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Rankin K. — Linux Multimedia Hacks
Rankin K. — Linux Multimedia Hacks

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Название: Linux Multimedia Hacks

Автор: Rankin K.


The fact that Linux has more multimedia application choices than Mac OS X and Windows combined may come as a surprise to many, but not to those who know Linux well. In Linux Multimedia Hacks, author Kyle Rankin showcases the best available multimedia tools so you can maximize the entertainment capabilities of your favorite OS. Included are tips and tricks for connecting to iPods, creating MP3s and Oggs, watching and making DVDs, turning your Linux box into a Tivo ala MythTV, and much more.

You don't have to be a Linux server guru to make use of this book. Linux Multimedia Hacks takes the best of Linux's multimedia tools and with step-by-step instructions shows even novice users how to do cool and useful things with images, audio, and video. It includes entry level hacks that nearly all Linux users will want, such as installing codecs for audio and video playback and managing thousands of photographs. Later, you'll find hacks that cover a variety of advanced projects, from ripping and organizing media files with metatags, to editing video and audio tracks, to creating your own DVDs. Basic or advanced, each hack stands on its own, so you can feel free to jump around to only the sections that interest you.

The book is divided into five easy-to-understand chapters:

Images: tips range from basic image edits to automated image manipulation

Audio: hacks include audio format conversion and tweaking metadata within audio files

Video: learn how to covert between video formats, plus how to create your own VCDs and DVDs

Broadcast Media: tips include how to access and create you own web broadcasts as well as watch and record TV

Web: learn how to make your multimedia creations available to the world

As one of the most powerful multimedia platforms around, Linux has far more capabilities and features than meets the eye. This latest Hacks book gives you the technical chops to enjoy them all.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 330

Добавлена в каталог: 01.11.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
media players, Archos
media players, audio      
media players, iPod      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
media players, iRiver      2nd 3rd
media players, RealPlayer      
media players, synchronizing with directory on local system      
media players, video      
mencoder tool      2nd 3rd 4th
mencoder tool, acidrip GUI frontend      2nd 3rd 4th
mencoder tool, full qualiity encoding with MP3 audio      
mencoder tool, specified bitrates
messages (hidden)      
metadata, CDs      
metadata, music      2nd 3rd
metadata, track      
microphone, mic control      
microphone, recording audio from command line      2nd
microphone, volume control with PCM      
Microsoft's IIS web server      
MIFF file format      2nd
mixed CDs
mixer programs      2nd 3rd 4th
mixer programs, command line
mixer programs, OSS and ALSA
mjpegtools      2nd
mjpegtools, use by tovid
mkisofs utility
MNG file format
modprobe command      
modprobe.conf file      
modprobe.conf file, configuring for MythTV
modprobe.conf file, IR dongle on Hauppauge WinTV PVR-250      
modules.conf file      
mogrify command      
monaural audio      
monaural audio, converting mono WAV file to stereo      
monitors, resolution (video output to TV)
Mono platform
Monopod      2nd 3rd
Monopod, listening to podcasts      
Monopod, running      
Monopod, synchronizing with iPod      
montage command      
mouse grab mode
movies, cataloging with MythVideo      
movies, surround sound      
Mozilla-based browsers
Mozilla-based browsers, Acrobat Reader plug-in      
Mozilla-based browsers, mplayerplug-in
MP3s, album art
MP3s, dumping all ID3 tags in MP3 files      
MP3s, encoding WAVs to
MP3s, id3lib
MP3s, iPod used with Linux
MP3s, locating all files on a system
MP3s, normalize-mp3 tool
MP3s, patents on technology
MP3s, replacement with Ogg Vorbis codec
MP3s, searching entire system for with find
MPEG files      
MPEG files, Archos players
MPEG files, converting MPEG1 to MPEG2 file
MPEG files, encoding DVD to MPEG4 file      
MPEG files, encoding DVD to MPEG4 from command line      2nd
MPEG files, extracting from VCDs or SVCDs
MPEG files, VCD and SVCD standards
MPEG files, XviD format
MPEG2 Encoder card
mpg123/mpg321 command line players      
mplayer program      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
mplayer program, (S)VCD playback
mplayer program, advanced options      2nd
mplayer program, configuring for surround sound      
mplayer program, converting movies to ASCII art
mplayer program, dga output option      
mplayer program, DVD playback      2nd 3rd
mplayer program, fbdev output option      
mplayer program, Libcaca support
mplayer program, MythDVD playback tool      
mplayer program, output modes      
mplayer program, playing non-DVD media formats      
mplayer program, ripping DVDs
mplayer program, sdl output option
mplayer program, streaming playback      
mplayer program, subtitles      2nd 3rd
mplayer program, svga output option      
mplayer program, testing DVD      
mplayer program, testing PVR-250 capture card
mplayer program, troubleshooting
mplayer program, xv mode      
mplayerplug-in, options      
mplex tool
multimedia keyboard
multiple display support      
Music Library
MusicBrainz      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
MusicBrainz, command-line metadata cleaning with pimpmytunes      2nd 3rd 4th
MusicBrainz, database
MusicBrainz, open source and open data
MusicBrainz, participation in
MusicBrainz, Picard GUI tool      2nd 3rd
MusicBrainz, tools that use      
MySQL database      
MySQL database, amaroK data      
MySQL database, MythTV configuration and data
MySQL database, transferring SQLite data to
mythbackend application      
mythfilldatabase command      
mythfrontend application      
MythTV, automatic login and startup      
MythTV, basic setup steps
MythTV, case for MythTV project      
MythTV, connecting to TV
MythTV, documentation      
MythTV, download page for plug-ins
MythTV, extending with plug-ins      2nd 3rd 4th
MythTV, final settings adjustments      
MythTV, hardware requirements      2nd
MythTV, resources for further information
MythTV, running for the first time
MythTV, scheduling recordings      
mythtv-setup utility
ncurses mode (terminal)      
network sound      
news feeds (RSS)      
news feeds (RSS), reading with MythNews
news feeds (RSS), use for podcasting
nForce4 integrated sound
nForce4 Intel8x0 based
nForce4 Intel8x0 based, sound cards      
nForce4 Intel8x0 based, sound cards, alsamixer options      
normalize tool      2nd 3rd
normalize tool, batch mode
normalize tool, mix mode
normalizer tool
now and when convenient arguments (Asterisk commands)      
NTSC format      
NTSC format, DVD resolution
NTSC format, TV norm      2nd
NVIDIA cards      2nd 3rd 4th
NVIDIA cards, ATrpms nvidia-graphics kernel module packages      
NVIDIA cards, configuring for TV connection
NVIDIA cards, setting up for MythTV      
NVIDIA cards, TV out support      
NVIDIA cards, X drivers      
nvidia-settings utility      
nvtv program
Obsequeium web jukeboxes
Ogg Vorbis files
Ogg Vorbis files, converting or encoding WAVs to      
Ogg Vorbis files, normalize-ogg tool      
Ogg Vorbis files, ogmmerge tool      
Ogg Vorbis files, XviD video with      
oggdec tool      
oggenc program      2nd
open data      
Open source      
Orange Micro PCMCIA card      
OSS and ALSA      
OSS and ALSA, mixer programs      
OSS and ALSA, mixer programs, basic volume controls      
OSS sound system
output audio codec (oac)      
output audio codec (oac), setting for mencoder
output options      2nd 3rd 4th
output options, AAlib (ASCII art)      
output options, default mplayer option
output options, framebuffer      
output options, Libcaca      
output options, Simple Directmedia Layer (SDL)
output options, SVGAlib      
output options, VESA      
output options, X11      
output options, xine-ui
output options, xv      
output video codec
pairing (Bluetooth devices)      
PAL format      
PAL format, TV system (nvtv)      
PAN (Personal Area Network)
partitioning Fedora for MythTV
paths for storage of MythTV recorded programs
patterns used by Fill Tag scanner      2nd
PBX (Private Branch Exchange)      2nd
PCM (Pulse Coded Modulation) control
PCM (Pulse Coded Modulation) control, mixer settings for surround sound
Penguin Liberation Front (PLF) repository      
Personal Area Network (PAN)      
Philips SAA7134 support      
phone-in and phone-out ports      
phones, for Asterisk      
phones, voice and video over IP with MythPhone
photos, managing with f-spot      
PHP, web server capable of running scripts      
Picard Tagger      2nd 3rd
Picard Tagger, user interfaces      
pimpmytunes      2nd 3rd
pimpmytunes, GUI version      
pimpmytunes, options      
play tool (SoX)
playlists, Monopod      
playlists, Rhythmbox      
playlists, XMMS control options
playlists, XMMS playlist editor      
PLF (Penguin Liberation Front) repository
pmt (pimpmytunes) command      
PNG image format      
podcast directory      
podcasting, Monopod client      2nd 3rd
port settings
portable audio players
portable audio players, iPod      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
portable audio players, iRiver      2nd
portable media players (Archos)
Print Screen key      
Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
Process Fields scanner
Project Gutenberg's ebooks      
PVR (personal video recorder)
PVR, data source
PVR, hardware list
PVR-250 cards
PVR-250 cards, remotes
PVR-250 cards, setting up
Python Imaging Library      
QuickTime media format      
realplay program
RealPlayer, installing      
rec -r command      
rec utility (SoX)      
recording sound
recording sound, Audacity
recording sound, rec utility (SoX)
recording sound, terminatorX      
red eye      
red eye, f-spot tool
red eye, GIMP tool
Red Hat Linux      
relay server for streams
remote controls
remote controls, for XMMS
remote controls, LIRC      2nd 3rd
remote controls, setting up for MythTV      
resolution, monitor and TV display
resolution, resized videos
resolution, video converted from MPEG to Archos-compatible
resolution, video resizing with transcode      2nd 3rd
restart commands (Asterisk)
restricted media formats
rgb.txt file
Rhythmbox      2nd 3rd
Rhythmbox, main window
Rhythmbox, playlists
Rhythmbox, playlists, displayed in source area      
ripping CDs
ripping CDs, automating with Grip      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
ripping CDs, from Konqueror      
ripping DVDs      
ripping DVDs, acidrip tuility (menocider frontend)      2nd 3rd
ripping DVDs, K3b      2nd
ripping DVDs, mplayer
ripping tracks from CDs      
ripping tracks from CDs, MP3s      
ripping tracks from CDs, MP3s, using command line      
ripping tracks from CDs, MP3s, using Konqueror      
root flag for screen captures      
rotating images
rotating images, Gthumb program
rotating video before playback      
RPM packages for LinEAK
rsync command      2nd 3rd
saa7134 module
sample rate
scaling images
scaling images, full screen video in mplayer
1 2 3 4 5
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