cyclical nature of      25
Game industry, demographics and markets for      40—41
Game industry, developers in      33—34
Game industry, distributors in      30
Game industry, engineering for interactive media      25—26
Game industry, game genres      42—47
Game industry, online distribution channels      37—38
Game industry, porting games to new platforms      34
Game industry, product manufacturers      36—37
Game industry, publications and web sites for      47—48
Game industry, publishers in      32
Game industry, rental of games      39
Game industry, retail sales of returns      39—41
Game industry, retailers in      28—30
Game industry, role of customer in      26—29
Game industry, shareware distribution for      38. See also game genres; product lines
GameDev.Net      48
Gameplay testing      163
Gamers, ages of      40—41
Gamers, casual vs. hardcore      41
Gamers, gender of      41
Games notebook      105
Gays in game industry      215
Gender of target market for games      41
Gender, workplace discrimination and      208—211
General merchandise stores      29
Gramlich, Jon      163—164
Graphic adventure games      45
Graphics, action gaming and 3-D      9
Graphics, specializing in      129—130 137—138 234
Green, Robin      113 234
Half-life      9
Handheld device games      19—20
HappyPuppy.com      47
Hard sciences and engineering curriculum      96
Hardware tools for artists      136—137
Hawkins, William “Trip”      31
Headhunters      178—179
Health benefits      200—201
High school diploma      81
High tech professions      See switching jobs to game design
History of interactive games      2—10
History of interactive games, 3-D graphics and action gaming      9
History of interactive games, arcade and console games      4
History of interactive games, CD-ROM and      7—8
History of interactive games, evolution of video games      3
History of interactive games, gaming on IBM PC      6—7
History of interactive games, interactive movies      8—9
History of interactive games, mainframe gaming      2
History of interactive games, Nintendo and home console games      6
History of interactive games, online gaming      9—10
History of interactive games, personal computer games      4—5
History skills      81
holidays      200
Home console games, developing      14—15 17—18
Home console games, introduction of      4
Home console games, Microsoft Xbox      17—18
Home console games, Nintendo and      6
Home console games, PCs vs. home game consoles      12—14
Home console games, preparation for programming      86
Home console games, programming experience needed in      15
Home console games, ROM cartridges for      14—15
Home console games, top-Selling      43
Home game consoles      12—14
Homebrew games      238—239
Humanities curriculum      95—96
IBM PC gaming      6—7
IDE (Integrated Development Environment)      127
Ideas      219 223
IGDA (International Game Developers Association) Curriculum Framework      86 88—89 90
IGDA (International Game Developers Association), Education Committee      239
IGDA (International Game Developers Association), joining      177
IGDA (International Game Developers Association), women in      209
IGF (Independent Game Festival)      239
Imagination      150
Inbreeding in game development      236—237
Independent Game Festival (IGF)      239
Industry events      106—107
Information technology      170—171
intellectual property      219—222
Interactive movies      8—9
Interactive writing      92
Internal development      32
Internal development, external vs.      113—114
Internal development, game design by internal developers      54
Internal development, internal producers      114
Internal development, pitching games to publishers      52
Internal development, project planning      56
International Game Developers Association      See IGDA
International markets      16—17
Internet, online distribution channels      37—38
Internet, online gaming      9—10
Internet, online role-playing games      45—46
Interviews      191—196
Interviews, dressing for      193—194
Interviews, non-disclosure agreements and      223
Interviews, people you meet during      194—195
Interviews, phone      192
Interviews, showing demo at      195—196
Interviews, tests      196
interviews, tips for      191—193
Java      128
Job hunting      174—216
Job hunting, adaptability      183
Job hunting, building demo      186—188
Job hunting, creating professional image      174—175
Job hunting, developing concise applications and demos      188—189
Job hunting, developing gambling equipment      21
Job hunting, discrimination and workplace issues      207—216
Job hunting, finding and applying for jobs      189—191
Job hunting, interviews      191—196
Job hunting, mailing resumes      190—191
Job hunting, negotiating salaries      203—207
Job hunting, networking and      175—181
Job hunting, nudity or erotic material in demos      188
Job hunting, resume and cover letter      181—186
Job hunting, salary and other compensation      197—203
Job hunting, tips for      63. See also compensation packages; interviews
Job hunting, with no formal experience      103
Job titles      114—115
Kalson, Amy      97
Karx, Christy      99—100
Languages for international products      16
LBE (Location-Based entertainment)      20
leadership      158
Legal issues      218—230
Legal issues, California Labor Code on employee inventions      226—227
Legal issues, copyrights      218 220
Legal issues, hazards of moonlighting      227—228
Legal issues, ideas unprotected      219
Legal issues, moral rights      228
Legal issues, patents      221—222
Legal issues, protecting company property      229
Legal issues, protecting ideas      223
Legal issues, protection of intellectual property      219—222
Legal issues, secrecy in big companies      229—230
Legal issues, trade secrets and non-disclosure agreements      222—223
Legal issues, trademarks      220—221
Legal issues, understanding employment contracts      224—226. See also contracts
Lesbians in game industry      215
licenses      168—169
Licensor and console manufacturing approvals      71
Lion King, The      69—70
localization      68
Location-Based entertainment (LBE)      20
Logon, Lauren      84
Luban, Pascal      102
Macintosh, audio tools in      141
Macintosh, evolution of gaming on      7
Macintosh, market for games on      13
Magnavox Odyssey      4
Mail-order vendors      29
Mailroom jobs      171
Mainframe gaming      2
Manuals      147
Manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP)      28
Manufacturing games      73—74
Marketing director      169
Marketing, activities in      64—66
Marketing, careers in      167—170
Massively-multiplayer online role-Playing game (MMORPG)      10 45
Mathematics skills      80 124 151
Matrix management      122—123
McGrath, Kevin      74—75 94
Meeting game developers      176—178
Meridian 59      10
Merripen, Clarinda      211
Microprocessor and gaming      4—5
Microsoft Project      160
Microsoft Xbox      17—18
MIDI sequencers      141
milestones      59
Minorities in game industry      211—215
MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game)      10 45
Moonlighting      225 227—228
Moral rights      228
Motion capture tools      137
MSRP (manufacturer's suggested retail price)      28
MUDs (multi-user dungeons)      10
Multimedia products      21—22
MUSIC      See audio and music
National Television Standards Committee (NTSC)      16
NDAs (non-disclosure agreements)      222—223
Negotiating, producer's skills for      159
Negotiating, royalties and advances      59—60
Neri, Jake      64 95 105—106 110
Network and server programming      131
Networking      175—181
Networking, about      175—176
Networking, finding leads through      105—106 107 189
Networking, researching companies      178
Networking, schmoozing      179—180
Networking, sincerity and      181
Networking, talking about yourself      180
Networking, where to meet game developers      176—178
Nintendo      6
Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)      222—223
Non-western game developers      215—216
Notebooks, designer diaries      66
Notebooks, keeping games      105
NTSC (National Television Standards Committee)      16
Object-oriented software design      125
Offer letters      207
Online games, developing      18—19
Online games, evolution of      9—10
Online games, online distribution channels      37—38
Online games, online role-playing games      45—46
OpenGL      129
O’Connor, Susan      92 107 144—145
PAL (Phase Alternation Lines)      15
Patents      221—222
Paying back advances      60
PDAs (personal digital assistants)      19—20
Performance analyzers      126
Persistence      105—106
Persistent worlds      10 19 45
Personal computer games, history of      4—5
Personal computer games, PCs vs. home game consoles      12—14
personal computers      See computers
phone interviews      192
Physics      130
Pitching games to publishers      52—53
Pizer, Patricia      91 149—150
Platform games      43
players      See gamers
Playing and studying game design      104—105
Point-of-view (POV) shooters      42
Pong      4
Porcher, Darrell      211 212—214
portfolios      See demos
Porting games      34 131 132
Postgraduate study      96
Pre-production game development      53—57
Pre-production game development, creative risks      55
Pre-production game development, designing games      53—54
Pre-production game development, going to full production      57
Pre-production game development, production risks      55
Pre-production game development, project planning      56—57
Pre-production game development, sample development schedule for      72
Pre-production game development, technical risks      54—55
Preparing to be a game designer      78—110
Preparing to be a game designer from other high tech jobs      100—110
Preparing to be a game designer, advantages working in media and entertainment      98
Preparing to be a game designer, breaking into games from tv      99—100
Preparing to be a game designer, choosing your curriculum      88—96
Preparing to be a game designer, continuing on to higher education      82—88
Preparing to be a game designer, developing own games      106
Preparing to be a game designer, differences between game and high-tech industries      99
Preparing to be a game designer, educational foundation needed      79—81
Preparing to be a game designer, examining user interface      105
Preparing to be a game designer, focus groups      110
Preparing to be a game designer, getting jobs without formal experience      103
Preparing to be a game designer, graduating from high school      81
Preparing to be a game designer, if you have a high tech job      100—110
Preparing to be a game designer, industry events      106—107
Preparing to be a game designer, keeping notebook of games      105
Preparing to be a game designer, participating in beta tests      108—110
Preparing to be a game designer, persistence      105—106
Preparing to be a game designer, playing and studying game design      104—105
Preparing to be a game designer, postgraduate programs      96
Preparing to be a game designer, reviewing industry publications      107
Preparing to be a game designer, switching jobs in high tech field      97—100
Preparing to be a game designer, transferring Hollywood digital effects skills      100
Preparing to be a game designer, uncovering talents      78—79
Preparing to be a game designer, while in public school      78—82
Preparing to be a game designer, writing reviews of games      107—108. See also curriculum; education; switching jobs to game design
Press events      65
Print advertising      65
Producers, assistant      153
Producers, associate      154
Producers, defined      32
Producers, executive      156—157
Producers, function of      154—156 157
Producers, internal and external      114
Producers, job of      233
Producers, talents and skills of      158—160
Product lines      12—22
Product lines, arcade games      18
Product lines, gambling equipment      21
Product lines, handheld devices      19—20
Product lines, home console games      14—15 17—18
Product lines, location-based entertainment      20
Product lines, miscellaneous games      21
Product lines, multimedia products vs. games      21—22
Product lines, online games      18—19
Product lines, personal computer games      12—14. See also game industry
Product manufacturers      36—37
Product sense      158
Production, career ladder for      115—116 117
Production, careers in      153—162
Production, curriculum for production and project management      94—95
Production, departmental functions in      119—120
Production, development vs.      112—114
Production, going to full      57
Production, graph of project team size vs. time      62
Production, marketing activities during      64—66
Production, org charts for departments      120 121
Production, production meetings      64
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