Improve Web Design and Delivery with this Useful Programming Language!
Make your Web design and development more potent by using Cascading Style Sheets to define and deliver your pages. Attach CSS to structured documents to influence presentation without adding new HTML tags or sacrificing device independence. Build cohesive pages from multiple sources using CSS ordering to help eliminate conflicts. Structure and offer consistent content using STYLE attributes of individual element tags, LINK elements, and imported style sheets. Let this Programmer's Reference be a tool for quick and accurate access to CSS 2.0 specifics, and realize the Web's ideal of separating presentation and content.
Design and deploy CSS effectively with this concise reference
Utilize the most direct means of presenting Web content as you intend it to be viewed
Understand the properties and values of CSS, including visual, paged, and aural media styles, plus selectors, pseudo-elements, pseudo-classes, at-rules, and more.