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Symmonds N. — Beginning DotNetNuke 4.0 Website Creation in VB 2005 with Visual Web Developer 2005 Express: From Novice to Professional
Symmonds N. — Beginning DotNetNuke 4.0 Website Creation in VB 2005 with Visual Web Developer 2005 Express: From Novice to Professional

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Название: Beginning DotNetNuke 4.0 Website Creation in VB 2005 with Visual Web Developer 2005 Express: From Novice to Professional

Автор: Symmonds N.


DotNetNuke is a programming framework that helps you create and deploy web projects in ASP.NET 2.0. Its ease of use means that even nonprogrammers can take advantage of the new ASP.NET 2.0 features when building a web site. It integrates with many of Microsoft's other free products like SQL Server 2005 Express, which makes it a powerful and attractive option for developing web sites.

Beginning DotNetNuke 4.0 Website Creation in VB 2005 with Visual Web Developer 2005 Express contains detailed instructions for the installation of DotNetNuke, Visual Web Developer, and SQL Server 2005. This ensures that no matter what your level or ability, you'll have a working suite of tools as you work through the book and your ASP.NET 2.0 career. The book also features tutorials on creating and publishing an ASP.NET 2.0 web site written in Visual Basic 2005 — taking care not to exclude anyone who's utilizing this book strictly to get up to speed on DotNetNuke.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 448

Добавлена в каталог: 10.12.2007

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