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Crane D., Sonneveld J., Bibeault B. — Ajax in Practice
Crane D., Sonneveld J., Bibeault B. — Ajax in Practice

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Название: Ajax in Practice

Авторы: Crane D., Sonneveld J., Bibeault B.


"Ajax in Practice" provides example-rich coverage of Ajax packed with ready-to-use code and practical recipes for common and not-so-common tasks. Ajax developers now face the move from Ajax-as-theory to Ajax-in-practice. "Ajax in Practice" guides web developers through the transition from learning about Ajax to successfully "applying" Ajax-driven techniques in real-world development scenarios.

Ajax gives web developers the potential to create rich user-centered internet applications. But Ajax also adds a new level of complexity and sophistication to those applications. "Ajax in Practice" tackles Ajax head-on, providing countless hands-on techniques and tons of reusable code to address the specific issues developers face when building Ajax-driven solutions.

After a brief overview of Ajax, this book takes the reader through dozens of working examples, all presented in an easy-to-use cookbook format. Readers will learn how to implement drag-and-drop interfaces and will discover how to create effective nagigation strategies for their applications. Unlike a traditional cookbook, though, "Ajax in Practice" provides a thorough discussion of each technique presented and shows how the individual components can be connected to create powerful solutions. A fun "mash-up" chapter concludes the book. Throughout "Ajax in Practice," the examples chosen are interesting, entertaining, and practical.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 508

Добавлена в каталог: 09.12.2007

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