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Massam P., Ahonen T. — Managing Service Level Quality: Across Wireless and Fixed Networks
Massam P., Ahonen T. — Managing Service Level Quality: Across Wireless and Fixed Networks

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Название: Managing Service Level Quality: Across Wireless and Fixed Networks

Авторы: Massam P., Ahonen T.


If you need to know the implications of running multimedia applications when traversing from fixed to wireless networks and the guaranteed levels of service they require, then this is the book for you.....

Managing Service Level Quality across Wireless and Fixed Networks deals with the search for the real time information that constitutes the 'customer experience' in terms of application performance so that service levels can be verified against measurable and relevant data in a true end-to-end manner across both fixed and wireless networks.

Examining what mechanisms already existed in fixed IP data networks prior to the introduction of probe and agent technology this volume then looks at these later developments using a real-world scenario of how real time application performance monitoring can not only provide service level management but also aid in root cause analysis.

This same model is then applied to a wireless environment, examining what elements are required to be able to deliver multimedia services across 2G and 3G mobile networks, detailing the components of data networking that will assist in guaranteeing service level performance and the constraints placed on those guarantees when passing services over an air interface to a wireless-enabled device.

It tracks QoS components and mechanisms of both fixed and wireless environments and looks at how they will provide the glue in this brave new converged world.

Written for IP professionals from either a wireless or an IP data networking background Managing Service Level Quality across Wireless and Fixed Networks offers innovative sound and practical advice. It will also provide a complete reference guide for academic staff and students with an interest in this area.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: 1st edition

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 180

Добавлена в каталог: 20.11.2007

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